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Topic: new game and guy - mechanic question
Started by: taalyn
Started on: 3/27/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/27/2003 at 2:12am, taalyn wrote:
new game and guy - mechanic question

Hi guys, I'm a new member to the Forge, but have been reading along for ages now. I've been working on a Nar game with a simple Fortune mechanic, and am having some issues I thought y'all could advise me about.

Fist, in a nutshell, the game: Aisling, urban myth - PCs are normal people awakened to the reality of other worlds, faries and goblins and trolls and so on, dealing with the essentially political division between Seelie (pro-Human), Unseelie (anti-human) and Fianna (don't care) courts. It's Nar in style mostly because that's my own gaming style, and I forget to ask for rolls, so it's very rules lite, offering mostly a setting.

Basic mechanic involves Motes - colored tokens (I've been using the little colored glass stones used for Pente or M:tG counters, but dice, tiddly-winks, toothpicks, cards, or polished stones would work). Here's a basic rundown of how it works. When a test is called for, the player draws a number of tokens out of a bag equivalent to his skill rating, or Hand. Each skill has a color associated with it (Red=Athletic, Amber=Precision, and so on), and the skill's color defines the target color of the draw. Exact hits (drawing a red token when testing a red skill) is 2 successes, and drawing a colored token of a color adjacent to the target is one success (Amber and Magenta in the case of Red). If # of successes is >= difficulty of the task, then the action succeeds.

For example, Sally wants her character Kayley to throw a plate at the cop entering the diner. This is a precision skill (as are most firearms), and her Throw Things skill is rated A4 (Amber, 4 motes), against a difficulty of 3. She draws 4 motes (aka tokens) and gets 2 red motes, an amber, and a blue. This is 4 successes (2 for the amber, and 1 each for the reds, nothing for the blue) - she hits the cop square in the face.

So, the problem: the pool of tokens that a player draws from is called a Caern. Each caern has a basic make-up (say 3 of each color, plus 1 white, 1 black, and 1 irridescent) that is then personalized to the character. My problem, on which I'd appreciate your input, is a simple, minimal math sort of way to build the caern. The number of motes in a caern is not an issue (one player could have 30, and another 23), as they are supposed to represent the metaphysical DNA of a character. Anyone have ideas or input?

Thanks in advance,


Message 5725#57864

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On 3/27/2003 at 3:42am, szilard wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Hi, Aidan. Welcome to The Forge.

I'm not SuperProbabilityGuy, but I can make some observations (and ask some questions):

The number of motes in a Caern does make a difference if the numbers of differently colored motes are uneven. The fewer motes, the more difference an inequality between colors would make.

Are motes replaced after they are chosen? This, too, makes a huge difference.

How many colors are there? Without knowing this, it would be difficult to give you any mathy advice.

One issue, of course, is that finding the right number of objects of the appropriate colors may be difficult for many people.

You've stated that the game is Narrativist in style. Based on the game mechanic you've mentioned, I don't see that (the mechanic itself seems, I guess, Sim-color or something, which isn't a bad thing). There might, of course, be other parts to the system that facillitate Narrativism that you haven't mentioned... or you might simply mean that you tend to run it Narrativist (which says nothing about the game itself). It is good to remember, too, that rules-lite and Narrativist are different things.


Message 5725#57873

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On 3/27/2003 at 4:41am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

szilard wrote:
The number of motes in a Caern does make a difference if the numbers of differently colored motes are uneven. The fewer motes, the more difference an inequality between colors would make.

This is true. I have worked out the probabilities for everything already, and having a basis to the makeup (the 3 starting motes of each color to start, for example) levels the probabilities a bit. At the same time, I like the differences it introduces as characterizing the differences between characters. A simple, flat, method (plain old %s, or something like that), together with my mechanic (if everyone had the same caern make-up) would get too complicated if I wanted to keep the individuality of the odds. This method keeps the (mechanical) difference between characters simply represented without using zillions of skills or other methods.

slizard wrote:
Are motes replaced after they are chosen? This, too, makes a huge difference.

Yes, motes are replaced after they are drawn, with a few exceptions involving magic. For example, some spells are maintained by using threads of magic(aka motes - yes, the term does serve a lot of purposes!) from the character's own makeup, i.e. their caern.

slizard wrote:
How many colors are there? Without knowing this, it would be difficult to give you any mathy advice.

There are 7 main colors, using the additive "spectrum": red, amber, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and clear (=white light). Every caern includes one mote each of white, black, and irridescent. These are the Fate motes, which represent special occurences, auto- or critical success (white), auto- or critical failure (black), and magical, fated, weird stuff (irrid.).

slizard wrote:
One issue, of course, is that finding the right number of objects of the appropriate colors may be difficult for many people.

This is true, though I think having colored dice (a lot of gamers could fudge the colors from their dice bags - the black/red = red, and the black/green = amber, and so on), cards (playing or otherwise), or even popsicle sticks with one end colored would work. I have also worked out a dice method to represent the colors. Crayons would work. Beans colored with magic markers would work. There are options, and I don't anticipate this being a major player in the game market. If it ever goes there, it's already got a built in accessories line! :D

slizard wrote:
You've stated that the game is Narrativist in style. Based on the game mechanic you've mentioned, I don't see that (the mechanic itself seems, I guess, Sim-color or something, which isn't a bad thing). There might, of course, be other parts to the system that facillitate Narrativism that you haven't mentioned... or you might simply mean that you tend to run it Narrativist (which says nothing about the game itself). It is good to remember, too, that rules-lite and Narrativist are different things.

Very true, and I do recognize that rules-lite doesn't mean Narrative. I just work within a narrative style so often that I forget the fact! I do think that the system is sufficiently freeform that Sim doesn't seem so appropriate, at least, not in a realistic, non-gritty way (as the game is not hyper-realistic and is gritty). I also don't think it's Gaming oriented, as there aren't really any specific in-built ways to score success. But maybe this is my own Narrativist bias.

There are other ways the mote mechanic influences my thought that the game is Narr in style. Magic (always a complicated topic) is one of the most important of these. A "spell" is cast by gathering motes of energy and weaving them together into a coherent form. In mechanic terms, the player draws X motes per round or other time unit, and uses the color of the motes drawn to describe the effects of the spell (which may take several time units to gather). A single red mote might be a "light candle" cantrip, while a fireball might require several reds, a couple of blues (for distance), and a magenta (for damage). There are some established "recipes", but this method also allows for freeform, off-the-cuff spell creation, very nice in an emergency. It also adds to the experience and complexity, as some motes can be melded to create new ones. For example, following the above RRBBM recipe for a fireball, if a player (drawing only 2 motes ber round) gets a magenta and an amber, the two motes can be combined into a single red.

All of which is sort of irrelevant to the question at hand. Motes of particular colors can be used to create spells, influence actions, and as part of the story (flows of energy, or Luck, are different colors too). I guess I think that it doesn't fit into GNS really readily - it could be used by anyone, theoretically, in any sort of style. I guess the most distinctive characteristic in any of these theoretical frameworks is that it has a Fortune based mechanic, with some Drama (in Luck that can be earned for good roleplaying, and with the needs of the story/players more important than the results).

I'll shut up now.


Message 5725#57879

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On 3/27/2003 at 5:06am, szilard wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

There are 7 main colors, using the additive "spectrum": red, amber, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and clear (=white light). Every caern includes one mote each of white, black, and irridescent. These are the Fate motes, which represent special occurences, auto- or critical success (white), auto- or critical failure (black), and magical, fated, weird stuff (irrid.).

I assume black and white cancel each other (or mean something special) if they are drawn together?

szilard wrote:
One issue, of course, is that finding the right number of objects of the appropriate colors may be difficult for many people.

This is true, though I think having colored dice (a lot of gamers could fudge the colors from their dice bags - the black/red = red, and the black/green = amber, and so on), cards (playing or otherwise), or even popsicle sticks with one end colored would work. I have also worked out a dice method to represent the colors. Crayons would work. Beans colored with magic markers would work. There are options, and I don't anticipate this being a major player in the game market. If it ever goes there, it's already got a built in accessories line! :D


Cards are probably the simplest of substitutes. Easy to make and/or color code and each character can have a deck to draw from as a caern.

As far as Caern creation goes, is caern-makeup the only difference between characters statistically? If so, that's interesting. Is there a reason to do anything other than say that a character gets 3 of each mote color + b/w/irrid + 7 of his choice (limited to the spectrum)?


Message 5725#57885

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On 3/27/2003 at 7:44am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

szilard wrote:
I assume black and white cancel each other (or mean something special) if they are drawn together?

They could cancel, become irridescent, or anything else judged appropriate.

szilard wrote:
Cards are probably the simplest of substitutes. Easy to make and/or color code and each character can have a deck to draw from as a caern.

Last phase of playtesting, that's what I did. But then people were jealous of my glass bobblies, and wanted some to play with too. Little glass bobblies are fun fidgety toys...

slizard wrote:
As far as Caern creation goes, is caern-makeup the only difference between characters statistically? If so, that's interesting. Is there a reason to do anything other than say that a character gets 3 of each mote color + b/w/irrid + 7 of his choice (limited to the spectrum)?

I've tried that, and though I have this general rule for character creation ("yes!"), it made for some pretty unbalanced characters who were only good at one thing. I've used the character traits (also associated with colors) as factors too, but I haven't found proportions that seemed "right". For example, I built caerns with 5 of each, and then added in the stats. Then with half of the stats. That is, a Body(red) of 6 would give a caern with 8 red motes (5 base + 3 (6/2) for the stat.

Now that I'm explaining it out, I'm starting to feel like I'm merely indecisive. Maybe this is just fine.

Or how about half the stats + 5 of player's choice?


Message 5725#57902

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On 3/27/2003 at 2:45pm, szilard wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote:
slizard wrote:
As far as Caern creation goes, is caern-makeup the only difference between characters statistically? If so, that's interesting. Is there a reason to do anything other than say that a character gets 3 of each mote color + b/w/irrid + 7 of his choice (limited to the spectrum)?

I've tried that, and though I have this general rule for character creation ("yes!"), it made for some pretty unbalanced characters who were only good at one thing. I've used the character traits (also associated with colors) as factors too, but I haven't found proportions that seemed "right". For example, I built caerns with 5 of each, and then added in the stats. Then with half of the stats. That is, a Body(red) of 6 would give a caern with 8 red motes (5 base + 3 (6/2) for the stat.

Now that I'm explaining it out, I'm starting to feel like I'm merely indecisive. Maybe this is just fine.

Or how about half the stats + 5 of player's choice?

Oh. So characters do have stats in addition to caerns?

Right. Your initial example has someone with the Throw Things skill rated at 4.

What are these skill and stats? How do they relate to the colors? What scale are they on/range do they have? How are the numbers determined?


Message 5725#57915

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On 3/27/2003 at 4:12pm, ThreeGee wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Hey Aidan,

That is one of the neatest mechanics I have seen in some time. I love the idea of the player being able to stack the deck in such a way. Just as in a Magic deck, composition is a careful balancing act. Plus, it is a new toy to play with when you get tired of putting dice in your mouth.

To avoid completely one-sided characters, I would suggest not making each color a stat or category of action (like red=combat), but instead a stance or attitude (red=action, yellow=defense, etc). That way, any given action could require more than one color, depending on the situation.


Message 5725#57924

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On 3/27/2003 at 10:38pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

OK, for chargen what about the character assigns 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 to each color and gets that many of each. Just happens to add up to 28 like other examples. Easy to remember, and no math.

Your game is a Simmy as they come as described so far. Simmy magical goodness. Quick note Narrative != Narrativist. For a game to promote Narrativism it has to have some mechanism whereby players are encouraged and empowered to address some moral or ethical question of thematic weight. Does your game do that? Not that we've seen. That said, I prefer what you have, so don't change a thing. GNS is going to be completely a side issue for you at this point.

Your game reminds me in some ways of Ars Magica. Actually, in a weird coincidence, it's also reminded me of the board game Magic Realm (for the second time in two days The Forge has brought this game to mind). In that game, you have chits that represent spellcasting ability that can be enchanted to provide color magic. To have a spell in effect for a duration, you need to have some color magic active. While using a chit for color magic, that chit is locked into that role, and can't be used to, say, cast more spells. Sounds very similar to what you're doing in some ways. Any chance it was an influence?


Message 5725#58010

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On 3/28/2003 at 1:08am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

szilard wrote:
Oh. So characters do have stats in addition to caerns?

Right. Your initial example has someone with the Throw Things skill rated at 4.

What are these skill and stats? How do they relate to the colors? What scale are they on/range do they have? How are the numbers determined?


Here's a quick breakdown of chargen:

First, stats and skill groups associated with colors -
red strength athletic
amber charisma artistic
green intelligence knowledge
cyan dexterity crafting (carpentry, electrical, frex.)
blue will spiritual (counseling, frex.)
magenta focus? precision
clear resilience? magical

each stat (str, cha, etc.) has a score, and any given skill has a color associated with it that defines its target color. Any given skill could fall into a number of colors: dance could be red/athletic (aerobics, jazzercise), amber/artistic (modern dance), or magenta/precision (ballet) for example. Player decides color in these cases.

Each character also chooses a nature, which describes generic cultural background (e.g. 20th century white male, or 16th century swedish peasantwoman), usually includes era and/or year, location, social status, and gender. The nature only has a score (aka hand) associated with it, as it covers a large number of culturally relevant skills. It covers things like driving, literacy, computer use, and so on.

They then choose a profession (or two). The profession has a color and a hand, and covers all skills generally associated with the job. A cop profession includes paperwork, firearms, law, etc. The color is assigned based on main characteristics of the job, but may change over time - a cop may start out on the beat (athletic/red) but move to forensics later (knowledge/green). Occasionally, other skills within the profession may be used which don't fall under the main color (forensics for the beat-cop, for example), at which time they are used at one less hand (if the beat cop has a profession of R5, or red focus, draw 5 motes, he could solve forensics questions at G4). When the job characteristics change, only the color changes - the beat cop at R5 is promoted to forensics at G5.

Finally, there are other skills unrelated to the nature or profession, or otherwise outside the scope of the profession. Hobbies and talents often fall into this group, hence their name: Talents. The beat cop might have oil painting (an Amber skill) and Firearms (Magenta as a shooting people skill, Green as a knowledge about firearms). Firearms, either kind, are subsumed in the profession, but perhaps our slightly better-than-average beat cop is a legendary marksman with this skill at M8.

The player has 36 motes to split among the 7 stats, nature, profession, and talents. The average human: 3, average starting PC/hero: 5, masters: 7+.
Average difficulty is 2 - for a completely balanced caern, a hand of 3 will result in 2 successes approx. 50% of the time.

I wonder if making the caern equal to the stats might be a simpler way of building them, and reflecting a character's make-up?

BTW, thanks for all the questions, Stuart, they're really helping a lot. Plus, they're practice in explaining things clearly.


Message 5725#58038

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On 3/28/2003 at 1:23am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

ThreeGee wrote:
That is one of the neatest mechanics I have seen in some time. I love the idea of the player being able to stack the deck in such a way. Just as in a Magic deck, composition is a careful balancing act. Plus, it is a new toy to play with when you get tired of putting dice in your mouth.

heya Grant,

Thanks! I started out with a dice mechanic, but wanted something to mimic the setting better. The color thing has been through several incarnations (enough that my players have a joke about the game as they go through various versions: "Thou shalt upgrade"). And yeah, glass bobblies in the mouth are great! And they're pretty, and shiny....oooh, shiny... <slobber>

ThreeGee wrote:
To avoid completely one-sided characters, I would suggest not making each color a stat or category of action (like red=combat), but instead a stance or attitude (red=action, yellow=defense, etc). That way, any given action could require more than one color, depending on the situation.

But if you have more than one color required, what do you aim for when you draw motes? Normally, if a skill is red, I'm trying to get red (or, at the very least, magenta or amber) in order to succeed. For example, I'm firing a pistol at a beastie. I'm a beat-cop with M8 in the skill (as described in the previous post). I draw 8 motes, and get: RAXCCBCR (X=clear, C=cyan). That's 3 successes, 1 each for the two reds and the blue (red and blue are adjacent to magenta, and thus worth 1 success each). So, if I'm firing the gun (action=red) in order to defend myself (yellow=defense), how exactly would that work?

As far as spells go, your idea is much more like what actually happens. Any color has a large number of associations, beyond stats and skills. A spell to grant a bonus to dexterity, for example, might include a cyan mote (to represent dexterity), a green (to increase), and a red (to define how many people are affected, or how long the bonus applies). This spell, 3 motes, would give a +3 bonus to dex for the duration if successful.

Thanks again for the compliments. They're nice to hear!!


Message 5725#58039

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On 3/28/2003 at 1:51am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Mike Holmes wrote: OK, for chargen what about the character assigns 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 to each color and gets that many of each. Just happens to add up to 28 like other examples. Easy to remember, and no math.

It is easy! But I'm worried that the simple numerical progression means that the lower end would be too weak and the higher too strong. In order to have any chance of succeeding, the player would have to make sure to always balance high with low in adjacent colors. If red/strength was 1, magenta or amber had better be 7 to offset the balance, or you'll almost never succeed in those kinds of skills!

What about just having stats and caern being identical? This might be the easiest to remember and calculate. I'm not coming up with big cons for it. perhaps Grant can comment on a way that would keep the deck-construction feel he likes.

Your game is a Simmy as they come as described so far. Simmy magical goodness. Quick note Narrative != Narrativist. For a game to promote Narrativism it has to have some mechanism whereby players are encouraged and empowered to address some moral or ethical question of thematic weight. Does your game do that? Not that we've seen. That said, I prefer what you have, so don't change a thing. GNS is going to be completely a side issue for you at this point.

I agree - it's is an irrelevant question for me at this point. I hadn't really thought of Aisling (BTW, that's pronounced 'ESH-ling' and is Irish for 'vision or dream') as Simmy, but now that you've mentioned it, I suddenly can see it. The game does address "deep" questions (I don't believe in morals, which is a whole different rant, and not appropriate to this forum). The first story i ran, "Eyes This Big", was about a girl who was raped. In her shock and despair, she pushed out all the magic in herself, which became big mostrous beasties with Eyes This Big that went around eating people who had committed, or been accused of, rape. These victims were not always guilty.

I don't think these questions define a narrative style, per se, but rather a particular kind of story unrelated to the GNS schema. If you approach the game as a story, a narrative, this is a narrativist style, regardless of what kind of story it is. If the goal is to simulate a particular world or midset, then it's Simmy (and Aisling fits here better than i thought at first). And if there are ways to win or lose, or the game is approached/run that way, then it's Game-y (or Gamisty?).

Your game reminds me in some ways of Ars Magica. Actually, in a weird coincidence, it's also reminded me of the board game Magic Realm (for the second time in two days The Forge has brought this game to mind). In that game, you have chits that represent spellcasting ability that can be enchanted to provide color magic. To have a spell in effect for a duration, you need to have some color magic active. While using a chit for color magic, that chit is locked into that role, and can't be used to, say, cast more spells. Sounds very similar to what you're doing in some ways. Any chance it was an influence?

Nope, never played it. Only vaguely remember seeing it. Ars Magica was definitely a greater influence. Mostly though, I sat down and tried to figure out exactly how I thought magic would work - how long would a spell take, and how were they cast anyway? What were the metaphysical laws by which magic worked? And then I figured out how to get those laws and methods to be represented with the mechanic that I had developed. I know other games have used a similar mechanic (Totem and, to some degree, UnderWorld, comes to mind), but I think I'm the only one that has developed it into a workable system capable of certain level of complexity. If anyone knows of something similar, I'd love to hear about it.


Message 5725#58041

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On 3/28/2003 at 2:35pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote: It is easy! But I'm worried that the simple numerical progression means that the lower end would be too weak and the higher too strong. In order to have any chance of succeeding, the player would have to make sure to always balance high with low in adjacent colors. If red/strength was 1, magenta or amber had better be 7 to offset the balance, or you'll almost never succeed in those kinds of skills!
This seems to be true no matter what method you use. In order that a player have an idea of how much he's stacking a particular stat (and I assumed that stats a motes would be equal, personally), to the right of each stat have a box on the sheet into which the player can calculate the following formula: 2 x color + left color + right color = total proficiency. This way a player can see how much he's adding to one are or another. But as long as you allow for the points to be distributed as the player sees fit, some players will distriute widely, and others will stack.

The urge to stack, BTW, is quite strong. Most players understand two things about characters. One is that stacking up a stat is a good way to stand out from the crowd. There's always one player who'll want to have the "really strong" guy. And another who wants the extremely dexterous guy. The other thing that players understand is that having weaknesses is fun. A character that doesn't have any holes is less fun to play because they won't tend to be included in the action in negative ways.

Basically extreme characters are more fun to the average player.

The system you propose where the player can distribute in any fashion they like typically results in more radical characters than the system that I proposed. If you really want to kee players more in the center, then go with something more like 2/3/3/4/4/5/6 for a total of 27. For more flexibility, allow a player to drop one slot two levels to raise another by one. This allows some slanting at an overall reduction in effectiveness.

I don't think these questions define a narrative style, per se, but rather a particular kind of story unrelated to the GNS schema.
You've got the theory all tangled up. I'd suggest just dropping it until you've had a chance to read more about it.

If anyone knows of something similar, I'd love to hear about it.
I think what you have is pretty unique. I had to go pretty far to think of Magic Realm. I look forward to seeing the final implementation. I keep getting this feeling that the game is like a really colorful version of Scott Knipe's Wyrd. You might want to check that out (there shouold be a link in the resources).


Message 5725#58088

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On 3/28/2003 at 3:58pm, szilard wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question


What about scrapping the automatic contributions from adjacent colors (which doesn't really make much sense to me, except statistically) and allowing players to gain extra successes by narrating how they incorporate the other colors they have chosen into their action.

Aidan wrote: For example, Sally wants her character Kayley to throw a plate at the cop entering the diner. This is a precision skill (as are most firearms), and her Throw Things skill is rated A4 (Amber, 4 motes), against a difficulty of 3. She draws 4 motes (aka tokens) and gets 2 red motes, an amber, and a blue. This is 4 successes (2 for the amber, and 1 each for the reds, nothing for the blue) - she hits the cop square in the face.

might become:

For example, Sally wants her character Kayley to throw a plate at the cop entering the diner. This is a precision skill (as are most firearms), and her Throw Things skill is rated A4 (Amber, 4 motes), against a difficulty of 3. She draws 4 motes (aka tokens) and gets 2 red motes, an amber, and a blue. This is normally two successes, enough to hit the cop, but she wants to hit him well. She uses her two red motes to leap onto the table of the booth, positioning herself perfectly to hit him in the face. This gives her a total of four successes.

or something like that.

Oh, and I think that making the Caern equal to stats is a natural choice.


Message 5725#58104

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On 3/28/2003 at 6:42pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I happen to think that Stuart's suggestion here is great. I had thoughts on a similar thing with a game that I'm working on off-boards, Golden Crow...

Also, I can't believe that no one's mentioned Jared's game Color Wheel yet. It's basically the naked bones of your mechanic, with an interesting implementation for the Black and White colours.

Interestingly, I think your mechanic is probabilistically similar to the TROS dice mechanic - in TROS, your skill sets a target number and your attribute sets a dicepool; here you have exactly the reverse... sort of. The stones-in-a-bag thing is different from rolling dice, yes, but conceptually they feel related.

I look forward to seeing how your game turns out; non-dice randomization is one of my pet interests.

Message 5725#58132

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On 3/28/2003 at 6:43pm, ThreeGee wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Hey Aidan,

I suspect we are working from very different ideas of how the game works. I would never consider firing a gun a defensive action. I just does not even make sense to me. I would say it is an aggressive action, but dodging would be a defensive action. Running away might be a movement action, taking the punishment might be an endurance action, etc. Any conflict can be broken down into parts so that you have skills/attributes and you have motes, but they are completely separate. Otherwise, I would just make everything draw from the same pool and make my caern very heavily stacked toward one color.

I see the start of dividing effectiveness into different pools, but as in D&D, certain types of characters are going to be inherently more focused than others. If you can live with it, great. Otherwise, it is shuffling time.

On the other hand, I see great things in the magic. It sounds like any magic worth using requires different components, so you have the double fun of building spells and building the caern. Honestly, if the game were just about dueling sorcerers, that would be enough to make a great game.


Message 5725#58133

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On 3/28/2003 at 7:59pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Mike Holmes wrote: But as long as you allow for the points to be distributed as the player sees fit, some players will distriute widely, and others will stack.

This is true - some players will stack, and others won't. But stacking by player prerogative is better than mandatory stacking, IMO. There is another characteristic, Corona, which is basically a measure of how amazing a character is. Simply take each trait, subtract 3 (for the average Joe), and add to the result for every other trait. No negative numbers - a strength of 2 -3 = 0 for purposes of Corona. Corona represents, in-game, how "brightly" the "fire" burns in a character, how heroic, etc. Well spread stats make for a low Corona, which has advantages, while stacked characters make for high Corona, with disadvantages. For example, the big beastie will always go for the highest Corona character, all other things being equal.

Mike wrote:
The urge to stack, BTW, is quite strong. Most players understand two things about characters. One is that stacking up a stat is a good way to stand out from the crowd. There's always one player who'll want to have the "really strong" guy. And another who wants the extremely dexterous guy.

Also a good point. And part of why my rule on chargen is "yes!". I want the players to have fun, and I certainly know there are times when I wanted to be the munchkin. Within reason, I'll let players have any kind of character they want. The only issue is whether their concept will work with the other players.

Mike wrote:
The other thing that players understand is that having weaknesses is fun. A character that doesn't have any holes is less fun to play because they won't tend to be included in the action in negative ways.
Basically extreme characters are more fun to the average player.

True. But I'd still rather let a player stack their characters how they want rather than forcing them to pick a certain scheme of stacking. These points have made it clear in my mind that I should ignore my worries about unbalanced or low-success as regards some actions. Players know what they're getting into, so let them live with their choices! Thanks for helping me clarify this in my own mind.

Mike wrote:
I think what you have is pretty unique. I had to go pretty far to think of Magic Realm. I look forward to seeing the final implementation. I keep getting this feeling that the game is like a really colorful version of Scott Knipe's Wyrd. You might want to check that out (there shouold be a link in the resources).

I will give it a gander. Thanks for your help, Mike. It's been immensely helpful, particularly in terms of my own inclination to fiddle indefinitely.


Message 5725#58145

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On 3/28/2003 at 8:18pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

szilard wrote: Hmmm...

What about scrapping the automatic contributions from adjacent colors (which doesn't really make much sense to me, except statistically) and allowing players to gain extra successes by narrating how they incorporate the other colors they have chosen into their action.

might become:

For example, Sally wants her character Kayley to throw a plate at the cop entering the diner. This is a precision skill (as are most firearms), and her Throw Things skill is rated A4 (Amber, 4 motes), against a difficulty of 3. She draws 4 motes (aka tokens) and gets 2 red motes, an amber, and a blue. This is normally two successes, enough to hit the cop, but she wants to hit him well. She uses her two red motes to leap onto the table of the booth, positioning herself perfectly to hit him in the face. This gives her a total of four successes.

or something like that.

Oh, and I think that making the Caern equal to stats is a natural choice.

This is a GREAT idea. two comment:

1) re: adjacent colors - the idea is that Amber is partly red, and thus a partial success; it's just on the edges of being red. Making them whole successes and the target 2 was simply to avoid halves. If, in-game, an action happens because it draws on the universal enegy around us, and which manifests in threads of different colors, and red threads 'power' athletic physical actions, then an amber thread (amber=red light + green light) can power the action to an extent because it can be broken down into a red thread and a green thread. Does that make more sense?

2) It seems like there would need to be a limit on the number of other colors used in your example. That is, how does one describe an artistic (amber) and crafty (cyan) way of hitting the cop with the plate? Obviously, some types of actions are always going to use the same colors. And Luck (generic mystical energy which powers spells) can also be used to adjust draws: I need one more success to succeed in throwing the plate, but didn't draw enough. I can spend 3 Luck, and magically, the plate bounces off someone else's head to hit the cop right in the smacker.

I guess what i'm saying is that I like the idea, but I'm not sure it doesn't introduce added and unneeded complexity. It's close enough to the magic system that if I got rid of adjacent successes, the extra motes could just be cantrips. The other motes in the example above could be woven with Luck to create a small spell of distance, or maneuverability, or some such, giving a bonus to hit.

There's also the issue of characterizing types of action. Offense and defense are easy to come up with, but what about the other 5 colors? It took me ages to come up with the skill groups. If you and everyone else could help come up with these other action types, I'd be more inclined to actually incorporate it.

So, our list of 7 action types starts with offense and defense. These may be too general, but can anyone else think of anything else to list? I'm stumped.


Message 5725#58149

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On 3/28/2003 at 8:26pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

four willows weeping wrote: I happen to think that Stuart's suggestion here is great. I had thoughts on a similar thing with a game that I'm working on off-boards, Golden Crow...

Ooh, cool! What kinds of stances/attitudes have you come up with, if you're willing to share? I also like the idea, but I have some reservations about how it can be utilized.

Also, I can't believe that no one's mentioned Jared's game Color Wheel yet. It's basically the naked bones of your mechanic, with an interesting implementation for the Black and White colours.

hey, I remember that! It was one of the systems I was looking at when I was trying to hammer out how my color system would work. Originally, red was +5, orange was +3, (etc.) and violet was -5. I decided I didn't like that, and Jared's Color Wheel helped me think about the colors in different ways.

Thanks for the encouragement, 4WW!


Message 5725#58150

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On 3/29/2003 at 2:32am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Well, Golden Crow takes a lot of its character structure from Refreshing Rain, which has been discussed here in some length, but its randomization mechanic is totally different, and it has a different feel; it's a game about cultural conflict. If you're interested, I'll PM you with more stuff.

Maybe a combination of the off-colors-equal-bonuses and use-any-color-you-can-describe can work: you can use whatever adjacent (or non-complementary, or whatever) colors you want, as long as you incorporate them into your description.

Message 5725#58199

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On 3/29/2003 at 4:15pm, szilard wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote:
This is a GREAT idea. two comment:

1) re: adjacent colors - the idea is that Amber is partly red, and thus a partial success; it's just on the edges of being red. Making them whole successes and the target 2 was simply to avoid halves. If, in-game, an action happens because it draws on the universal enegy around us, and which manifests in threads of different colors, and red threads 'power' athletic physical actions, then an amber thread (amber=red light + green light) can power the action to an extent because it can be broken down into a red thread and a green thread. Does that make more sense?

It makes sense to a point. The problem, though, is that what amber and magenta stand for may be wholly irrelevant to the task at hand.

Do the characters (in-game) know about this color-stuff?

2) It seems like there would need to be a limit on the number of other colors used in your example. That is, how does one describe an artistic (amber) and crafty (cyan) way of hitting the cop with the plate? Obviously, some types of actions are always going to use the same colors. And Luck (generic mystical energy which powers spells) can also be used to adjust draws: I need one more success to succeed in throwing the plate, but didn't draw enough. I can spend 3 Luck, and magically, the plate bounces off someone else's head to hit the cop right in the smacker.

Well, it is clearly going to depend upon circumstances. Someone might, for instance, whistle a little tune so that the cop will turn his head just in time to get hit in the face with the plate. Most of it will depend upon player ingenuity. I see that as a feature, not a bug.

You could also limit the number of extra successes by the number of natural successes drawn. Say I am performing an athletic action, and I draw one red mote for two successes. I drew three other motes, but I can - at most - use two of them for extra succeses. Alternatively, you could limit this by mote number rather than success number (in which case I would be limited to one extra success in the above example).


Message 5725#58234

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On 3/30/2003 at 12:50am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Heya Stuart,

Mostly, no, in-game characters do not know the adjacency issue and mote breakdown, mostly because it's not an issue. I have explpained it in one or two instance where it was relevant, but usually it's not. The players never cared why amber worked other than it was next to red.

I am going to keep the mechanic as is, I think. Your ideas are great, and definitely fall in line with the magic system, but they just don't feel right. I can't offer a better explanation than that - except maybe that my simminess is upset by the freeformity of it all.


Message 5725#58268

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On 3/31/2003 at 5:50am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

On Caern: I like the idea of matching your caern picks up with your stats. Defines your character's strengths and weaknesses neatly.

On color associations: I'm not sure I get them. I'm not even sure where the colors themselves come from. When I think of spectrum, I think of the standard 6 colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Add clear or grey or something for 7. The way I'd envision it..

Red: Survival
Orange: Action/Proactivity
Yellow: Focusing
Green: Empathy/Assisting
Blue: Social/Speaking
Purple: Mental/Thought
Clear: Spiritual/Magical

If you have a basis for your interpretations, then feel absolutely free to ignore mine completely. Or if you simply prefer yours, for that matter. Mine, however, comes from the 7 main chakras which run up the center of the body, and their basic energy types. You can also determine types of action off of them.

If I shoot you, it's an orange/proaction type. If I run my ass off to keep you from beating my ass, it's definitely red/survival. If I am concentrating on studying, it's purple/mental, and if I am working on bandaging wounds or casting a healing spell, It'd be green/assisting. Meditation would be yellow/focusing, and public speaking would be blue/Speaking.

Also, I like the idea of being able to add more successes from other motes based on actions. It's like the stacking ability in Sorceror, where you justify additional dice by additional effort. It doesn't make sense, to me to automatically add simply based on color, that amber should add to red actions simply because they're adjacent. What does amber/artistic have to do with red/physical? If the player can make it relate though, I'd let it add, but not otherwise. It would encourage the players to be creative and proactive in their descriptions, and reward them for being so. The idea is referred to as Fortune in the Middle (FitM) And goes something like this: Declare intended action, initiate fortune mechanic (roll the dice, draw the card, pull the beads from the bag..) determine what the fortune result means, then apply results.

How I'd apply my colors to the aforementioned example, and use the idea of adding based on other colors and their applications..

Sally wants her character Kayley to throw a plate at the cop entering the diner. This is a proaction skill (as are most firearms), and her Throw Things skill is rated O4 (Orange, 4 motes), against a difficulty of 3. She draws 4 motes (aka tokens) and gets 2 red motes, an orange, and a yellow. This is normally two successes, enough to hit the cop, but she wants to hit him well. She took a moment to aim, focusing on exactly where she wants to hit him, adding one more success to her roll. If he'd been about to shoot her, Sally could argue that she was throwing the plate at his weapon, attempting to knock it from his hand, thus defending herself, and adding another two motes to the action.

But it is of course your game. I'm interested in what you do with it regardless, but I figured I'd offer my suggestions, all the same.

Message 5725#58361

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On 3/31/2003 at 8:16am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Wolfen wrote: On Caern: I like the idea of matching your caern picks up with your stats. Defines your character's strengths and weaknesses neatly.

Yeah, my players have all thought it was the coolest thing. Just spill out your caern and you can see your character's make-up in a glance. I realized today too that my worries about "unbalanced" characters with 43 red and 2 blue (exaggeration, obviously) don't matter. Not only is it fun to play an unbalanced character like this some times, it neatly characterizes people who have valued one ability to the detriment of others, and I don't have to worry about all sorts of ways to penalize such imbalance - it's built in! "There are consequences to your stats, grasshopper!"

On color associations: I'm not sure I get them. I'm not even sure where the colors themselves come from. When I think of spectrum, I think of the standard 6 colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Add clear or grey or something for 7.

Well, the colors, to begin with, are the additive spectrum - the one in light (in your TV or computer screen). The colors you give are for the subtractive spectrum (the one in paint), which can be used (I do have a nice big color wheel, with both spectrums lined up so you can see the correspondence at a glance, in case you just can't/don't wanna get your mind around the additive. Here's how they correspond:

Red - Red
Amber - Orange
Green - Yellow
Cyan - Green
Blue - Blue
Magenta - Violet)

As for meaning/symbolism, that's more complicated. Basically, it starts with Red as Body, Green as Mind, and Blue as Soul (these are the associations of my religious group). Red thus goes with strength, Green with intelligence, and blue with will. red+green=amber, so amber is about mind and body together = charisma as the opposite end of the blue/soul axis. Think mind+body in terms of the soul. Cyan is thus blue/soul+green/mind in terms of red/body - dexterity. Magenta is red/body+blue/soul in terms of green/mind - perception. Clear, at the center of the wheel (and with adjacent colors red and magenta, as in infrared and ultraviolet), is the trait empathy.

These traits then get associated with skills like this:

red/red - strength - athletic (running, climbing)
amber/orange - charisma - artistic (painting, singing)
green/yellow - intelligence - knowledge (history, languages)
cyan/green - dexterity - craft (pottery, electrician)
blue/blue - will - spiritual (counseling, meditation)
magenta/violet - perception - precision (firing a gun, accounting)
clear - empathy - magical skills

Note that empathy includes empathy with the world, sensing Luck and using it.

The way I'd envision it..

Red: Survival
Orange: Action/Proactivity
Yellow: Focusing
Green: Empathy/Assisting
Blue: Social/Speaking
Purple: Mental/Thought
Clear: Spiritual/Magical

Perhaps I might use some of yours anyway. Craft and precision are really hard to differentiate, and social skills might be a useful replacement. Here's how you suggestions match up with mine:

R: athletic/survival
A/O: artistic/action-proactivity
G/Y: knowledge/focusing
C/G: craft or precision/empathy
B: spirit or counseling/social
M/V: precision or social/mental-thought
X (Clear): magic/spirit and magic

I do like your ideas, but this might be better as a whole new thread - how to arrange my stats and skill groups on the wheel. I can see advantages to both systems - mine functions as a very complex structure, which is nice, but yours presents how adjacent colors relate better.

If I shoot you, it's an orange/proaction type. If I run my ass off to keep you from beating my ass, it's definitely red/survival. If I am concentrating on studying, it's purple/mental, and if I am working on bandaging wounds or casting a healing spell, It'd be green/assisting. Meditation would be yellow/focusing, and public speaking would be blue/Speaking.

There will always be room for argument, I think, but the difference between survival and action (R & O) is about as simple to explain as the difference between my craft and precision (C & M). These both need some adjusting, I think. Now that you've seen how it all fits together, I have 2 questions for you: 1) should I explain all the theoretical background for the color associations? I think it might be good, particularly if there's something weird that comes up and doesn't fit easily into any particular color. Having the basis might make it easier to figure our what Color it should be. 2) With the switches I'm contemplating (cyan = precision, magenta = social), does it make more sense to you now? Obviously, I can assign colors however I want, but I do want there to be a logic to it, and people willl need to be able to place any skill in it's appropriate skill group, so I need to make sure that the skill groups are broad enough to cover any possible skill.

Also, I like the idea of being able to add more successes from other motes based on actions. It's like the stacking ability in Sorceror, where you justify additional dice by additional effort. It doesn't make sense, to me to automatically add simply based on color, that amber should add to red actions simply because they're adjacent. What does amber/artistic have to do with red/physical? If the player can make it relate though, I'd let it add, but not otherwise. It would encourage the players to be creative and proactive in their descriptions, and reward them for being so. The idea is referred to as Fortune in the Middle (FitM) And goes something like this: Declare intended action, initiate fortune mechanic (roll the dice, draw the card, pull the beads from the bag..) determine what the fortune result means, then apply results.

Well, I'm getting a lot of people who really like this stacking idea. Maybe I should use it after all - especially since I really like the FitM idea. If so, I have to calculate all the probabilities again - pooh. Anyone know a relevant formula? I wrote a program last time to run through every possible draw and note the successes and such, and if I can do it faster, I'd rather. I think my previous reticence was mostly a result of wanting to avoid the extra work in explanation this will involve! Oh well...

But it is of course your game. I'm interested in what you do with it regardless, but I figured I'd offer my suggestions, all the same.

I appreciate them greatly! You've really given me food for thought, and added more to the pile of food about color stacking.


Message 5725#58371

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On 3/31/2003 at 12:39pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

1. Yes, definitely explain the background behind the color associations. Greater understanding will allow more consistency in rulings.
2. I am to assume that if you make the mentioned changes, firearms and throwing things will become Cyan/Precision based actions? I never could get my head around how firearms was an amber/artistic action. If so, I'd definitely say that it makes more sense.

As for any overlaps in my own color ideas, (such as the red/orange overlap of actions) blame those who conceptualized the chakras. The difference between the two is basically that red is about "I need" and orange is about "I want". Red could also be used as the stat for damage resistance, or anything to do with survival, whereas orange could be almost any proactive physical action. (Both are related to earth/physical)

Your color associations with more explanation do make quite a bit of sense, however. As I answered above, I think the explanation is crucial.

As for probability of success chances, no cut-and-dried chart will be able to accurately predict the chances of success using a system where the player will be able to add to their chance of success by creative narration. But then, a lot of people dig this idea. If you have access to Ron Edwards' Sorcerer, you can get some of the theory behind this idea, but I'll boil it down to the way I see it, personally: No player really likes the survival of their character to be totally up to chance. This allows them to increase their chances by making the story a little bit more interesting. The primary difference between the mechanic used in Sorcerer and the one described here is that in Sorcerer, the player adds dice prior to rolling by additional descriptions, etc. With your system, it makes more sense to do the Fortune prior to the added description, and base the added description on the results. It can vary exactly what happens, and force the players to think in creative ways. Overall, the idea is to improve the scenes and story by encouraging player proactivity. Those who choose not to add a little description beyond "I shoot him" are not penalized, but those who will "leap atop the table to get a clear shot at him, taking a brief moment to aim carefully for his head before pulling the trigger" are more likely to succeed.

It's entirely metagame, but a lot of times, the metagame is what truly makes a game interesting and drives it forward.

Message 5725#58377

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On 3/31/2003 at 3:28pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

One thing that may be of interest is the rate at which the special motes show up. Depending on the number of motes drawn, the chances of getting at least one special stone increase dramatically. Here are the odds of a character with 45 total motes including the three special ones drawing at least one of the three special motes:

[code]Dice Special
1 6.67%
2 13.03%
3 19.10%
4 24.88%
5 30.37%
6 35.60%
7 40.55%
8 45.24%[/code]

By four motes pulled nearly one in four draws will include a special mote. By six, more than one in three will be special. What's the range on your skills? Does this sound like the tight number of appearances of these motes?


Message 5725#58403

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On 4/1/2003 at 12:54am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Wolfen wrote: 1. Yes, definitely explain the background behind the color associations. Greater understanding will allow more consistency in rulings.
2. I am to assume that if you make the mentioned changes, firearms and throwing things will become Cyan/Precision based actions? I never could get my head around how firearms was an amber/artistic action. If so, I'd definitely say that it makes more sense.

How did you get firearms as an artistic action? It never was magenta/precision before the changes you've helped me come to. Maybe it was a bad example on my part. Anyhoo...

I'll make sure to explain the color background.

As for probability of success chances, no cut-and-dried chart will be able to accurately predict the chances of success using a system where the player will be able to add to their chance of success by creative narration. But then, a lot of people dig this idea.

True, I can't get a good system of probability. Before I used a completely balanced caern as the sample, just to set a baseline of what was possible. I can still do that, even with stacking - just find a baseline difficulty to run off of.

Those who choose not to add a little description beyond "I shoot him" are not penalized, but those who will "leap atop the table to get a clear shot at him, taking a brief moment to aim carefully for his head before pulling the trigger" are more likely to succeed.

I agree - no penalties to the shyer players. The metagame possibilities give additional benefits to the game, and are worth adding. The difficulty for me is just that - difficulties! How to assign them when this stacking is added, or replaces adjacency? I started a new thread for that topic.


Message 5725#58570

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On 4/1/2003 at 1:12am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Heya Mike,

Something seems off about those numbers. Wouldn't it be closer to 1/45 (* 1/44) = 2% (.05%)? I know there's more to the formula or probability than that, but in my experience (2 years of playing this mechanic every now and then) I drew one of the Fate motes exactly twice. Say in 500 draws. I know that more motes = more chances to draw the Fates, but I don't know why my experience is so different from the math.

Assuming you're right, I wonder if there's something I can do to make the results more realistic - I don't like that the better you are at a skill, the better your chances to fail. Perhaps over a certain hand/# for a skill, the player has a chance to ignore the black mote, or in some other way mitigate it's effects?


Message 5725#58571

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On 4/1/2003 at 2:16am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote: Assuming you're right, I wonder if there's something I can do to make the results more realistic - I don't like that the better you are at a skill, the better your chances to fail. Perhaps over a certain hand/# for a skill, the player has a chance to ignore the black mote, or in some other way mitigate it's effects?

No, his math looks about right to me (I have not worked it out exactly, but intuitively it seems right). And thus you have run into exactly the same flaw that Deadlands has that screws one whole aspect of the game.

We ran an extended Deadlands game for nearly two years. It's a lot of fun, albiet extremely over-the-top deadly if you're not careful. However, the (huckster) magic system is broken, pure and simple.

The way it works is you draw a number of cards at random from a standard deck of cards. The number you draw is determined by a skill roll, but is never less than five. Having drawn X cards, you make the best 5-card poker hand you can with them, and whichever poker hand you have determines how powerful the spell is. For a standard "zap" spell, an "Ace High" might stun the opponent for a second, while a "Royal Flush" would leave nothing but a smoking pile of ash. You get the idea.

If you draw a joker, it counts as a wildcard, but you also have to roll on the backlash table, which 90% of the time screws you up. You might target the spell on yourself, or lose the ability to use magic for X days, or your head explodes, or you get possessed, that kind of thing. Nasty. At the very least the spell fails.

I'm sure you've already seen what I'm getting at and what we very quickly found was wrong with the system. The more skilled you are, the more cards you draw, and thus the more chance you have of drawing a joker. Now, that was mitigated somewhat by an errata that only black jokers caused backlash (in a standard deck, one joker is black and the other red) but all it did was halve the probability, the fact remains that the more skilled you are, the more likely you are to get the black joker and then you're fucked.

You have the same problem here. And what's worse is there's no easy way to mitigate it without dropping the idea of a black mote.


Message 5725#58582

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On 4/1/2003 at 4:34am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I remember a discussion of a similar concept in the TRoS boards.. When you roll a single die, the possibility of failure is high, but the possibility of a fumble or critical failure is impossible, because it requires 2 or more dice, and zero successes. It was jokingly asserted that the more skilled you were, the more capable you were of spectacular goof-ups. They were unlikely, but it was more likely to fumble the more dice you rolled.

I think that basically you've got two choices; either scrap the white, black and irridescent, or accept that that the chances of drawing the black are greater the higher your skill. If you choose to accept it, you can alter what the dice do, slightly, or just accept it the way it is.

I, personally, have no issues with it. Randomizer's like that make the game more interesting, and you can allow an option to nullify the black with boons or luck.

Message 5725#58601

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On 4/1/2003 at 5:28am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Randomizer's like that make the game more interesting, and you can allow an option to nullify the black with boons or luck.

Or, just allow every success beyond the basic amount required to cancel one or two black motes. That way, you can succeed spectacularly with complications, or succeed prosaically without any nasty surprises.

Message 5725#58614

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On 4/1/2003 at 6:29am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

These are all good ideas. I've got a couple options, as I see it:

1) lose black and white altogether, as irridescent doesn't do anything but add weird, Lucky coincidence and Fate into the game, and the heroes do tend to attract that.

2) keep black and white, but modify their meaning from failure and sucess to complications and blessings. See above re: heroes.

3) allow Boons and luck to cancel them out, as Spooky suggests.

I'm thinking option 2 and 3 together get me what I want. With option 2, they're vague, and allow more detail to be introduced to the game, just like stacking.

our guy Jonas is up against an Unseelie troll for the first time (unseelie trolls are unusual - what bridge-liver whants to get rid of bridge-builders? ;). Jonas needs to knock the troll out before it has a chance to clout him one - Troll being famous for their strength. Jonas is going to smack him with a baseball bat conveniently nearby, using his Softball R8 Talent, against a GM set difficulty of 7. Derek draws: RAAACCBK.

1) old style: 2 (R) + 3 (A) = 5, + black = not good. He fails to hit, but the troll sees what he was going for and is now super-pissed, getting a +1 to his atacks (from the complicating black).

2) stacked: 2 successes. Derek argues that the 2 cyans (precision) count because he aimed very carefully. And the 3 ambers (artistic) count because he did it while mimicing saturday morning ninja shows. His histrionics, dubbed dialogue, and outlandish "hai-ya!" distracted the troll from what was really happening. The GM allows it, granting Derek 7 successes - he hit! But there's still that complicating black - Jonas did indeed knock the troll out, but it collapsed onto him, and now our hero Jonas is trapped under 500 pounds of soon-to-be-awake-and-very-angry troll. Oh no! Tune in next week when ...

I didn't apply the limit rules I've mentioned for stacking the colors, just for play purposes. Whaddaya think?

Oh, and I think I'm gonna change the name of the irridescent mote. How about the Lucky mote? Or is that superloading one term? Other suggestions?


Message 5725#58622

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On 4/1/2003 at 12:57pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Wild mote? (You make my heart gloat)

Err... Chance mote? Odd mote out?

If I had time, I'd go look for gaelic words that mean wild, lucky, or chance, but I gotta head off to work soon.

Message 5725#58638

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On 4/1/2003 at 9:11pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

As a Celticist by education (at least, I'm finishing my MA in Celtic langs right now), I feel it's my duty to inform you that there are two languages often confused by the public at large.

There is Irish, spoken in Ireland, known in Irish as Gaeilge, but called Irish by everyone in Ireland if they're speaking English.

Then there is Gaelic, or Scots Gaelic (Irish with 400 years to drift), spoken in Scotland, and called, in Gaelic, GĆ idhlig.

The former is pronounced like /GELL-ig/ and the later /G&-lig/, where & is the sound in cat.

Okay, that PSA done, here are words in Irish for wildy sorts of things:

wild: fiƔin /FYOIN/
luck: Ɣdh /AW/
bounty, prosperity: rath /RAH/
fortune, ease, satisfaction: sĆ³ /SO/

A-cha! It shall be called:

DƔn /DON/, which is fate and destiny, particularly as described by poets!

Thanks Wolfen - you helped me get past my duh moment (I'm having lots of them lately).


Message 5725#58734

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On 4/4/2003 at 6:34pm, Twinsoul wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

First of all, great system. I love the idea of using stones instead of dices.

But there is just one thing bothering me, what happens when you have a skill of 1. You can draw only one stone. Thats not very good odds. Or what if you don't even have the skill needed? In most games, there is a way of using your stats to calculate your success when you don't have the required skill. But the way your system works is that you draw a number of motes equal to your skill and not equal to your stat. How would you roll for a skill you don't have?

I love the idea of using stones for magic and I just might steal this system for my magic system. The way I see my magic work is that a spell slowly degenerates, so by using the stones, each round the player removes a stone from his spell, hence changing the spell slightly, instead of being able to cast the spell at 100 yards, it now only has a range of 80 yards. Ans so forth until the spell breaks down.

Message 5725#59609

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On 4/4/2003 at 8:20pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Twinsoul (interesting ID - why? You know the other implications, yes?),

Thanks for the compliment! I think it's great too, and I'm hoping I can get the game developed enough to get some of those "favorite indie rpg" votes next year.
If you've only got a skill of 1 - you do suck at that skill, so it's appropriate that you have very poor odds. Other issues can come into play, though - stacking (explaining a wrong color to turn it into a success), Luck, Boons, etc. Some things have changed about those, which I'll explain in a sec...

As far as defaults go, if it's a skill possessed by anyone in the culture, then a PCs Nature steps in. Jonas doesn't have a "shoot 'em up" skill, but his Nature (American innercity dude 4) does, so he'd draw with that, targeting the appropriate color (magenta/precison in this case). If the skill is not something you'd have at all (Nuclear Physics for Jonas, for example), then the GM may allow a draw against the Nature with a significant penalty.

Cool idea for degeneration of magic, but it wouldn't work in my system. If it works in yours, excellent! What happens when it degenerates to the point that essential factors in the spell (what it actually does, as opposed to "side effects" like damage or distance)? Does the effect change? Or does it just unravel at that point?

So, the new bits: a draw is based on skill - skill. If Jonas has strength 9, and the door's Door-osity is 4, then the player will draw 5 motes. If he gets any successes at all, he breaks the door, or whatever. Extra successes just indicate degree of success.

An alternate possibility: Jonas has str 4, and the doorness is 9. In this case, Jonas will automatically fail, unless he spends boons or Luck. Luck is spent 1 mote for 1 mote. If he spends 6 Luck, he can draw 1 mote (4-9 = -5, add 6 motes = 1 mote). Or he can spend 5 Luck (as above) and a Boon.

A Boon is an autosuccess - it turns any mote into one success. Suppose Jonas is drawing 4 motes. He could spend a Boon, and would then only draw 3 motes. The other was already ensured.

He could also spend 6 Boons, and that would guarantee a single success, but that's kind of expensive. Boons are gained by sacrificing degree of success - If I got 4 successes, I could succeed excellently, or lose 3 to gain a Boon. I'd still succeed, though only just, but I'd have a Boon/autosuccess to use later. So 6 Boons corrsponds to 18 motes of degree of success - that's a lot!

Make sense?


Message 5725#59656

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On 4/5/2003 at 4:16am, Twinsoul wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote: If you've only got a skill of 1 - you do suck at that skill, so it's appropriate that you have very poor odds. Other issues can come into play, though - stacking (explaining a wrong color to turn it into a success), Luck, Boons, etc. Some things have changed about those, which I'll explain in a sec...

Ya I was thinking about it after I wrote it and it's true, if you have a level of 1 in a skill, you suck. : )

taalyn wrote:
As far as defaults go, if it's a skill possessed by anyone in the culture, then a PCs Nature steps in. Jonas doesn't have a "shoot 'em up" skill, but his Nature (American innercity dude 4) does, so he'd draw with that, targeting the appropriate color (magenta/precison in this case). If the skill is not something you'd have at all (Nuclear Physics for Jonas, for example), then the GM may allow a draw against the Nature with a significant penalty.

I forgot about the Nature, but it would seem like you should have some penalties for drawing a hand for a skill you don't have even if it's in your Nature or else you would just need your Nature and no other skills.

taalyn wrote:
Cool idea for degeneration of magic, but it wouldn't work in my system. If it works in yours, excellent! What happens when it degenerates to the point that essential factors in the spell (what it actually does, as opposed to "side effects" like damage or distance)? Does the effect change? Or does it just unravel at that point?

Ya it just unravels, but nothing stops the mage to add more threads to the spells to keep it going.

taalyn wrote:
An alternate possibility: Jonas has str 4, and the doorness is 9. In this case, Jonas will automatically fail, unless he spends boons or Luck. Luck is spent 1 mote for 1 mote. If he spends 6 Luck, he can draw 1 mote (4-9 = -5, add 6 motes = 1 mote). Or he can spend 5 Luck (as above) and a Boon.

I actually just asked you in your other thread about this kind of possibility. : ) hehehe I should've checked here first.

taalyn wrote: Make sense?

Yes thanks!

Message 5725#59814

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On 4/5/2003 at 5:14am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Hey again!

The point of the Nature is that you do have those skills. You don't need to have a skill in driving a car or operating a computer, unless your skills in these things are outside the norm.
For example, Amanda and Betty both have Texan teenage girls 4 as Natures. Both know how to apply makeup, but Amanda's particularly good at it; she has a separate skill in it (Makeup M6). Both know how to dance, but Betty's really good at it (Dance A7). Both can dance, both can put on makeup, and they only have separate skills in things that are significant to their lives. Otherwise, you have to have skills for using the toilet, and telling time, and speaking English, and.... why? Nature covers a broad swathe of skills, and Profession another broad swathe, but they're not the only skills a person has.


Message 5725#59826

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On 4/5/2003 at 4:44pm, Twinsoul wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote: Hey again!

For example, Amanda and Betty both have Texan teenage girls 4 as Natures. Both know how to apply makeup, but Amanda's particularly good at it; she has a separate skill in it (Makeup M6).

Ok, let me see. The player playing Amanda decides that he wants Amanda to be good at applying makeup. I take it that the skill doesn't start at 1, it should start at your Natures skill level, right? So he adds character points to create the skill Makeup at M5 (because her Nature is at 4).

I just don't like the idea of having many skills under one. Let's say your character has a Profession of Computer Programmer 4. So with that, he can create computer programs, he can make designs, he knows how to work computers and he knows how to make strong coffee all at a skill level of 4. With these skills an knowledge he would know how to hack a program, but he wouldn't be as good as making coffee. The way it's set up now, is that you can have a skill which sets all the skills it emcompasses to a certain level.

I don't mind having Professions and Natures but they should be well described, like hacking could be rolled but with penalties since it's not really part of the Computer Programmer Profession.

Message 5725#59918

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On 4/6/2003 at 5:53am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Well, there are modifiers if a skill is only slightly associated with a Nature or Profession. I'm just not going to define what they should be in every case. I'm also not going to describe very nature or profession - do you know how many skills are grouped together in job counseling summaries? Who would ever want to roll against their "write effective business plans" skill? It's obvious you don't like a game as gritty as mine is shaping up to be - and that's perfectly fine. There are plenty of non-gritty games to play out there! ;)


Message 5725#60092

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On 4/6/2003 at 9:33pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Okay a few points and questions...

1. Define gritty in your own words, so we know exactly what you mean when you use it. When I think gritty, I think Riddle of Steel, where a single sword in the gullet kills you as dead as it would in real life.

2. I really like the concepts of Nature and Profession. It's incredibly stupid to have to have skills for dozens of minor tasks that you should be able to do. It's very similar to TRoS's skill packets, and is an idea that is becoming more attractive, and if I can figure out how to make it workable in Mage Blade, I just might do something similar.

3. I'm slightly dubious about your skill - skill system. I'd have to actually see it in various uses to get an idea for how it actually works, but it seems to me to be a little too cut and dried. An objects rating wouldn't make me any less proficient or strong. I would simply have to try much harder to accomplish the task. It makes more sense to me to simply have the object's rating be the TN for your roll. In your examples..

Jonas is pretty damned buff with his 9 (I was under the impression that 8 was your upper limit? Was I mistaken?) strength, and there's that door sitting there with it's door-ness rating of 4. Simple enough for a buff mofo as he. He draws his 9 motes, only needing 2 of the appropriate color to get through, or some combination of stacking.

Jonas the small with his strength of 4 is staring at a steel security door with a rather smug air, and a door-ness rating of 9. It's looking about impossible. Even if he drew all four of the appropriate color, he'd still be short a single success, so he'd have to rely on luck or a boon to get that last one. The chances of him drawing 4 out of 4 motes of the right color are pretty damned slim, though.

Done this way, you keep unity with the rest of the system.

4. Opposed draws: I've seen no mention of these. There has to be a resolution for them, though. Am I to assume that it's a fairly simple opposed draw, with each attempting to beat the other's draw. In some tasks, I would think that they have to beat a certain TN as well. For example..

Direct opposed draw: Jonas the strong and Jonas the strong are arm wrestling. Jonas the strong draws his strength of 9, and Jonas the small draws his strength of 4. Whoever has the most successes wins.

Opposed draw with a TN: Jonas the strong and Jonas the small are now competition shooting. Jonas the strong has rifles R5 and Jonas the small has it at R6. The TN for the target is 4. They both have to beat 4 successes to even manage to hit the target. If they don't make 4, they miss. If they make 4 or better, then they succeed, and whoever has the larger margin hits a bit closer to center, thus winning.

Do I have the right of it, or do you have something else worked out?

Message 5725#60206

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On 4/6/2003 at 10:25pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Wolfen wrote: Okay a few points and questions...

1. Define gritty in your own words, so we know exactly what you mean when you use it. When I think gritty, I think Riddle of Steel, where a single sword in the gullet kills you as dead as it would in real life.

Ah, good point. On one point, I do mean gritty in the same sense you do. I also mean it to mean that there are not a zillion levels/steps/grades of values. A minimal number of choices means that two people will differ by a larger amount, even if their numbers are very close. Perhaps grainy is the word I mean - perhaps it's obvious why I confused them.

2. I really like the concepts of Nature and Profession. It's incredibly stupid to have to have skills for dozens of minor tasks that you should be able to do. It's very similar to TRoS's skill packets, and is an idea that is becoming more attractive, and if I can figure out how to make it workable in Mage Blade, I just might do something similar.

Thank AlphaZulu games for Mnemonic and Alternacy, which introduced me to the idea. I've since seen it elsewhere (Story Engine calls them Affinities), but I too really like the idea. Why take a zillion skills when the majority won't be used. Except for my game, for example, I've never seen anyone pick artistic skills - people tend to be functional in their choices (picking combat and athletic skills only). This method seems to opn up possibilities for other skills sets more. Of course, GMs and the game also have a lot to say about that.

3. I'm slightly dubious about your skill - skill system. I'd have to actually see it in various uses to get an idea for how it actually works, but it seems to me to be a little too cut and dried. An objects rating wouldn't make me any less proficient or strong. I would simply have to try much harder to accomplish the task. It makes more sense to me to simply have the object's rating be the TN for your roll. In your examples..

Jonas is pretty damned buff with his 9 (I was under the impression that 8 was your upper limit? Was I mistaken?) strength, and there's that door sitting there with it's door-ness rating of 4. Simple enough for a buff mofo as he. He draws his 9 motes, only needing 2 of the appropriate color to get through, or some combination of stacking.

Jonas the small with his strength of 4 is staring at a steel security door with a rather smug air, and a door-ness rating of 9. It's looking about impossible. Even if he drew all four of the appropriate color, he'd still be short a single success, so he'd have to rely on luck or a boon to get that last one. The chances of him drawing 4 out of 4 motes of the right color are pretty damned slim, though.

Done this way, you keep unity with the rest of the system.

Yes, and that's what I decided to go back to. The DLs are still associated with skills and/or door-ness, and will be derived from probabilities, if I ever get them figured out! For example, if a hand of 5 gets 3 motes most of the time (the top of the probability curve, that is), then DL 3 is associated with a skill of 5.

I still need to play with it some, and double check, as I'm still sort of worried that it doesn't work. But I'm going to think about it real hard first...

4. Opposed draws: I've seen no mention of these. There has to be a resolution for them, though. Am I to assume that it's a fairly simple opposed draw, with each attempting to beat the other's draw. In some tasks, I would think that they have to beat a certain TN as well. For example..

Hopefully, you can see what I mean above that every roll is an opposed draw. It's just that some of them (against situations or objects) are transparently opposed.


Do I have the right of it, or do you have something else worked out?

That's mostly right. Though I'm still leaning towards skill-TN. For example, the TN associated with a Targetness of 3 (an average target, as opposed to a moving tiny target with targetness 8) is 2. Jonas the Shooty (Bow C6 - cyan because it's a precision skill) will draw 4 motes (Bow 6 - TN 2), and Jon the Clutzy (Bow 2) won't draw any, as he's simply too clumsy (average human score is 3)*. Ho could use a Boon or Luck, but he still has to get more successes than Jonas.

<*> A normal human has a strength of 3, for example. Strength of 1 might correspond to a quadriplegic, and 2 to a paraplegic, as a way to gauge the effect - here's what I mean by grainy.


Message 5725#60218

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On 4/7/2003 at 3:14pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Lance, I'd thought you'd already read my rant on the myth of opposed rolls. What Aidan has works fine. Are there "opposed rolls" in AD&D? Nope, totally unneccessary unless you want them for some particular reason.

I had an idea. This system would seem to be perfect for a "pushing" system. As you draw, you can count how many "successes" you have so far. When you get to the end, and you still don't have enough, perhaps you can push your luck. You can keep drawing, but there's some negtive repercussion. Like, perhaps losing the extra Motes from the Caern for a while or something like that.

I was thinking that, in general terms, that it would be neat to have character setbacks (like combat damage, or mental problems, or whatever) be represented by having Motes removed from the Caern. If you want to be really harch about it, replace them with Black Motes to keep the odds the same, but increase the odds of fate kicking in.

What do you think?

I like the idea of it for "advancement" as well. Adding motes of a particular color doesn't really change the character's overall effectiveness. But it does mean that he changes internally, and that he can lose more motes before becoming less effective.

Just some random thoughts.


Message 5725#60318

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On 4/7/2003 at 6:55pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I have read your rant, but it's been awhile. And yes, while it may technically be a myth, the system works out entirely differently in this case. The case of a TN is more of a threshold of "successes" to beat, rather than an opposed roll. I also highly dislike the idea of someone else's ability (or an object self-ness rating) reducing your ability. In reality, your ability isn't reduced by difficulty, it simply means you must try harder or do better to succeed.

Do me a favor. Do me a "brute force" spreadsheet for this game using these effects:

difficulty x -vs- ability y

y-x=z draws chances of success.


y draws, minimum needed x successes.

then allow it for various difficulties and abilities. assume the color is cyan.

If the results are similar over numerous attempts, I'll be convinced. I somehow think they won't be, though.

All of this is purely speculative. If I knew how to build one, I'd do it myself rather than asking you to, but my command of Excel isn't that good. And regardless of the results, Taalyn is, of course, free to use either method, despite my preferences.

Message 5725#60382

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On 4/7/2003 at 8:23pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I'm going to change my mind on this one, and bring up some other issues. Lance is right (thanks for making me look closer). Here's my reasoning.

If you go with all unopposed, then the opponent does not have his motes taken into account. This isn't automatically a problem, but given the fact that I like simul resolution, I would have a problem with it, even if just personally. So, you want to have opposed rolls for anything that has motes.

I'm guessing that doors aren't going to be rated by motes, so they should just have TNs to bash down or to lockpick. I can't see a GM taking the time to assemble a Caern for a door. So this is one system that could demand a dual system just because of it's peculiarities.

That said, the inanimate world could have a GM Caern, that the GM used for all resolutions, OTOH. This might be good to have at the very least to represent NPCs. Otherwise you'd have to build an NPC Caern each time you went up against an NPC.

In fact that could be a theme. Only the PCs, and maybe a few important NPCs might have unique Caerns. Everyone else has a standard Caern, and are differentiated only by skills. OTOH, I could see that not being all that palatable in some ways, either.

The other option is to use the current system, "trade blows" and not worry about motes for the "defender". I use those in quotes because it does lead to some interesting situations. Basically you'll need to have something like "initiative" for contests like chess. Anything in which the characters interfere with each other.

I'm voting for the Simul opposed for when rated characters go against each other, and using just TNs for anything less important than the most important NPCs (much like Whispering Vault would do).


Message 5725#60392

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On 4/7/2003 at 10:09pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question


Using my brute forced odds, and balanced caerns, a hand of 3, for example, will get 2 successes, on average. A hand of 6 will get 3, on average. In fact, except for larger hands (past 16 or so), the "halve it" method supplies standard, average numbers of successes gained.

So, I draw my 6 motes (getting 3 successes), and you draw your 4 (getting 2 successes) that results in, on average, 1 success for me (3-2).

If I take my skill (6), subtract yours (4) - I get 2 motes, which will get 1 success, on average. Same result.

I've mentioned my dislike for the term "successes" when there's a threshhold to reach, so that's part of the reasoning behind the subtraction. If the opponent is another PC, or an important NPC, I'd certainly use actual draws instead of this simplification. The use of the "one-handed draw", though, is that it can model unopposed actions as opposed ones, but transparently. Or vice versa. TNs are correlated with skill level, so it's unclear whether it's all unopposed or all opposed...

You're not the first to object - I wonder why that is? Is it counterintuitive? One thing I particularly like is that is does set upper limits: there is a point where people will not succeed in reading latin, or climbing Everest, unless they are very skilled. Damn all that anything is possible stuff! At least, it's not possible unless magic comes into play...


"Pushing" your Luck is a feature already! Push a mote of Luck, and you can add 1 mote to your draw. Failure wll have more drastic results, of course. There's also this thing called a Gather, usually used in magic. A Gather can also result in loss of Luck, temporary changes to one's caern, and so on.

The changes to the Caern idea is great - I thought of it too! This is how spells (aka weaves) are maintained. Say my invisibility spell cost me 6 motes, 2 of which are magenta. If I use 2 magenta motes from my caern, I am concentrating, and the spell will stay in effect until I let go of those motes. This will (usually) have minimal effect on the odds of my particular caern, but it's not without its dangers.

As to adding and subtracting from the caern - too much bookkeeping. My players didn't like it, and neither did I. Plus, if the caern is supposed to represent the metaphysical make-up of a character, without extenuating circumstances, it shouldn't change. Bob's "Bobness" remains the same, he just becomes more effective at utilizing his own energies. Now, if Bob gets turned into a werewolf, or is cursed/blessed, then there's a case for caern change, but otherwise...

As to your change of heart comments...

Suppose all draws are unopposed. The TN is correlated with skill, so calling it unopposed is sort of a misnomer. The opposer is represented, in the value of the TN subtracted. Golem #4's golemness is 8, which is why the TN is 4. Even though the golem isn't drawing directly, he's likely to get 4 successes if he does, so it's almost as if he did draw.

Suppose all draws are opposed. The TN comes from the opposing skill, but the opposition doesn't actually draw, so it's not quite opposed, either. I tend to see it as an all-opposed system, hidden behind difficulties, at any rate.

Doors are rated by motes, because even if I say it's a door of difficulty 3, that's the same as saying it's doorness is 5 or 6. That is, relative to the average door (3), it's pretty dang good at doing it job. Everything is rated in motes, because motes (of Yliaster, also known as Ki or Prana or the Force...) are what make up everything. No motes = does not exist.

You're absolutely right in guessing that the GM uses a single caern (except for significant NPCs). Average together all possible caerns, and you end up with a balanced caern, 5 (or whatever) motes of each color, plus the 3 Fates (black, white, and Fate/irridescent/shiny). That's what is used for most GM draws. I wonder how you see this being unpalatable in some cases? What bugs you about it?


Message 5725#60430

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On 4/7/2003 at 11:53pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Hm.. Two flaws in your ideology, to my thinking.

First and foremost, you should never change a system because you dislike a term. If "successes" does not jive with you, change the word, not the system.

Secondly, while the brute force method of averages may support it, then the best you get is average draws. With the previous system, you allow for more vagaries of fate.

Also, unless I'm mistaken and you're still using the adjacent system, it is impossible to predict a single success. If you are using it as I believed, then the only successes that rely entirely on the draw are those which match the color of the action. Beyond that, the only way to get successes, in singles, is to describe the character's actions in such a way that other motes apply to the main action. Totally non-adjacent motes can apply, if the player is descriptive and creative enough. Sometimes however, even adjacent motes will not be able to made to apply, except possibly in magic.

This is your game, of course. But until you put your foot down and say that "This is the way it's gonna be" I'm going to keep arguing for the Draw -vs- threshold system, rather than the Diff-ability system. I like it much better personally, and I think that the Diff-ability system is counterintuitive, and does not have outstanding to recommend it.

To drive home the point about how enthusiastic about this system I am, I'll mention that I was looking at beads at the gaming store today. I'd have to buy 7 full tubes, though...

And yes, that was a low-down debater's trick. ::grins toothily::

Message 5725#60449

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On 4/8/2003 at 12:12am, Hamshrew wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I'm going to keep arguing for the Draw -vs- threshold system, rather than the Diff-ability system. I like it much better personally, and I think that the Diff-ability system is counterintuitive, and does not have outstanding to recommend it.

I'm going to toss in my two pence and agree here. It's easy for players to understand and get a feel for the odds, and I myself would like to try it out if my players don't shout me down. They're an odd bunch... can never tell what they'll like.

If you don't like 'successes' call them 'pips' or... hmm... 'points' even would work. 'Measures,' or 'taps' or heck, call the 'frogs' for all I care. Since you're using motes and caerns and such, make it something in-theme.

Message 5725#60454

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On 4/8/2003 at 12:17am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Could even call them threads... This way, every action, magickal or otherwise, can be characterized as a weave.

Hell, if you've read Crowley, his theory is that every conscious act is magick anyhow.

Message 5725#60455

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On 4/8/2003 at 12:26am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Right then! Thanks for the input, guys.


You're right, changing system because I don't like "successes" is a bad reason. And yes, vagaries of fate applies better if it's skill-vs.-TN, which was a worry of mine - what happens to all the cool tension?

So, I'll go with you guys, and stick to both sides draw. It makes my sneaky-cool hidden opposition totally obvious opposition, but oh well. I gotta go with what people are going to like. That, and if you all say it's counterintuitive (and much as I want to disagree, I have to say you're right), it's outta here.

I haven't decided on the adjacent/singles issue yet (much better term, BTW - Thanx). I'm thinking to keep the adjacency method as standard, and present singles as an option once your players are more familiar with the system. There is a learning curve for the light-based spectrum, and also for learning the symbolism and meanings of the colors.


I think I will call them 'frogs'! Nah....but I will think about something else to call them...maybe if I just distinguish between (useful) motes and 'trash' motes (come up with a term for trash motes, I mean), that will solve my problem.

Thanks for the continuing input, guys.


Message 5725#60458

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On 4/8/2003 at 12:37am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Wolfen wrote: To drive home the point about how enthusiastic about this system I am, I'll mention that I was looking at beads at the gaming store today. I'd have to buy 7 full tubes, though...

And yes, that was a low-down debater's trick. ::grins toothily::

Hehe!! I've started my (sorta) huge list of possible tokens - probably the cheapest is to get coffee sticks (or popsicle sticks) and color one end. Stick 'em in a cup to hide the bottom, and there you go. If you want something a little cooler, you could get blank wooden nickels from a hobby shop, and color them.

Of course, there's something about little glass bobblies! I went in with a friend and we got all out colors for about $50, and we have more than enough bobblies for everyone. I've since found a cheaper place here.

Oh- I lied, the cheapest is to write the colors on slips of paper, or color dots of the appropriate colors (or write initials) on a deck of playing cards.

Anyway, you underhanded villain, I'll get you and your Scooby dog too! ;)


Message 5725#60459

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On 4/8/2003 at 4:17am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

taalyn wrote: I haven't decided on the adjacent/singles issue yet (much better term, BTW - Thanx). I'm thinking to keep the adjacency method as standard, and present singles as an option once your players are more familiar with the system. There is a learning curve for the light-based spectrum, and also for learning the symbolism and meanings of the colors.

I like the adjacent system better. The problem with the singles method is that players will almost always be able to come up with an excuse to be able to use whichever colors they have drawn, more so if they're very imaginative (and most roleplayers are, those who have got past their kicking-down-doors-and-killing-orcs-for-xp phase, anyway). So the difference in draws really becomes how many <specific color> ones did you draw, since they're worth double and you're going to get at least one success/frog per mote you draw anyway. Do you see what I'm getting at?

The adjacent system is easier for the seneschal to adjudicate successes fairly, and easier for him to wortk out odds of success etc on the fly. Also, it doesn't punish less quick thinking or smart players as much as the singles system would.


Message 5725#60503

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On 4/8/2003 at 4:48am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Brian, you're so obviously rooted in the TRoS forum... Seneschal.

I mentioned this earlier, but I think it bears repeating: There is no reason that the two systems need be exclusive. There are at least two logical combinations of them:

Adajcents are the only eligible singles.

Adjacents are automatic frogs and then singles can be narrated in.

I think each (and the naked singles system; I don't find the adjacent system by itself too interesting) has potential, particularly if you were to attach some sort of resource-management to the claiming of singles. The downside of that would be that you have a second system - something that I firmly hold should only exist for very good reasons. Three of them, like a Vulcan.

Message 5725#60515

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On 4/8/2003 at 2:17pm, Hamshrew wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

The adjacent system is easier for the seneschal to adjudicate successes fairly, and easier for him to wortk out odds of success etc on the fly. Also, it doesn't punish less quick thinking or smart players as much as the singles system would.

This is a very good point. While I'm all for awarding creative players, some people just don't /think/ the same way. Perhaps the player could spend a single Boon before drawing , and add one color to count as 'adjacent,' assuming they could come up with a reason... this awards creativity, but helps curb abuse of the system.

Just an idea... maybe I missed something similar earlier. It's morning, don't mind me >.<

Message 5725#60564

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On 4/8/2003 at 3:31pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I like Andrew's idea. Allow singles, but make it cost to use the rule.

How about "power" to replace "successes"? Sorta goes with the feeling of motes as energentic. So I draw a matching mote and get 2 power. I draw a supporting mote and get 1 more power for a total of 3 power. Etc. Then your power and the opponent's cancel leaving the remaining power as success.

I had the same problem for my game synthesis, BTW. We kept Successes and then called the subtractive result "Quality", as in the quality of the outcome. Now you have me thinking I need better terms, too. :-)


Message 5725#60574

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On 4/8/2003 at 8:16pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I agree with those of you who have issues with the singles system. It's not so much that I dislike it, but that it can be abused, and punishes the less creative/more shy players. I do like it enough, however, that it will be included, perhaps with a maximum of one mote singled.

Since you can "push" your Luck (lose 1 mote of Luck to add I mote to your draw), I'm not sure what else to do to introduce a cost to singling. I think a limit (only 1) would suffice, yes? Well, perhaps a Boon - a guaranteed success - and the singled mote describes how the Boon takes effect.

Mike, I really like "power". I may use a more mystical synonym, but this is definitely the right sort of word. Thanks! The "successes" would simply be motes, and relative success would be power: "Jonas got 5 motes, and I got 2, so Jonas has a Power of 3". This is particularly appropraite, not only because of the idea of Yliaster, but also because power is used to determine damage.

You know, Seneschal is an appropriately Celtic word - but it reminds me of a better word - "seanchaĆ­" (SHON-uh-khee). I hate "DM" and "GM" and people look at me funny when I demand to be called "God Almighty", so this word work well! A seanchaĆ­ is a custodian of tradition and history.

Thanks for the thoughts guys - you all rock!


Message 5725#60650

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On 4/14/2003 at 4:06am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

I just read that it's recommended to keep stuff in one thread, so that's what I'm doing.

I said elsewhere that I had come up with an idea similar to TRoS' Spiritual Attributes, which is true. But what Jacob beat me to is the division of kinds of Passions (Aisling's word for them). Like almost everything else, I want to associate them with colors - if nothing else, have seven kinds. They don't need to be, I just feel it lends an ongoing theme of 7ness that suits the game.

So, here are what I have so far developing this idea. Anyone have other ideas for types of Passion (i.e. character motivation)? Do these make sense, or should I combine some of them?

red - STR - athletic skills - Passion: love, hate, loyalty
amber - CHA - social - Faith: religion (as a social construct)
green - INT - knowledge - Destiny: knowing what it is and doing it
cyan - DEX - precision - Discipline: codes of honor, charity
blue - WIL - spiritual - Conscience
magenta - PER - artistic - ???
clear - EMP - magical - Drive: determination to do X

Drive and determination might be the same thing. Luck is a separate thing altogether.

I may have to give up my sevenfold structure and just let there be what I can figure out.


Message 5725#61811

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On 4/14/2003 at 5:11am, taalyn wrote:
RE: new game and guy - mechanic question

Little tinkering, surfing, and thought, I have seven now. Though I don't know how the correspond to colors (if they should):

Dignity: similar to conscience, some particular focus that indicates the character's method of acheiveing dignity, through right action, morality, social status, etc.

Devotion: what a character loves or hates, an idea or person or place

Duty: an obligation to something, be it person, station (e.g. to the king), or an idea

Destiny: an ultimate goal and/or role in the world

Discovery: to find something out (My name is Inigo Montoya - did you kill my dad?)

Doctrine: faith in something (magic is real/magic isn't real)

Drive: determination and purpose, a goal to accomplish, sometimes similar to destiny, but the drive is character chosen/created, whereas destiny is outside their choice and something they may rebel against; often something to accomplish simply for "I did it" reasons

or more succinctly:

Dignity: what I hold important for Me
Devotion: who I hold important for Us
Duty: what is important because of It
Destiny: what is important because of Me
Discovery: what I need for Me
Doctrine: what I need for Us
Drive: what I need for It

How's them look? Note that Me is the character, Us is society, and It is the focus.


Message 5725#61813

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