The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it
Started by: John Harper
Started on: 3/1/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 3/1/2003 at 12:15am, John Harper wrote:
Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it

So, I finally got around to buying and reading Sorcerer today. I know, I know... I have no excuse. I guess I put it off for so long because I knew I wasn't going to be able to fit it into the game schedule. Finally, after reading Donjon and getting to know Clinton Nixon a little bit, I figured I needed to own the damn thing, if only for reference and education.

Anyway, it's a wonderful piece of work. I can see why so many people love it. I'm looking forward to running it someday.

The reason I'm writing is I've been working on a novel, on and off (mostly off), for the past year or so. The setting, and characters, and themes of this story are very similar to those in Sorcerer, right down to the "personal demon" stuff. I realize that these ideas are hardly unique to the rpg, but even so, there's a strange kind of correspondence between my story and the style of the rpg.

So, I thought that you guys might get a kick out of seeing the novel in progress (only 3 chapters are finished, so it's a light read) and it might give you some inspiration for an alternate setting for your Sorcerer games.

You can read the story (called Coil) on my website:

Just click on Words then follow the links to the three finished chapters.

And if anyone has feedback or comments about Coil and how it relates to Sorcerer, I'd love to hear them.

Message 5399#54176

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...started by John Harper which John Harper participated Adept Press
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...from around 3/1/2003

On 3/1/2003 at 1:00am, Nev the Deranged wrote:

I've read chapter one and plan to finish as soon as I've had a bite to eat. I love it! I know the private eye in a gothic-noir setting has been done before, but I never got around to reading any of them. Maybe I will now =>

At any rate, Coil is pretty damn cool. The whole Neversea idea reminded me of Mills & Ledroit's Requiem featured in Heavy Metal, which anyone should check out because it kicks.

Keep up the good work on Coil! I'll add it to RavenBlack's Revelations and Brian Clevinger's Nuklear Age as books I plan to buy from people I know online but am too poor to afford now =>

Message 5399#54181

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On 3/1/2003 at 1:57am, Nev the Deranged wrote:

ACK! Too short! Must have more! You write more real soon now, Snargle no send bullies to break you legs, yes?

Message 5399#54184

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On 3/1/2003 at 3:53am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it

Hi John,

Hey, this is good. I especially like the way that you don't take time out to explain the situation (city, etc) as an aside, which is a common technique that I can't stand. We just hop in, get a reference or two when necessary, and the hero makes at least two character-revealing decisions in the first chapter.

I'll be linking to this on the Sorcerer site, you betcha.


Message 5399#54194

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On 3/1/2003 at 8:09am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it

Ron Edwards wrote: I'll be linking to this on the Sorcerer site, you betcha.

Wow. Thanks, Ron. I'm glad you like it. A link would be super groovy. You can link to the main Coil page, here:

And thanks for the encouraging words, Nev. I have a few friends that are reading it, too, and they're bugging me to get off my butt and finish the next chapter. Knowing that there are people looking forward to it really helps motivate me.

Message 5399#54209

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On 3/1/2003 at 10:09am, DaR wrote:
RE: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it

Feng wrote: And thanks for the encouraging words, Nev. I have a few friends that are reading it, too, and they're bugging me to get off my butt and finish the next chapter. Knowing that there are people looking forward to it really helps motivate me.

Well, if that's all it takes....

Seriously, this is good stuff. Reminds me a lot of Glen Cook's Garrett Files, though sufficiently different that no one is going to accuse you of "ripping it off".


Message 5399#54213

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On 3/3/2003 at 10:55pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Coil: I'm writing a Sorcerer novel, and I didn't know it

Thanks, Dan. I'm working on Coil and should have a new chapter (and the end of 3) online soon.

I recently bought one of the Garrett novels (did you recommend these to me at the Shadows playtest game?) and I really like it. Which is no surprise considering what I like to write and how much I enjoyed Cook's other books.

Message 5399#54494

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...from around 3/3/2003