Topic: Universalis Wiki
Started by: Mike Holmes
Started on: 2/28/2003
Board: Universalis
On 2/28/2003 at 7:29pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Universalis Wiki
For those who may not be aware, I am starting a game of Universalis using the innovative Wiki web technology. The game is hosted by the inimitable JB Bell. To get in on the gaming goodness, go to Indie-Netgaming and check it out.
As the game develops, I'll be posting back here with the specific rules, and updates of what's going on with the game.
I'm optimistic so far that it's going to be a blast. Hope to see everyone there.
On 3/13/2003 at 3:24am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
This is going to be great!
Using Wiki seems easy... its just writing really, no more code than replying to one of these Forge messages.
We're getting close to our starting number of players, so, if you're interested in playing, get in touch with Mike Holmes or JB Bell, or make a post on the indie-netgamer Group on Yahoo.
I can't wait to see what happens!
Universalis Wiki
Yahoo Group- indie-netgaming
(edited to correct URLs)
Universalis Rocks!
On 3/15/2003 at 8:20pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Some thought on useful Wiki pages for the Uni game
MainCharacters (named High Importance)
SupportingCast (named Low Importance)
CameoWalkons or BitParts? (no name thugs etc)
Some ideas,
On 3/16/2003 at 5:02am, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
I think I see where you're going with it Bob. Quick reference sorts of pages? That makes sense. I'm sure other ideas will become obvious as play progresses.
I've had the advantage of having already attempted a world creation in a Wiki, so I have some definiter ideas. I'm also just as sure that they'll have to get modified as we get into play.
Just a couple of days till we kick it off. :-)
On 3/16/2003 at 1:44pm, Psycho42 wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Sounds like a great idea, I joined a few minutes ago and look forward to my first Universalis experience.
cheers everybody
On 3/16/2003 at 2:48pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
A couple days!
Did I mention how much I like this game?
Can't wait!
It especially nice that its on a webpage, no having to time getting together or anything!
On 3/16/2003 at 10:08pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Mike Holmes wrote: I think I see where you're going with it Bob. Quick reference sorts of pages? That makes sense. I'm sure other ideas will become obvious as play progresses.
I've had the advantage of having already attempted a world creation in a Wiki, so I have some definiter ideas. I'm also just as sure that they'll have to get modified as we get into play.
Just a couple of days till we kick it off. :-)
Yeah, kind of an organization scheme.
I have my Uni-game index cards sorted that way.
I have the netgame files collected like this too. It makes it quick (especially for new folks) to see Who are the Important characters? What Master Components are in play etc?
Glad you have some experience and some ideas!
Thought I'd throw out my two cents.
Keeping things organized enough so that people (old and new) can keep up with what is happening and what is changing will be important. I don't think it will be too hard!
On 3/18/2003 at 8:42pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
I don't do waiting well.
The game is afoot!
I've even abused my position as moderator to post my first Tenet before anyone else can. Come on over, and start posting to the TenetSet page. Remember Charter Members that you're starting with 15 Coins.
It seems that a couple of Charter Members have not registered yet. Please do so, and get with it.
For those who want to take a peek at this thing in it's infancy, just come to
If you want to go directly to the action in the TenetSet use this link:
We'll be accepting new members as soon as normal play begins.
Edited twice to fix links.
On 3/19/2003 at 1:32am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Yea! It has begun!
My Tenet is posted!
On 3/19/2003 at 2:05am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Goldarn Wiki crap. You people don't seem to realize it took me a year to figure out the ins and outs of PHP for crissake. I can't figure out anything on that Wiki board...not to mention I can't remember my user name and password.
What a maroon...
On 3/19/2003 at 3:40pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
For those who may have problems with Wiki, or just want to check it out, here's a like to a page called One Minute Wiki. That should get you going quickly.
If anyone has questions, concerns or comments about the Wiki format, or the layout of the website (which is evolving as I write) please mail me here or at: I'll be glad to talk about it.
Contact JB Bell here or at the site for problems with registration. :-)
On 4/1/2003 at 5:20pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Tenets are done and normal play is about to begin!
On 4/14/2003 at 9:26pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Beat me too it Mike!
I was looking at the Tenets last night thinking ,"We should bring in elements of the Forbes takeover soon."
Logged in, and there they are!
The question is "What's in the box?"
Fun stuff,
Stop by and join in folks!
On 4/19/2003 at 12:42am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Rolled on the Dare Complication
What an evil complication, I love it!
On 4/24/2003 at 3:32am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Finally posted on the complication, Mike
sorry about the delay
On 5/1/2003 at 8:26pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
is the Universalis Wiki site down, or is it my 'puter?
Bob McNamee
On 5/1/2003 at 8:48pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Seems to just be you, Bob. I'm having no troubles.
On 5/2/2003 at 12:46am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
I keep getting a
dnserror message.
can't find server
Only on web pages related to
tried rebooting ....going up a level or two...dumping my temp files...rebooting by cable modem & router
so far I keep getting the same message.
On 5/2/2003 at 11:19am, dragongrace wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
I'm getting the same message, Bob. Started Yesterday and is still down for me today. I think the Penikese youth broke it, (delinquents!).
On 5/2/2003 at 7:44pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Me too, now. I'm trying to contact JB.
On 6/6/2003 at 7:48pm, hix wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
I just registered over at the game and added colour to the Shipwreck Scene. Did I breach etiquette by not announcing myself first?
On 6/6/2003 at 7:57pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Not at all. However, I ought to have posted here that the Wiki games are defunct. We discovered some structural problems with participation (which you may have noticed), and decided to start over. This was annonced on the Indie Netgaming list, but I forgot to reiterate it here. Apollogies for any inconvenience.
That said, this is the perfect place to anounce that this Sunday night at 8:00 PM on the Indie Netgaming IRC channel, that we'll be starting anew. It should be about 100 times more fun. :-)
If you join the Indie Netgaming list (see link in sig), you can find details there.
On 6/9/2003 at 9:15pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Well, I think that the meeting was very much a success. I want to thank everyone who came. Bob, Travis, Ed, Josh, Shreyas, and our spectators as well.
The end result of the effort (Tenet play) is a game that we've entitled Byzantine Designs. It's about a fantasy city at the center of it's world, a place where subtle magics keep a decadent family in control. I look very forward to getting started.
Everything is in place, I think. The new format should be much cleaner, efficient, and it comes right to your mailbox.
To view the site go to:
To join the mailing list go to:
The mailing list is for chatting and socializing about the game, and will deliver updates on a regular basis (daily or as they happen per your decision when joining).
So, for those already participating, jump right in (I've already bid on the first scene). For those not participating, check it out, and see if you want to join. Like the other Uni/Wiki games, this one is open for people to join. The more the merrier.
Questions can be sent directly to me at
Look forward to seeing you all there!
On 6/9/2003 at 9:34pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Would I be correct in assuming that whatever is supposed to be on the php site has not been updated yet, or am I just demonstrating my inability to navigate new interfaces?
On 6/9/2003 at 9:38pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Valamir wrote: Would I be correct in assuming that whatever is supposed to be on the php site has not been updated yet, or am I just demonstrating my inability to navigate new interfaces?
It's all set to go. You just post below the last line like you were playing in a chat. It was set up only an hour ago, so nobody else has posted to it yet besides myself.
Was there something you were expecting that wasn't there? One of the things people wanted was for it to be stripped down to the bare minimum number of pages.
On 6/9/2003 at 9:42pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Ummm, but I'm not seeing any tenets. It says that the bid for scene 1 is due tomorrow, and above you indicate some City of Magic set-up...
...but I's dont's sees its anywheres.
On 6/9/2003 at 10:12pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Valamir wrote: Ummm, but I'm not seeing any tenets. It says that the bid for scene 1 is due tomorrow, and above you indicate some City of Magic set-up...
...but I's dont's sees its anywheres.
Tenets, yes, Bob who recorded them is still at work. :-)
Some of the details from memory include:
The ruling family has substantial magic which apparently is the source of most of their power. They each rule a portion of the titanic city, and their magical powers grow greater as they get closer in proximity to each other (I think the implication being that two meeting would be catyclysmic which explains their need to stay apart).
The lower classes are disgruntled, but dare not do anything about it. They are sheep to be used for the family members' decadence. These royals plot against each other but do so from afar. They are so jaded that all is a game to them. Nobles (pawns of the family) duel commonly, with none to stop them from shedding each other's blood.
Also in the power structure are the Architects. These are the builders of the city. Their designs are nigh indestructable, so they can make impossibly intrricate buildings. These they build on top of other buildings as they refuse to clear the precious ones. This means that after centuries the city is layer upon layer of artistic designs that make beautiful sense in some places, and none in others. One get's the sense that there's some balance between the Architects, and the Family, but that's to be established yet.
On top of all this is some plot from beyond the city to destabilize it in order to remove it from its central position (which is in no small part due to very special geograhic location as a trade hub).
Does that help? The name is a double entendre, as you might have guessed; designs as buildings, and designs as plots. Sounds like a blast to me, expecially considering the quality of the players involved.
On 6/10/2003 at 1:23am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Tenets are now up!
On 6/22/2003 at 6:13pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Universalis Wiki
Game is running....currently seems to be nearing the end of the first scene.