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Topic: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions
Started by: The8thKing
Started on: 2/6/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 2/6/2003 at 2:17pm, The8thKing wrote:
A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

Hi All,

I have a couple of questions regarding little fears...
(great book btw, shame my access to independent rpg's is somewhat limited in sunny old England). Just humour me if the answers to these seem a little obvious.

Firstly, If 'Little Jimmy' reduces his feet score to 1 in character creation, is it still possible for him to succeed in a quiz? (last time i checked you couldnt roll Under 1 on a d6) If 'little Jimmy' could succeed by rolling a 1, wouldnt an opponent in a test roll always succeed their roll? Or would they require a 2 or above?

Secondly, on the character sheet, what are the square boxes under 'innocence' for? At first I thought that they might be 'tempory innocence' but I don't recall reading anything to do with that in the book. It seemed to me that once innocence was lost, it was gone for good.


Message 5085#50844

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On 2/6/2003 at 7:41pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

Oh no! The 8th King has found me! He's probably wondering why he's not in the book... ;)

1) Firstly, If 'Little Jimmy' reduces his feet score to 1 in character creation, is it still possible for him to succeed in a quiz? (last time i checked you couldnt roll Under 1 on a d6) If 'little Jimmy' could succeed by rolling a 1, wouldnt an opponent in a test roll always succeed their roll? Or would they require a 2 or above?

By the law of the book, you are correct. Having a one makes the character a feeb.

2) Secondly, on the character sheet, what are the square boxes under 'innocence' for?

See page 53 under the heading "The Loss of Innocence." You check those off when Belief Magic fails.

Message 5085#50933

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On 2/7/2003 at 7:24am, The8thKing wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

I represent the worst sin of man, Dorkiness. I love to drain the little ones of their credibility and popularity within todays culture.
But yeah, the other kings pick on me so its probably why I'm not in the book. ;)

Thanks Jason for clearing that up.

I can't wait to tell my players that they'll fail at everything if they have a stat of 1. Of course I'll probably tell them after they make their characters. And I do remember reading about innocence lost; thanks for humouring me anyway.


Message 5085#51026

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On 2/7/2003 at 4:11pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

>>I can't wait to tell my players that they'll fail at everything if they have a stat of 1.<<

Really, what they'll have to do is figure out a way to work around their "handicap." Kids with Smarts of 1 tend to hit things if they can't figure it out; just as kids with Feet of 1 will have to think of a way to get around something that involves a trait other than agility or speed.

A player with a Stat of 1 won't fail at _everything_ just at those things that have the least bit of challenge to them (which is why they would have to roll in the first place). It's the risk they run and, frankly, I'm cool with that.

Message 5085#51067

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On 2/7/2003 at 10:36pm, Little_Rat wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

The8thKing wrote: I represent the worst sin of man, Dorkiness. I love to drain the little ones of their credibility and popularity within todays culture.
But yeah, the other kings pick on me so its probably why I'm not in the book. ;)

So you were the evil closet monster I can blame for my childhood traumas....

Message 5085#51164

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On 2/8/2003 at 7:23am, Comte wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

No no no that's why the white people die in the horror movies, you grab a shot gun and shoot BEFORE you ask. I mean half of all horror movies could be solved by either A.) Walking away or B.) Burning down any obviously cinimatic place to hold a scary event. Every minut you say hey you caused all my trauma is another which he can grab something and kill you.

Take sleepyhollow for instance, imeadiatly upon enting the town I would of burnt down that windmill, hacked down that tree, crucified anyone vaugly whitch like, and I would have had shifts of preists out there blessing everyone and everything.

Unfortunatly I was stupid enought to tell this to my players before a call of the Cthullu game.

Message 5085#51209

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On 2/10/2003 at 7:35am, The8thKing wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

So you were the evil closet monster I can blame for my childhood traumas....
Nah, I just place the seed... its the adults that grow into true dorks. Whilst 13 year olds become blind to everything else, my influence spreads into adulthood... :)

Oh, and about the burning/destruction thing. I don't have to tell my players to do that kind of thing. You can bet no matter what genre, cyberpunk, gothic, horror or fantasy they would systematically destroy any place that could remotely lead to any story hooks etc.

There is no need to fear

Message 5085#51401

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On 2/11/2003 at 7:55am, Comte wrote:
RE: A Few Basic Little Fears Questions

Well that whole destruction thing worked out nicely for them till I got tired of it and threw them in jail. You wouldn't beleive the number of story arc's you can do in a prison setting. It is really quite amazeing almost makes me want to write a source book. Ah well

Message 5085#51579

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