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Topic: Narrativist Wrestling RPG
Started by: Matt Gwinn
Started on: 8/21/2001
Board: Errant Knight Games

On 8/21/2001 at 10:26pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
Narrativist Wrestling RPG

I just posted my newest game venture. It's call Kayfabe and is a narrativist game about wrestling. It involves all of the behind the scenes intrigue as well as promos, and actual matches. This is not a fighting game! Please check it out and let me know what you all think. Here is the link:

[ This Message was edited by: Eloran on 2001-08-21 18:30 ]

Message 527#4480

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On 8/21/2001 at 11:52pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG


Fantastic! This is how a wrestling game should be done. :smile: I'm not sure of the system (just skimmed it), but you're definitely on the right track.

Message 527#4486

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On 8/21/2001 at 11:58pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG


You know, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one net-based wrestling endeavor, more of an on-line thing with ref'd matches and lots of other stuff. Let me do some past-era digging and see what I can find.


P.S. Gotta have illustrations for this.
P.P.S. What about the Mexican wrestlers?

Message 527#4488

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On 8/22/2001 at 12:07am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

Thanks for checkin it our guys.
As far as mexican wrestlers go I'm all for it. As the games stands there's nothing stopping someone from making a Luchador. Just take Luchador as a style asset and maybe discriminated against as a flaw. The Asset and Flaw lists are far from complete. I don't want to limit players with a list to choose from. I'd rather they say what they want their character to be like and work it out from there.

Anything else you guys think might make the game better?
Moose has suggested making it without a game master (Booker), but I'm not sure how that would work.


Message 527#4489

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On 8/22/2001 at 12:57pm, FilthySuperman wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

I know it's been done to varying degrees (extensively) but this would make one helluva a PBEM. There's hundreds of thousands of people out there playing E-Feds, alot of which PBEM. This however, may very well be the first endeavor I've seen that might appeal to traditional roleplayers.
In lui of that suggestion, it would also be a fun game to do the WebRPG/NetRPG/GRIP thing with too. You could make some .PDF files for distribution, require players to each submit a character sheet then form up Feds as opposed to Campaigns. You could give extra credit for rants emailed to the group and then players could vie and jockey for "live" interviews during the game. Format each session like a "TV show". Hell if you (or any "booker") has time you could run bi-weekly sessions online. Players that show up get the matches (those of us with kids/wives/husbands/jobs who couldn't show up would make great Jobbers :razz: ) I would be Sooooo down to play a REAL online wrestling game for ROLEPLAYERS.

Well that's my two cents.. when do I get my shot at the cruiserweight belt?

The Filthy Champion

p.s. Did I mention this is an awesome idea?

Message 527#4506

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On 8/22/2001 at 1:01pm, FilthySuperman wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

two more cents...

Why have just "a booker"
Why not give the "GM" the true Vince McMahon role?
It'd be a fun aside from the storyteller games where the GM merely helps the action along. Especially for those of us who (although we love narrative to death) wouldn't mind spending a few hours in the shoes of Ye Olde "GM = GOD" role.
The "Owner" could arbitrate everything. He could even request wrestlers lose, then if the wrestler does, he gets more "insider" clout, where as if he goes against the grain and tries to win (and succeeds) he get's more "fan" clout.

Oh well.. I'm sort of just ranting, but I love this idea.


Message 527#4507

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On 8/22/2001 at 4:39pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

I'll second that notion. Great idea!!! I've been having a hard time getting a RPG group together, most of my friends aren't that interested in RPGing. I have found that they'll play cool games though, "Grave Robbers from Outer Space" is becoming a regular hang out activity now. Why? Cuz they all love B-Movies.

What else do they love?

I think I've found the RPG that will get them interested!

Message 527#4532

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On 8/22/2001 at 4:57pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

I've just updated the rules and I think things are a little more clear. the game seriously needs to be playtested though so I know how fats Heat will go up and down and whether or not I made Feud Longevity long enough (Feud Longevity is new and replaces Match Heat).

I don't think I will change anything else until it's playtested, but I'll add some stuff over the next few days including:

•More Assets and Flaws,
•A move list to aid in narration and picking of trademark
moves and finishers
•Possibly a strategy section
•Sample wrestlers
•A sample match

Any other suggestions are always welcome.


Message 527#4534

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On 8/22/2001 at 7:01pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

Could you also put up a link with a .doc or .pdf with all the text in one file? Not to whine, but it's a hell of a lot easier to print off that way. 'Specially if you're going to be updating a few times over the next week or two...

I'll even distill a .pdf for you if you need.

Message 527#4544

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On 8/22/2001 at 8:29pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

I'll do that tommorrow. I should probably lay it all out in pagemaker anyway. I did most of it directly to html.

Message 527#4551

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On 8/23/2001 at 7:22pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

The PDF version is now online at my site. Feel free to download it.

From here on it will be the most complete and up to date version of the game.

Playtest it for me and have fun!

Message 527#4611

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On 8/23/2001 at 9:09pm, Doc Midnight wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

Ron, knowing I have a "slight yen" for the world of wrestling sent me your link.

It's awesome!!

My question is this...

What about players who'd want to play the part of a manager?
They tend to have less archetypes than wrestlers but can still be great characters.

A lot of the traits you listed could be used for them too.

My group is gonna get a taste of this one very soon.

Doc Midnight

Message 527#4615

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On 8/24/2001 at 4:21pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

Well, I ran through a match last night and realized a fwe problems with my match and heat progression system. I stayed up late and worked all morning trying to fix it and I think I have. if you intent to play the game over the weekend make sure you download the most recent version from my web site sometime this afternoon. I may add a few things betwen now and 4:30pm (ET), but the game should be fully playable now.

and Ron, I put in some Luchador assets.


Message 527#4647

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On 8/27/2001 at 5:38pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Narrativist Wrestling RPG

Well some guys over at RPGnet playtested Kayfabe last night.

They discovered a few problems with the system, but I think I fixed them. It was suggested that I require players to roll 8 or higher on d10s instead of rolling 6s on d6s. I don't intend to make changes that drastic until more playtesting results com in.

They apparenty had a lot of fun though, so that's a good sign.

There is a new PDF version online now so keep check back at my site.


Message 527#4722

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