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Topic: Faster, Better, Cheaper is Back!
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 2/14/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/14/2003 at 7:14pm, xiombarg wrote:
Faster, Better, Cheaper is Back!

As a break (and to clear my palete, as it were) from Unsung, I finally incorporated Mike's playtest comments into Faster, Better, Cheaper.

Everyone, new and old, please check it out and let me know what you think:

For those that remember the old version, I added a game-mechanical effect for Faster, made the overall system slightly more Pool-like, and cleared up a few points, including how to handle PC vs. PC conflict and GMC vs. GMC conflict.

Message 5207#52186

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On 2/15/2003 at 4:59am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Faster, Better, Cheaper is Back!


I finally got to read through your game. Excellent! A great example of a game based on a simple "truthism".

I'm particularly impressed with some of your discussion of how and when things should happen. Reading it made me think about my own games and how that I take so much for granted, such as how much detail a player should give prior to a die roll (speaking of both The Pool and TQB). Since I'm still working on a full write-up of TQB, this will provide some food-for-thought.

Very cool.

Message 5207#52254

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...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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On 2/15/2003 at 3:31pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Faster, Better, Cheaper is Back!

Thank you!

James V. West wrote: I'm particularly impressed with some of your discussion of how and when things should happen. Reading it made me think about my own games and how that I take so much for granted, such as how much detail a player should give prior to a die roll (speaking of both The Pool and TQB). Since I'm still working on a full write-up of TQB, this will provide some food-for-thought.
It's interesting that you should mention that, because the original Faster, Better, Cheaper was heavily influenced by a "Fortune in the Middle" discussion quite some time ago that came about, largely, due to The Pool. I realized during the discussion I hadn't understood Fortune-in-the-Middle, as implied by The Pool and sorta by Sorcerer, and so when I wrote a game using it, I wanted to be extra-clear on how it worked, as most gamers are used to the "roll to hit -- hit" style of Fortune.

Message 5207#52272

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...started by xiombarg which xiombarg participated Indie Game Design
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On 2/15/2003 at 4:05pm, James V. West wrote:
RE: Faster, Better, Cheaper is Back!

xiombarg wrote: It's interesting that you should mention that, because the original Faster, Better, Cheaper was heavily influenced by a "Fortune in the Middle" discussion quite some time ago that came about, largely, due to The Pool. I realized during the discussion I hadn't understood Fortune-in-the-Middle, as implied by The Pool and sorta by Sorcerer, and so when I wrote a game using it, I wanted to be extra-clear on how it worked, as most gamers are used to the "roll to hit -- hit" style of Fortune.

You wouldn't happen to know where that thread is, would you? I may not have seen it.

Message 5207#52274

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by James V. West which James V. West participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 2/15/2003