The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Babewatch
Started by: Simon W
Started on: 3/25/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/25/2003 at 8:26pm, Simon W wrote:

Yes I am very sad, but here is a rpg I made years ago, when I was young and foolish and had nothing better to do with my time. And don't tell me that none of you thought of making a game based on that very popular TV didn't?....just me then.


Message 5710#57640

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On 4/6/2003 at 10:01pm, Othyem wrote:
RE: Babewatch

I agree, you are a sad, sad man. Having said that, I get the feeling that there are a lot of game mechanics missing in your game, that may be 'known info' with your playtesters. That's the problem I am having now with my game, Naval Warfare. ( )

I suggest that you hand a copy over to some playtesters that have never played it, and tell them nothing about how it works. Give them a weekend with it, along with note paper for everyone to write questions on. Sit in on their session from the start, but say nothing about how it works. Take notes on where the game stoppers are.

Take care,

Message 5710#60212

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On 4/7/2003 at 5:32pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Babewatch

Errrmmm thanks for that, I think.

I am not sure what I am more surprised about

- that you took the trouble to post a serious (I think it was serious.... wasn't it?) reply

- that you think somebody is actually going to play it (i've reffed it, but that's another story)

- or that you think I'm actually going to add any more to it!

The game was written years ago..... I haven't bothered to update it other than make it smart and PDF it...I have many more projects on the go that receive much more of my time (check the link below for Lashings of Ginger Beer, Barbarians of Lemuria, Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter etc).

It was intended as a 'single-shot' game for those nights when you are too drunk to play anything else. It is expected that players (or at least the GM) is well versed in rpg's and so on.

Anyhow, thanks for your coments... I think.


Message 5710#60364

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...from around 4/7/2003

On 4/7/2003 at 6:52pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Babewatch

Hi Gideon,

Um, I gotta ask... if you didn't expect anyone to comment seriously on it, don't expect to play it, don't expect anyone else to play it, and don't intend to change it, then, um,

why did you post it?

Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to your posting it. I would have read it and possibly commented on it myself if the link worked. I'm just surprised that you're surprised about Othyem's comments, which sound (as best I can tell not being able to access the game text myself) quite reasonable and quite appropriate for the forum.

- Walt

Message 5710#60380

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On 4/7/2003 at 7:37pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Babewatch

wfreitag said:

Um, I gotta ask... if you didn't expect anyone to comment seriously on it, don't expect to play it, don't expect anyone else to play it, and don't intend to change it, then, um,

why did you post it?

Ok, ok I give in. What I meant was that its not an entirely serious game, its just the basics and intended, as I said, for GM's/players who basically know how rpg's work and want a not-too-serious session. For this, the game works well enough. But point taken. Still don't intend to work on it yet though, if at all.

He also said:

Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to your posting it. I would have read it and possibly commented on it myself if the link worked.

The link does work. I just tried it myself. However, you can also find it at my site (link below - with a character sheet). If you have problems, email me and I'll send it to you.


Message 5710#60390

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On 4/7/2003 at 11:18pm, Othyem wrote:
RE: Babewatch


I had no problem with the link. Also, I understand better now why you posted it. It's the game you and yours play after you're too drunk to care about the rules, and you wanted to share it with those of us that like to do the same. Right on, man.

And yes, my original response was intended to be serious. I replied on the premise that it was your first game, and that you decided to return to it for some feeling of closure, as we all do sooner or later.

Take care,


Message 5710#60443

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On 4/8/2003 at 6:16am, Simon W wrote:
RE: Babewatch


you are absolutely right.



Message 5710#60524

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