The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Nine Worlds art
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 3/7/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 3/7/2003 at 8:31pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Nine Worlds art

OK, folks, some artwork is coming in, and I can't help but share. It really gets me excited about this game again. Check it out, these pics are amazing:

Nine Worlds art samples page

Big thanks to Chris Martinez and Eric Lofgren for their excellent art!

Message 5486#55245

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On 3/16/2003 at 1:56pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: Nine Worlds art


So, when do we see the game itself, or at least a page devoted to it on your website?

Message 5486#56436

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On 3/16/2003 at 5:22pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Nine Worlds art

I'm working on a website now, off and on. It will incorporate elements of the art. Also, I've really simplified the mechanics -- they had become dizzyingly complicated, from the player's perspective particularly. After getting Avatar-13 into playtest, I'm back to the grind on Nine Worlds. I hope to have a Web site for in a couple weeks. I'll keep posting notes, snippets, and visuals here in the mean time.

Message 5486#56451

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...from around 3/16/2003

On 3/17/2003 at 5:46am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: Nine Worlds art

Also, I've really simplified the mechanics -- they had become dizzyingly complicated, from the player's perspective particularly.

It certainly seemed that way when you originally described them. Good. I agree with Jared that simpler is better. But then, I'm more of an English major than a math major, so I would say that. ;-) So, you were able to playtest it and thin out the rules?

I hope to have a Web site for in a couple weeks. I'll keep posting notes, snippets, and visuals here in the mean time.

I look forward to seeing more.

Message 5486#56526

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...started by Spooky Fanboy which Spooky Fanboy participated Chimera Creative
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/17/2003