The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Dread] Questions about spells
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 2/14/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 2/14/2003 at 10:22pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
[Dread] Questions about spells

Hi there,

After a couple of sessions of Dread, here are some nit-picky spell questions that cropped up during play.

CASTIGATE: if the first roll is failed, are the demon and spellcaster still "locked together" for three rounds for two more tries? Or does this only apply if the first roll is a success?

HEMOPHAGE: seems like a fairly ineffective spell considering that it does only a few points of damage total. I couldn't see any reason for its victim simply to ignore it. Also, if the spellcaster only hits the target number rather than exceeding it, does it do 0 damage?


Message 5212#52219

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On 2/21/2003 at 4:41am, rafael wrote:
RE: [Dread] Questions about spells

Hey, Ron!

Wow, I can't believe you're playing my game. Holy damn. Let me get a shot of something strong, and I'll be right back.


Right, then. Let's do this.

#1, Castigate: If you fail the first roll. Then, you have two more chances to strike the demon. But you have to actually hit it. So if the first roll is failed, the demon can just walk away, no problem. You actually have to strike the demon for the spell to work. When it does work, it's instantaneous. But if three rounds elapse, and you've yet to make physical contact with the demon, the opportunity has passed, and you've got to cast the spell again to try once more.

Now, if you make the first roll, and you hit it, but you fail the second roll, then you take 5 points of damage, and you have to actually touch the demon again next round to cast the spell successfully. Basically, you have to make both rolls successfully, and you only get 3 chances. Once they're up, you have to cast the spell again.

Jesus, I hope that made sense.

#2, Hemophage: Yes, if the spellcaster hits the target number, it inflicts no damage. Here's the thing about Hemophage: it takes damage from the Body score. It's not Injury -- it's the Body score, which for most humans is between 1 and 3. And if the victim's Body score reaches 0, the victim is rendered unconscious. Basically, the massive white leeches crawling over the victim are the icing on the cake -- it's the effect that this spell has on combat that makes it worthwhile. Say you're fighting a badass with a Body score of 3. Even if you only inflict two points of damage, it means that until your opponent's Body score returns to normal (40 minutes later), that two less dice (s)he'll be rolling during combat.

Again, I hope that made sense. Let me know, and god damn, thanks for playing the game. You made my week.

Word is bond,

Message 5212#53144

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...from around 2/21/2003