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Topic: Barbarians of Lemuria
Started by: Simon W
Started on: 2/25/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/25/2003 at 12:06am, Simon W wrote:
Barbarians of Lemuria

Hi. I'm totally new to all of this, although I have been watching the posts and getting new role-playing ideas from many of you - mainly some of the GM-less rules and so on. Thanks guys.
Anyhow, I have written tons of rules in the past and a couple of them were published some years back in Valkyrie magazine (Babewatch the RPG and Lashings of Ginger Beer the RPG). I,ve decided to publish these on the web and to this end have just made a very amateurish attempt and setting up my own website to eventually put all of my games there.
Anyhow, Barbarians of Lemuria is the one I plan to get finished first (it is finished on paper - but I need to get it typed up. Have a look at the premise for the game.
Anyhow, when I have more or when I need some ideas i'll be back.

Message 5337#53615

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On 2/25/2003 at 12:12am, Jasper wrote:
RE: Barbarians of Lemuria

I will look at the rules in more depth when I have some time, but one suggestion: the text on all the pages but the WWII game's is hard ot read because of the textured background -- I would change it.

Message 5337#53617

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On 2/25/2003 at 1:39am, Simon W wrote:
RE: Barbarians of Lemuria

Thanks for that. I'll look at it again. As I said, this is my first attempt at anything remotely technical on here or anywhere! It will improve, I hope. Anyhow, I will get the rules typed up asap. (I am a one-finger typer!) The address should have been

Message 5337#53630

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On 2/25/2003 at 10:14am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Barbarians of Lemuria

Lashings of Ginger Beer is one of my all-time fave micro-rpg's, well that I've read at least given that I've not played it. But I thought it was cool.

Message 5337#53680

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On 2/25/2003 at 1:09pm, Matt wrote:
RE: Barbarians of Lemuria


good to see those games will be making an appearance on the Web. I have fond memories of the Valkyrie mini-rpgs.

EDIT: Oh, for inspiration for Barbarians of Lemuria, check out Ron's Sorcerer and Sword.


Message 5337#53692

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On 2/25/2003 at 10:43pm, Simon W wrote:
Lashings of Ginger Beer

Hey guys, thanks. I'm glad you remember them.

I've decided to give Lashings of Ginger Beer its own site. Its nowhere near complete yet, but here it is for anyone who might be interested.

Message 5337#53750

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On 2/25/2003 at 10:48pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Lashings of Ginger Beer


Told you I was rubbish at this. Try again.

Message 5337#53753

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