The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ressurecting ye olde 'Crypt Fiend'
Started by: Kester Pelagius
Started on: 3/19/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/19/2003 at 12:10am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Ressurecting ye olde 'Crypt Fiend'

Greetings All,

Back in Octorber I had a brainstorm, as many of us do, likely after reading something or the other here at The Forge. This resulted in a bit of a game which, for wont of a proper way to convert my original file into a PDF, pretty much faded into obscurity. You can find the "Revenge of the Crypt Fiend" orignal thread >>> HERE <<< if you want to know what it was all about. There's also a less interesting thread about the game if you want to search for "Halloween" or "Crypt Fiend" to find it.

Ok, back from that post? Good.

Since then I've tried various things, on and off, to get the darn thing 'just right' and, frankly, I have a 595k file that is good enough. Has booksmarks and web links, well links that sometimes work. But the main thing is I didn't have to go back and redo all the 'artwork'. (Word to those who want to know: TIFFs work best in most converters.)

Did I mention it's a Halloween Horror game in which you get to play the Monsters and such? (The PDF explains everything, honest.)

ANYway. . . if anyone is itnerested I wont bore you any further. Just PM me or send me a E-mail if you'd like to see it, play test it, laugh outloud and tell me how horrible my attempt was. I'm about to majorly redo portions of it to incorporate into something and, since I really did want to make this one available to those who helped me with it here at The Forge, this your chance.

Again: Revenge of the Crypt Fiend. 595k PDF file. 25 (standard single column) pages. Web links. Bookmarks. Yada yada. . .

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

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Message 5621#56765

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...started by Kester Pelagius which Kester Pelagius participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/19/2003

On 3/20/2003 at 11:32pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Last Reminder

Greetings All,

This is a last reminder to everyone that might want a PDF of Crypt Fiend, perhaps the only game in which *you* get to play the Wandering Monsters, developed with the input of members of The Forge, all to test an 'idea'. (We do a lot of that here, don't we? ;)

Bottom line: if you want a copy of the PDF I'll need a valid e-mail address. Or a e-mail expressing interest as I am not about to spam anyone here with messages out of the blue.

So, if you haven't already, PM me. (It's very easy if you're logged in, see those buttons near the bottom of this message? Click.)

For those who have already expressed interest check your mail boxes tomorrow, I'll likely do a mass mailing later tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Everyone else: Not sure what I am talking about?

Look at the message above. Click the link to the relevant thread, and if you see your name in the posts, well, then it's likely you are one of the persons who helped shape the game. Might mean something, might not, up to you if you want a copy.

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 5621#57014

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...started by Kester Pelagius which Kester Pelagius participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/20/2003

On 3/21/2003 at 3:47pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Ressurecting ye olde 'Crypt Fiend'

Just thought you might be interested - have you thought about coming by Indie Netgaming and giving a playtest a whirl there?


Message 5621#57109

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On 3/21/2003 at 7:18pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Ressurecting ye olde 'Crypt Fiend'

Greetings Mike,

Mike Holmes wrote: Just thought you might be interested - have you thought about coming by Indie Netgaming and giving a playtest a whirl there?

Actually, no.

Then again I'd really like to see if what I have written up at this stage is coherent. That's the problem with designing your own game, when you run it you fall on old gaming habits.

But, if you think there would be interest, I probably could be talked into it. :-)

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 5621#57154

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...started by Kester Pelagius which Kester Pelagius participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/21/2003

On 3/21/2003 at 7:43pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Almost forgot what I came to post!

Greetings All,

This is a update to let everyone know that the first mailings have gone out. So, if you haven't already, check your inboxes.

Have a great day.

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 5621#57158

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Kester Pelagius which Kester Pelagius participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/21/2003