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Topic: Is it just me, or does TRoS just scream "Dune"?
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 3/9/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/9/2003 at 6:44am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Is it just me, or does TRoS just scream "Dune"?

I can't be the only one here... :)

Seriously, though, as I was making up a character to understand the rules better, I just started having thoughts about Sardaukar, Fremen, the Houses and Assassins, Laser Carbines, Slow Crossbows, Gom Jabbars in Crysknives and Holtzman shields.

Dang. I've already started to do the conversion, and i haven't even finished reading the rules yet.

I don't know what it is about this game, but it was the Spiritual Attributes section that triggered this whole line of thought. I started thinking about other characters in fiction to base my Spiritual Attributes off of, and next thing I know I'm creating a Duncan Idaho-like character (pre-gholas, etc).

Double Dang. 2 hours later and I have the notes for new skill packages, proficiencies, weapons, simple notes on Holtzman shields and even Weirding: TROS magic lends itself to the "Weirding Way" very easily, IMO.

So, before I go any further, has anyone already written out a conversion? I just don't want to reinvent the wheel or anything.

Man. I've had experiences where I've taken a game and, after play, adopted it to my own setting and all, but this is the first time I've thought about such an extensive port on my first reading...


Message 5503#55359

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On 3/9/2003 at 8:03pm, Bomilkar wrote:
RE: Is it just me, or does TRoS just scream "Dune"?

That's a great idea. Just two weeks ago, when I got my own copy of TROS and began reading I had a rather similar feeling. I have been looking for an appropriate rules system since they (we all know who THEY are) decided to trash the Dune RPG after selling those 3000 LUG copies.

What makes TROS so fitting, is, that the combat rules give you that special atmosphere, that there is a lot of strategical thought behind every move the characters make. The rules can be easily converted to encompass courtly intrigue and a conflict of minds as well as physical combat - that posting on Social Combat on this board is absolutely great stuff! Unfortunately, making rules and balancing them out isn't something that I'm very good at.

So, please, tell us some of the ideas, that you came up with!

Message 5503#55372

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On 3/12/2003 at 5:58am, RN3G8 4E wrote:
Me likey

Hmmm... Interesting idea! The only problem I see is you'd have to make up a lot of sideline stuff in the Dune universe for your character to participate in because the novels focus so much on just the characters... Well, I dunno about the newer ones, actually.

Message 5503#55690

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On 3/14/2003 at 11:30pm, Neil wrote:
Dune AND tros

This is too much. I just discovered this site thanks to link on and here is a discussion about TROS (which I aquired this week thinking of using it with an historical RPG idea) been adapted to Dune (which should arrive in the post this weekend). Thanks, as if I did not have enough to think about. Cheers guys! This world is too small.........

Message 5503#56244

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On 3/15/2003 at 4:32am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Re: Dune AND tros

Neil wrote: This is too much. I just discovered this site thanks to link on and here is a discussion about TROS (which I aquired this week thinking of using it with an historical RPG idea) been adapted to Dune (which should arrive in the post this weekend). Thanks, as if I did not have enough to think about. Cheers guys! This world is too small.........

Dune, Star Wars, Song of Ice and Fire, we go through them all here... :-)

Welcome to the forum.


Message 5503#56267

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