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Topic: Inspectres Suiting Up question
Started by: markb
Started on: 3/2/2003
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 3/2/2003 at 7:49pm, markb wrote:
Inspectres Suiting Up question


This may be a daft question (haven't managed to play yet) - but how does the "Suiting Up" phase work? It looks like the players could just make an inifinite number of technology rolls to get any gear that they want...and what if they roll enough franchise dice to end the mission?

...even if they do get gear, how does it help them in the mission? Or does that just come out as part of the narrative?



Message 5415#54290

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On 3/2/2003 at 8:16pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Re: Inspectres Suiting Up question

markb wrote: Hi,

This may be a daft question (haven't managed to play yet) - but how does the "Suiting Up" phase work? It looks like the players could just make an inifinite number of technology rolls to get any gear that they want...and what if they roll enough franchise dice to end the mission?

...even if they do get gear, how does it help them in the mission? Or does that just come out as part of the narrative?

Hi, Mark.

Gear doesn't contribute to Franchise Dice, so if the player asks if the franchise has an M-16 and rolls a 6, well, there might be a machine gun but he doesn't get Franchise Dice for finding it.

Later, if he used the machine gun to help fight the Big Bad of the mission and he rolls a 6, yes, he would earn some Franchise Dice.

As far as the infinite gear roll question, I've never seen characters do more than get a couple items and then get rolling. Hell, I've seen players roll for gear, roll badly and go out anyway with faulty/crappy equipment...and they LIKE that. :) It just helps the comedic factor...

- J

Message 5415#54298

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On 3/3/2003 at 12:44am, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

What about if player-characters are gear heads that know how to whip up some zany equipment? If they successfully piece something together for the mission I think I'd want to give them franchise dice. Any opinions?

Message 5415#54310

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On 3/3/2003 at 2:00am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

fleetingGlow wrote: What about if player-characters are gear heads that know how to whip up some zany equipment? If they successfully piece something together for the mission I think I'd want to give them franchise dice. Any opinions?

Well, if someone builds a Quantum Lactator* and it sits in the back of the van all night, I'd say no. If they use it, then sure.

- J

* Heh.

Message 5415#54311

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On 3/3/2003 at 7:32pm, markb wrote:
RE: Re: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: Gear doesn't contribute to Franchise Dice, so if the player asks if the franchise has an M-16 and rolls a 6, well, there might be a machine gun but he doesn't get Franchise Dice for finding it.

Later, if he used the machine gun to help fight the Big Bad of the mission and he rolls a 6, yes, he would earn some Franchise Dice.
- J

Ok. That sounds alright - but what does the equipment actually do for them in the mission? Does it give them extra dice, or what? And if not, what's the point (apart from the fun of making it up, which could be the whole point!)



Message 5415#54433

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On 3/3/2003 at 8:08pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Re: Inspectres Suiting Up question

markb wrote: Ok. That sounds alright - but what does the equipment actually do for them in the mission? Does it give them extra dice, or what? And if not, what's the point (apart from the fun of making it up, which could be the whole point!)

Devices don't give you dice. The dice give you devices. What the devices give you is narrative firepower. For example, if we're fighting vampires, you can make a Tech. check to wrangle up some stakes and garlic. Once those facts are established, you can use them during the game.

Using the Job structure as a guidelines...

1. Get the call. "Pale rock n' roll guys dressed in black move in next door? Your daughter is missing? Your cat was found, sans blood?" Contact rolls to talk with the client and get the facts straight (client could be clueless/lying/possessed/misinformed).

2. Research. Interviews and book/web research. Determine what the problem might be and a possible solution. Vampires? Need vampire hunting stuff!

3. Suit up. Equip team with weapons/gear based on research findings. In this case, garlic, holy water, stakes, etc. Note that the agents could be off the mark and all this crap could be useless ("Ooooh. Malaysian vampires, damn.").

4. Fieldwork. Athletics rolls for combat/sneaking/climbing, Tech rolls to use that UV pulse-wave emitter. "Oh, these Malaysian vampires aren't affected by UV. Okay, do we have anything in the truck?" Stress rolls to really turn up the heat.

And so on and so forth...see how it works? One piece of the mission gives you resources to use on the next piece.

- J

Message 5415#54445

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On 3/3/2003 at 8:15pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Re: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: And so on and so forth...see how it works? One piece of the mission gives you resources to use on the next piece.
Okay, but let me get this straight: Only successful rolls during the Fieldwork portion of the game actually give you Franchise dice?

I think I know why my Franchise grew too big, too quickly in the InSpectres game I ran...

Message 5415#54449

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On 3/3/2003 at 9:04pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question


No, that can't be right. Here's what Jared said in another thread:

Jared wrote: [You can earn franchise dice] anytime after the # of required dice is assigned.

Again, this is intentional. If a group wants to play detective, it's a research game. If they want to play a more action-filled game, it's all about fieldwork. One way I've seen it happen is that some of the agents are back at HQ doing research and the other is out in the field (again, see GhostBusters. Venkmen checks out Dana, er, her apartment I mean...while Ray and Egon stay home and read). With InSpectres, it's perfectly reasonable to pull out the "I show up..." move with a Confessional so you're not stuck in the office unless you want to be there.

I think that one of the reasons that my game suffered from franchise dice bloat was because I was giving them out for gear. As I read it now, gear never gives you franchise dice--even if you use it on the mission. There is an exception to this rule however, which applies to wacky mad scienctist type gear that a PC created--but only if it's used during the mission. Is this right?

Message 5415#54466

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On 3/3/2003 at 9:28pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

fleetingGlow wrote: xiombarg,
I think that one of the reasons that my game suffered from franchise dice bloat was because I was giving them out for gear. As I read it now, gear never gives you franchise dice--even if you use it on the mission. There is an exception to this rule however, which applies to wacky mad scienctist type gear that a PC created--but only if it's used during the mission. Is this right?

Wires are getting crossed somewhere.

Here's the straight n' simple:

Gear rolls don't give you Franchise Dice.

Using Gear (and doing anything else) only gets you Franchise Dice if you're furthering the goal of the mission. The goal can be changed but as long as you're contributing to the success of the mission, you're that much closer to completing it.*

*Because InSpectres jobs can flip-flop between various causes/solutions, it wouldn't be fair to have the PCs invest so much time persuing one line of investigation only to have their accumulated Franchise Dice be lost when the mission does the inevitable about-face.

- J

Post-crypt: I am reminded of the Origins game where Ron's character went out for coffee for the team. Yes, I did require him to make a Technology roll to purchase the coffee. Yes, it did come in handy at the end of the mission, though not for its intended purpose. :)

Message 5415#54472

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On 3/3/2003 at 9:41pm, Drew Stevens wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question


Question- how does 'Using the gear in a way that's handy' actually work?

As in, I can understand two ways to read this
A) Put the dice of Gear aside. When a piece of gear comes in handy, add it into the Franchise dice gained.
B) Gear acts as pure flavor. People are encouraged to use Gear in the mission, but it's color.

I think you're saying that A is the way you intended, but that's not terribly clear. At least, to moi. :)

Message 5415#54474

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On 3/3/2003 at 9:51pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

So in your example Jared, did Ron earn Franchise dice for the coffee; and if so, when?

Message 5415#54479

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On 3/3/2003 at 10:20pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Hi there,

Ron did not earn franchise dice for getting the coffee.

People really seem to be having a hard time with this concept, but I don't know why.


Message 5415#54488

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On 3/3/2003 at 10:22pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

This is really simpler than everyone's making it. Basically, if you are doing something that's advancing the plot vis a vis the "problem" you get franchise dice for it. So, no, Ron didn't get dice for making his tech roll to get the coffee. That didn't affect our attempt to deal with the thing in the pool at all.

And, no, I don't want to talk about the rest of the scenario, and what happened to my character in the pool.


Message 5415#54489

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On 3/3/2003 at 10:58pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Mike got naughty in the pool.

Ron got naughty with the coffee.

Neither of which earned Franchise dice.

All of which went on everybody's permanent record.

Message 5415#54495

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On 3/3/2003 at 11:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Jason L Blair wrote: Mike got naughty in the pool.


I (or rather my character) did not "get naughty". Rather the devil squid "got naughty" with my character. Non-consensually, I might add.

All of which was Jared's idea. Jared is the naughty one. I was the traumatized one.

But, um, yeah, no dice for any naughtiness.


Message 5415#54497

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On 3/3/2003 at 11:34pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Drew Stevens wrote: Er.

Question- how does 'Using the gear in a way that's handy' actually work?

As in, I can understand two ways to read this
A) Put the dice of Gear aside. When a piece of gear comes in handy, add it into the Franchise dice gained.
B) Gear acts as pure flavor. People are encouraged to use Gear in the mission, but it's color.

I think you're saying that A is the way you intended, but that's not terribly clear. At least, to moi. :)


I'm gonna try and explain it, again. :)

Roll technology to build/buy/scrounge an item.

Sometimes, the item is pure color (let's say you're creating your franchise and you want a snazzy sign. The Origins group did this and got a so-so result. It was going to be a really nice, "historic district"-looking hand-painted sign but the roll was only so-so. I narrated that the sign was incomplete. The only letters finished so far were I N S. A second later we all remembered that the franchise was based in San Diego, CA. Hilarity ensues.

Other times, the item is "narrative ammo." Ron established the fact that he bought coffee for the guys. Although the coffee didn't help the mission dice-wise (they rolled a 4, I believe), it did have an effect when thrown at the octopus goddess they were fighting.

This is where Drama resolution comes into play. You determine the monster is affected by salt-water, you buy some super-soakers and fill them with brine. Now you have a weapon that will work on the monsters. No salt water, no success at fighting them. See?

Message 5415#54502

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On 3/4/2003 at 7:18pm, markb wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

OK, I think I see how it goes now. Sorry, it was [originally] an innocent question!

Thanks for all the to try it out...



Message 5415#54638

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On 3/4/2003 at 7:32pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

No problem, Mark. Your first three posts...and you post in my forum? I can't complain. :)

- J

Message 5415#54644

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On 3/4/2003 at 9:39pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Inspectres Suiting Up question

Sometimes, the item is pure color (let's say you're creating your franchise and you want a snazzy sign.

Hi Jared, my first experience with Inspectres had a snazzy sign as the reason the media came to interview us...We had a giant pink neon sign that constantly hummed, wailed, and gave cancer to rocks...

In a uppity historical mansion filled neighborhood.

Wait, this is starting to sound like a good location for octaNe...



Message 5415#54680

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