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Topic: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?
Started by: RN3G8 4E
Started on: 3/16/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/16/2003 at 7:09am, RN3G8 4E wrote:
What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

The noise of the pleasantly loud tavern flowed all around him, but tonight Jareth couldn't be distracted. If Jadzy was here he could be another step closer towards finding the Riddle by dawn.

The rich aroma of tobacco, the fine smell of cooked beef, the smell of a room full of men who hadn't bathed for weeks, and underneath it all the stink of alcohol. It was intoxicating but vilifying if you weren't participating.

Jareth fought his way to the bar through the wall of huge men and tattooed arms. He ordered a little brandy. He didn’t particularly care for the stuff but he wouldn’t get laughed at for ordering something “weak” and he could take a look at people from the bar without arousing suspicion. He sipped his drink and stared at the barkeeper, wondering if he would point out the man he searched for or if he was have to be persuaded.

A hand tapped his shoulder purposefully. Jareth growled over his shoulder, “Relax, I’m almost done with my drink.”

“I’m not thirsty, outlander,” said a quiet, calm voice. Jareth tried to turn around and look at the shoulder-tapper.

“Mmm, don’t turn around. Not yet. Am I right in guessing that you’re looking for someone?” Jareth nodded, wondering what the back of his head looked like to the stranger. Although he hadn’t seen the man’s face, he felt that he wasn’t going to like him much.

“If I can cut your search short, what would it be worth to you?” Jareth liked the idea of finding his quarry quicker. Although it seldom payed to rush into anything, he considered the offer.

“I don’t have much, stranger,” he countered

The faceless man contemplated. “Are you looking for an employer?”

Jareth shook his head.

“Ah, you are seeking revenge?” he queried hopefully.

Jareth shook his head, again.

After a pause the stranger bent close and whispered, “Then you must seek the Riddle.” Jareth’s jaw clenched. He whirled around and grabbed the man’s throat in one movement, spilling his drink but catching the stranger quite off guard. He was short and nothing particularly stood out about him, except he obviously didn’t have the body of a warrior.

“Easy! Easy, friend,” the stranger croaked. Jareth released his throat and put his arm around the stranger, grabbing a stein for his free hand and deftly sliding a dagger into the hand attached to the arm around the stranger.

“You know what I seek. Then you must know who I seek,” Jareth spoke low and monotone.

“I think my price has gone up,” the stranger said gruffly.

Jareth pushed the knife into his side a little. “I’ll give you 12 srebrnies.”

“Ungh! That’s fair. Now just calm yourself, my hot-blooded friend. Let me look around the room for her.”

Her? “Her? What are you babbling about? I seek Jadzy! Not some woman!” Jareth raised the stein in his hand threateningly.

“I think you may have made a mistake, my friend. It is not Jadzy you seek, but JadziA,” the stranger said, putting an emphasis on the A at the end.

Jareth’s head swirled for a moment. A woman seeking the riddle? Did they do that? In his moment of reverie, his informant quickly but gently slipped out from under his arm. Jareth made to grab him again, but he stepped away, his backed turned to Jareth, and he called out. “Jadzia! An outlander wishes to speak with you! He said he’s pay me 12 srebrnies to introduce you to him!”

Jareth fought against a blush. The stranger was mocking him. The tavern erupted with laughter and all eyes studied him for a moment, then the men turned back to their drinks. Near the huge fireplace at the north end of the room a tall woman stood and yelled back to him. “Andrzej! Bring him here!”

Jareth was relieved. He thought he’d have to hunt for Jadzy for a good part of the night and beg for an audience. “He better have some clink in his pocket. Tell him I get thirsty when meeting strangers,” Jadzia shouted. Jareth paused, not feeling right. First of all, it’s a woman; a strong, tall, amazon woman who definitely looks like she knows how to handle herself. What was she doing in a tavern full of drunken men?

Jareth followed “Andrzej” through the room of long tables and sturdy men. He looked up as he neared the raised fireplace parlor, and Jadzia was standing in the midst of it. She was tall, with short, boyish hair, and wearing pants.

“Hmm… An outlander certainly; a riddle seeker, most likely; a swordsman… maybe,” she sized him up smugly. Jareth clenched a fist, feeling a little daunted but not about to back down to a woman.

Jareth squared his shoulders and decided to be respectful. “I hope you’ll pardon my… intrusion, Jadzia, but-”

As he spoke Jadzia crossed her arms, smirked and interrupted him. “I know why you’re here, outlander. You want me to tell you how you might find the Master of the Riddle.”

She stared at him expectantly. Jareth wasn’t sure what was expected of him but he nodded slowly. She sighed and crossed the parlor to the fireplace. “Why don’t you pay Andrzej, stranger,” she called over a shoulder. As Jareth pulled the coins from his purse and dropped them in the man’s palm, Jareth turned as he heard metal scraping brick. Jadzia was taking down two swords hanging crossed over the mantleplace. Andrzej patted Jareth’s shoulder.

“Good luck, boy,” he whispered, then hustled into the crowd. Jareth warily eyed the swords Jadzia was carrying towards him. He didn’t like the look in her eyes. Jareth began to back away, trying to reach behind and underneath his tabard for a poinard he kept there.

“Jadzia, I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” he tried to stall, as he pulled the poinard free and kept it up his sleeve.

Jadzia tossed one of the swords on the floor before the steps of the parlor “Outlander, pick up that sword and we shall see if you’re worthy of the Riddle.”

Jareth’s eyebrows raised in understanding. A test. “What sort of test is this to be? Strength? Quickness? Technique?” Jareth mused as he hefted the old saber and felt the balance in his hands and arms.

“Life,” Jadzia said flatly.

Jareth didn’t like where this was going.

“If you’re still alive when I’m done with you, you pass the test,” she said as she stepped into an attack stance.

“Wait! I don’t want to- erk!” Jareth blocked her overhead cut and stepped out of her range. “I don’t want to fight you, woman!” Jareth cried. Jadzia immediately stopped.

“Very well,” Jadzia said and immediately stopped fighting.

“Will you tell me how to find Srebrny?” Jareth asked.

“Not until you pass the test,” Jadzia shrugged.

Jareth closed his eyes and sighed. He knew there was a reason he didn’t like women…


This was a fun little short story idea that popped into my head when I was thinking about this the other day... :) Hope it was enjoyable. But I'm interested in what you think about my question in the title.

Message 5588#56416

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On 3/16/2003 at 9:18am, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

Whoa! A very nice read.

My player's would never back down to a fight they might win if they where so clearly challenged, so the player would panically try to find out a way to disable her (disarming would be coolest) while trying to survive.

So to answer your question... You fight.
Alternatively, you might try to use reason, and that persuasion skill, but she doesn't seem like she would listen.

Message 5588#56424

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On 3/16/2003 at 11:44am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

You fight, or you run.

In the case of the Riddle-seeker, I don't think running is an option.

So you fight the best you can, with everything you've got. And if you kill her.. Well, she was trying to kill you, too. Just keep seeking.

Message 5588#56430

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On 3/18/2003 at 5:29am, RN3G8 4E wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

Fight or run- but what if its someone you really don't want to kill? Like a best friend that mistakingly thinks you killed his brother or something... I'm seeing one of those scenes where they are fighting but keep yelling things at one another. Maybe you roll to see if you get through to him/her every other turn or something. Or in the case of the riddle seeker, roll to see if he impresses Jadzia enough... I dunno. Its kind of a fun question to kick around.

Message 5588#56649

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On 3/18/2003 at 5:34am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

RN3G8 4E wrote: Fight or run- but what if its someone you really don't want to kill? Like a best friend that mistakingly thinks you killed his brother or something... I'm seeing one of those scenes where they are fighting but keep yelling things at one another. Maybe you roll to see if you get through to him/her every other turn or something. Or in the case of the riddle seeker, roll to see if he impresses Jadzia enough... I dunno. Its kind of a fun question to kick around.

Plus you can always go for non-lethal attacks, going for the arms to disarm the opponent or the legs to force knockdown etc.

Sure, you might accidentally lop off a limb, or they may bleed to death, but nobody said accidents don't happen when you play with big sharp pieces of metal :-)


Message 5588#56651

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On 3/18/2003 at 8:27am, Jaeger wrote:

One of the things I like about rpg forums is hearing how PC's and GM's in different campaigns do things...

Mokkurkalfe said:
"My player's would never back down to a fight they might win if they where so clearly challenged, so the player would panically try to find out a way to disable her (disarming would be coolest) while trying to survive."

This is in stark contrast to how my playing group generally operates. For example, my current charactor: (ironically named Draeden the Outlander)has a CP of 15 in cut and thrust, has a Reflex of 7, is ambidextorus (CP to 16 on special occasions), with the major gift of accuracy, and a 6 Str, 8 Ag, 5 TO, 6 Wit, 6 Per, 5 will. Your basic combat machine, right??

I've never played him that way...

In the situation described in the first post he would have done the following things in order of first choice to last:

1: Run away. Running away has saved his life before, and will probably save his life again.

2: Have one of his buddies take her out with a bow or throwing knife while her attention is diverted.

3: If numbers's one and two aren't an option, the second the girl said: “Outlander, pick up that sword and we shall see if you’re worthy of the Riddle.” He would immediatly start tossing his own throwing knives at her, hopefully, before she had time to properly react.

4: If there was absolutely, positively, no way he could avoid a stand up fight, he would A: Still try to cheat at the earliest opprotunity. And B: Make damn sure he killed her for her impertinence of making him engage in an activity of physical exertion that didn't involve her bedchamber.

Draeden is far more interested in creating political "change" in his current country of residence, and dispatching his enemies in the easiest manner possible (i.e. hopefully getting someone else to do it). Than he is in finding "glory" in so-called "duels of honor".

Deep down he has a heart of gold though, and he's loyal to his pals... Well, lets not get carried away.

Message 5588#56663

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On 3/18/2003 at 5:48pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

Sounds like a sneaky guy there.

But yeah, it's way different than my players (the bicker and argue, but are suprisingly united when faced with serious opposition).

They do it like this:

1: Ensure that a retreat is possible.
2: Throw everything you have at the enemy.
3: If it doesn't work, retreat, regroup and conduct guerilla warfare.

Though sometimes they skip the first one.

Message 5588#56690

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On 3/18/2003 at 6:31pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

RN3G8 4E wrote: Fight or run- but what if its someone you really don't want to kill? Like a best friend that mistakingly thinks you killed his brother or something... I'm seeing one of those scenes where they are fighting but keep yelling things at one another. Maybe you roll to see if you get through to him/her every other turn or something. Or in the case of the riddle seeker, roll to see if he impresses Jadzia enough... I dunno. Its kind of a fun question to kick around.

Well.. I've done several duels, just for kicks, between my Tiberius and Rattlehead's Julianos. Tiberius has died several times (thus demonstrating the inferiority of the short sword as a straight-dueling weapon) but he's not once killed Jules. Which isn't to say he hasn't won. When he's won, his victories have been total, but he doesn't fight to kill, when he doesn't have to. As a bounty hunter, he tries to bring them back alive, when possible.

The way I do it is this: I fight all out to begin, because I know my opponent is going to do so, and may or may not be a match for me in skill and ability. If that means I kill my opponent, then so be it.. But it's fairly unlikely. My opponent, if smart, will be defending as strongly as he/she is attacking, because they don't want to die, either. When I get a wound finally, it's usually in a painful, debilitating location. I take the moment of shock to put myself in a deliberate position of advantage (knock them down, disarm them, if possible) if I'm able. From there, I make limb strikes, going for pain and shock to further debilitate my opponent without a high risk of deadly injury. I also, in roleplay, give them a chance to yield gracefully, if it fits. (Tiberius gives a chance to suffer no further wounds. Grace and dignity for the bounty aren't his priorities.) Once they've either surrendered, or are too bloodied and battered to continue, I'll take their weapon, and then begin first aid, where necessary.

How's that for an answer?

Message 5588#56700

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On 3/18/2003 at 8:44pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

Actually, I am playing a character who always fights to kill and never lets anyone survive if possible. of course he doesn't ever hurt women or children which makes for interesting conflicts. On a funny note, since hes a mage he tends to do fun stuff with conquer and would have used his immeasurable powers of persuasion to convince her to give him the information he wanted and then go home like a nice girl.

"You do not wish to sell me death ticks..... you wish to go home and rethink your life"

And Jaeger's character has to be the most able fighter in the group yet the dirtiest low down cheating coniving SOB of them all.

Message 5588#56724

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On 3/25/2003 at 3:44pm, RN3G8 4E wrote:
Sounds cool

LOL, tell me about how you can be a connoving cheating SOB in the combat system for ROS!

Message 5588#57573

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On 3/25/2003 at 8:21pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: What do you do when you must fight but you don't want to?

Cheat, cheat and cheat, mislead, backstab, play all sides against eachother while never taking a side, be honorable only when it allows your enemy to turn his back so you can then stab him, throw things, strike from a distance, never let your enemy know your around until he's dead. and above all else run away if your enemy sees you coming then come back later and finish the job. Basically, cheat, cheat and cheat.

Message 5588#57635

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