The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Innocence for the innocent
Started by: Tor Erickson
Started on: 3/8/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 3/8/2003 at 1:36am, Tor Erickson wrote:
Innocence for the innocent

Hi All,

What kind of an effect have you all found that Innocence and fear have on long-term play (over several sessions)? Do they work at all like Humanity in Sorcerer to escalate the stakes as the game progresses?

Also, it seems like changing Innocence and Fear will direct how you actually role-play your character. How does this seem to play out during the game? I was concerned when I read the effects of Fear that it might limit a character too much as it goes up.

Very curious in California,

Message 5489#55278

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