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Topic: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!
Started by: Clinton R. Nixon
Started on: 2/6/2003
Board: CRN Games

On 2/6/2003 at 11:28pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

I'd like to announce that the first Donjon supplement, the Donjon Bestiary, will be available within the next week or two, so save up those nickels. For $5, the Bestiary will contain example humans to use as antagonists or pick-up characters, and a load of nasty creatures. The full list:

Demon Slayer
Tribal Warrior

Death Jester
Death Knight
Beast Demon
Hawk Demon
Hunter Demon
Demon Arcanist
Stone Giant
Gem Giant
Black Orc
Living Ooze
Sea Dragon
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Wizard
Dragon King

That's 41 antagonists for your game, plus tips on creating great monsters for Donjon! Look for it in the next 10 or so days.

Message 5097#50979

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On 2/6/2003 at 11:34pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

One thing I forgot to mention: every single beast except the Zombie has art, both in color and B&W - you'll get to download both versions, one for looking at, and one for printing on B&W printers.

Message 5097#50981

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/7/2003 at 12:04am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Hell yes. I do believe I will be scoring this groovy thing. come no zombie art?

Message 5097#50987

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On 2/7/2003 at 12:10am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

To tell the truth, I purchased a collection of crazy-looking fantasy art to make this collection. (Each of the monsters listed comes from this art - I used inspiration instead of logic for the content.) However, I wrote up a really bad-ass zombie, then realized I had no art for him. He's too good not to go in, though.

Message 5097#50988

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/13/2003 at 8:15pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

The new Donjon Pak is now on sale for $5! Drop by the new Anvilwerks Store and pick it up!

I'm pretty happy with this one, folks.

Message 5097#52025

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/13/2003 at 9:52pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: The new Donjon Pak is now on sale for $5! Drop by the new Anvilwerks Store and pick it up!

I'm pretty happy with this one, folks.

Awesome! Just one question - does it include the Donjon Master's screen you mentioned here: or is that a separate thing?

Message 5097#52054

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On 2/13/2003 at 9:54pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!


The Donjon Master's Screen will be a separate download coming in the next week, and will be completely free, which is exciting for all.


Message 5097#52055

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/13/2003 at 10:51pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

I just snagged it. COOL!

Now With More Zombie!

Message 5097#52072

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On 2/14/2003 at 1:40am, John Harper wrote:
mmmmm... brains...

I just finished my first read-through of the Donjon Pak. Excellent work, Clinton. The Death Jester kicks ass. And you were right about the demons -- they're going to be very useful in my Donjon-ized Buffy series.

Oh, and thanks for all the credits! You rock.

Message 5097#52099

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On 2/14/2003 at 5:02am, Bailywolf wrote:
Re: mmmmm... brains...

Feng wrote: I just finished my first read-through of the Donjon Pak. Excellent work, Clinton. The Death Jester kicks ass. And you were right about the demons -- they're going to be very useful in my Donjon-ized Buffy series.

Oh, and thanks for all the credits! You rock.

Donjon Buffy??????

You rule man. Seriously. Rule.

Message 5097#52114

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On 2/14/2003 at 4:43pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!


You have no idea how much John rules. He sent me a new, much improved cover for the Pak last night, which I've updated. If anyone's downloaded the new supplement already, you might want to download it again. (Check out the Anvilwerks Store to see the new cover.)

Message 5097#52150

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On 2/14/2003 at 4:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Hi Clinton,

Maybe I'm just 'tupid, but I can't find a Buy link for the Pak. Can you post it here?


Message 5097#52151

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On 2/14/2003 at 4:50pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!


Sure thing - you can buy it from the new Anvilwerks Store. I should probably make that more apparent on the Donjon page.

Message 5097#52152

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On 2/15/2003 at 4:49am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

I just ordered my copy of the suppliment, plus Paladin!

Message 5097#52251

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On 2/15/2003 at 3:12pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Got it. It's good. It's the way it should have been all those years ago.

Message 5097#52271

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On 2/18/2003 at 6:53pm, sben wrote:

I agree that the zombie cover rocks muchly. However. I'm printing the book out, and I'm a little leery of printing the cover -- it looks like it'll be a big ink bomb. Have you given any thought to providing an alternate (lower-ink-usage) cover? (If not, cool; I realize that it may not be worth the expense or time....)

Message 5097#52705

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On 2/19/2003 at 3:29am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Clinton, if you need a simple inked zombie for the cover I hereby donate my services.

Message 5097#52794

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On 2/19/2003 at 3:39am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

S. Ben,

I could knock out a cover for you - hold on.

Message 5097#52799

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/19/2003 at 1:55pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: S. Ben,

I could knock out a cover for you - hold on.

I wanted to check out the new cover but the link isn't working for me.

Message 5097#52848

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On 2/19/2003 at 3:59pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!


Thanks. I screwed up the filename the first time. It should work now.

Message 5097#52871

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated CRN Games
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On 2/19/2003 at 5:14pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Looks great!

Thank you.

Message 5097#52887

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On 2/19/2003 at 5:15pm, sben wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: S. Ben,

I could knock out a cover for you - hold on.

Perfect. Thanks muchly.

Message 5097#52888

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On 2/19/2003 at 9:40pm, Wulf wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

Clinton R. Nixon wrote: The Donjon Master's Screen will be a separate download coming in the next week, and will be completely free, which is exciting for all.

Will this be ready by Friday? I'm running a Donjon game Saturday, and lots of Pretty Things will help. My players are unconvinced by home-printed PDFs, they're spoiled by Buffy...


Message 5097#52937

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On 3/1/2003 at 3:35am, anonymouse wrote:

Er. does not seem to be including any "second version" of your books, Mr. Nixon, including the Bestiary; I also picked up Donjon and Paladin a couple of days ago, and if they were supposed to have alternate "look-at" and "print-out" versions.. they did not. Just one file in the .zip archive.

Message 5097#54191

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On 3/31/2003 at 4:52pm, Chris Kucsera wrote:
RE: Donjon Pak B1: Men of Steel and Beasts of Terror!

I just purchased Donjon Pak B1 this weekend. Nice job, Clinton. However, where are the chicks in chainmail bikinis? They always seemed to be de rigueur for this genre (just think about all the Vallejo-esque Dragon Magazine covers).


PS Any news on the Donjon Master's Screen?

Message 5097#58424

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