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Topic: Little Fears based short story
Started by: Dios-Flakk
Started on: 2/11/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 2/11/2003 at 3:02am, Dios-Flakk wrote:
Little Fears based short story

Heya again, its Richard here

I recently completed a short story based off of our faaaaaaav game Little Fears (why else would I be here yammering?)

If all is working well, you can get it below


P.S Feel free to email me with your comments (bad/good/monkeydoodle)
However, I get lots of junkmail, so PLEASE put the subject as THEY DONT EXIST......thanks!

Message 5149#51542

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...started by Dios-Flakk which Dios-Flakk participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 2/11/2003

On 2/12/2003 at 3:25am, Dios-Flakk wrote:
Oh fiddlesticks

Nobody's read my story! (or at least commented on how they thought it was)

Oh well....

*takes another shot*


Message 5149#51735

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...from around 2/12/2003

On 2/12/2003 at 3:54pm, saint ash wrote:
RE: Little Fears based short story

I read it... i liked it too... more ideas for my campains... hahahaha.
so did the other children in your campain figure out what was going on?

Message 5149#51796

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On 2/12/2003 at 8:53pm, Dios-Flakk wrote:

Well.....technically the other kids in this campaign never found out because I never ran it!:D

I just wrote the story (for English as well) and put together this little story. I was thinking about doing a campaign along these lines.

I had an idea for one a while ago, so I guess I'll write it down here for anyone. (Plus, im gonna write a story off of it)

Okay here goes

BACKGROUND: This story takes place in a small school with only a few hundred students or so. The grades are K,1,2,3,4, and 5. The janitor, one Mr. Wilson, is a kind old man who is very nice to the children. When a toy is lost, he displays it in a cabinet for the owner to pick up and take back home. The kids love him so much, that they have never tried to steal someone elses toy in this way. But a few days ago, he failed to show up for work. Police went to his house to find him at the bottom of his stairs with a broken neck. Needless to say, the children were crushed at this, and the school hired his replacement: Mr. Drim. The instant he was introduced at a schoolwide assembly, the chldren were scared of him. Middle-aged, slick black hair, a toothy scowl, and a hooked nose. But he isn't really what he seems.....

It started with him taking kids toys out of sheer pleasure.
Recently, (within a week or two) students have begun to disappear. The adults and authority (with their lack of Innocence) figure it as some prowler abducting kids and taking them away. For real though, Mr. Drim takes a child when they have some reason to be with him, and takes them into his office. His office has a locker against the wall, that opens to reveal a hole in the plaster of the wall, leading downstairs to the old underground swimming pools the school owned, before they had to close it down due to a fitting reason.
Mr. Drim takes the children down there, tortures, violates, and eventually mangles their bodies to display on a gruesome altar to (you guessed it) Lamashtu - King of Wrath.

HOOK: A way to get the characters involved is one of many.
1) A player (or NPC) is taken by the janitor after school, and the players have to find a way to get police down there ("But the pools aren't in use anymore, you can't get down there"). If it is a player who is captured, then they can have chances to escape/battle him and try to get someone to help.

2) A friend of one of the players is told to go to Mr. Drim after school and disappears. Ensue a quest to get to him/her before the are sacrificed to the Kings.

3) ALL of the players are abducted (and if they arent friends its even better) because they have to learn to work together to escape and get help.

4) The players stumble upon the hidden sacrificial area, and are seen by Mr. Drim. They escape but noone believes them and they are forced to go back to the "safety" of school. All of a sudden, taking the attendance down or going to the washroom alone is a very bad idea.

5) A players toy is taken from them by Mr. Drim and you break into his office after hours to get it (nice way to add in some hidden Hand-me-downs), this in turn, becomes #4

RESOLUTION: There are probably alot of outcomes to this scenario.
1)Janitor is caught, jailed and the bodies are found.

2)Players save community and the Kings now target them for revenge

3)The players are sacrificed to Lamashtu, and end up in Closetland (another campaign??)

4)The janitor is taken out of the picutre.....and replaced by an even WORSE one, be him infected by Clostetland or not

As you can see, this could go many different ways, and if you DO happen to play this campaign, post up how it goes because I haven't been able to run it yet, and would like to see if is works!

Have fun, and good gaming.

Message 5149#51872

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...started by Dios-Flakk which Dios-Flakk participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 2/12/2003

On 2/13/2003 at 11:35pm, Dios-Flakk wrote:

kk it changed AGAIN

here goes

Message 5149#52080

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...from around 2/13/2003

On 2/18/2003 at 3:04am, Dios-Flakk wrote:


Im sorry everyone (who cares)
but the webstie i hosted on is down! You cant download my story at all, BUT if you ask, I'll email it to you!


- Richard

Message 5149#52589

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...started by Dios-Flakk which Dios-Flakk participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 2/18/2003