The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Fey Statistic
Started by: [FHE]dave
Started on: 3/31/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 3/31/2003 at 11:38am, [FHE]dave wrote:
Fey Statistic

I'm new to TROS and next week we have our first gaming session with chargeneration.
So I'd like to know a thing: I want to play a Fey; what advantages/disadvantages does that race have (if I have to assign Priority A to it, it should be worth!!)
Please tell me, so I will know what to do ;-)
Thanks, Dave

Message 5776#58374

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On 3/31/2003 at 12:21pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

Some do not feel as I do, that the priorities for the races are not a matter of worth, but instead a matter of rarity. The Fey are priority A not because they're badass; it is because they are exceedingly rare. The same for gifted humans, and siehe. It's not about balance, because there is nothing balanced about Sorcery.

However, to answer your question.. As a Fey, you are automatically Gifted. You get a few stat bonuses, and a stat penalty. You get a free skill. You also get two free points in the glamour vagary. I believe you also have 1 or 2 less SA points to begin with. If you break it down into straight numbers, the priority A is worth it, if only just barely.

Message 5776#58376

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On 3/31/2003 at 12:50pm, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

And what "Race" (priority) do I have to take to be a human sorceror?

Message 5776#58379

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On 3/31/2003 at 1:12pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

[FHE]dave wrote: And what "Race" (priority) do I have to take to be a human sorceror?

See Rules page 16 or table page 20.

Message 5776#58380

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On 3/31/2003 at 1:14pm, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

maybe that didn't came out clear: I DONT HAVE THE BOOK!
The GM has it, but I will meet him for the first time at chargen next week and until then I want to get an overview about my possibilities
So if anyone has the stats/priorities for a human sorcerer, please write me!

Message 5776#58382

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On 3/31/2003 at 2:13pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

Ok quick summary.

You have 6 Priorities A through F.
There are 6 categories you assign those Priorities to.
The higher priority you assign to a category the better you are at that category.

The Categories are: Attribute Scores, Skills, Proficiencies (combat skills), Social Class / Starting Wealth, Gifts and Flaws, and Race.

Ordinarily Race is an F...the lowest priority. However, if you want to be something other than human or if you want to be gifted you need to give a higher priority to this category.

Fey = A
Gifted Human Sorcerer = B
Halfling (human with fey blood) = C

Essentially for the privilege of being one of these rare people you have to spend a good priority, meaning that the F priority that normally gets discarded in the Race category, now actually be used somewhere else.

Message 5776#58385

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On 3/31/2003 at 2:14pm, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

Thanks for that! And what advantages (stats) does a human sorcerer have?

Message 5776#58386

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On 3/31/2003 at 3:11pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

I'm not sure what you mean by stats...
Vagaries are Magic Skills in the same way as Proficiencies are Combat Skills.

If you're a sorcerer, you get to buy Vagaries and cast magic.

Message 5776#58396

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On 3/31/2003 at 3:13pm, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

As Wolfen stated above for the Fey, who get Stat bonuses...
Or does a human sorceror get no bonus at all?

Message 5776#58397

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On 3/31/2003 at 3:16pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

Every one gets stat bonuses depending on what culture they're from. If I'm a human from Stahl, I get certain bonuses and penelties regardless of whether I'm a sorcerer or not.

I'm not really seeing the reasoning behind your questions. TROS isn't a game where you should be concerned with maximizing some sort of "bonus" or making choices based on what gets you the best "stats".

You should really at least download the quick start rules from the website.

Message 5776#58399

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On 3/31/2003 at 3:21pm, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

My question should lead to the following:
Is it better to be a fey or a human sorc (I don't yet know about the social standings of fey or how they live. Nor do I know about human sorc.)
But I think I will play a fey and at chargen see what I can take (I assume that "Fey" is a collection of subraces, isn't it? And do they work together with ordinary humans? (which the others will most likely be?)
I don't want to powergame but to create a good support character for my group who can help out in dire situations or do things the others cannot (telepathy, remote view or flying...)

Message 5776#58402

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On 3/31/2003 at 5:53pm, Shadeling wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

[FHE]dave wrote: My question should lead to the following:
Is it better to be a fey or a human sorc (I don't yet know about the social standings of fey or how they live. Nor do I know about human sorc.)
But I think I will play a fey and at chargen see what I can take (I assume that "Fey" is a collection of subraces, isn't it? And do they work together with ordinary humans? (which the others will most likely be?)
I don't want to powergame but to create a good support character for my group who can help out in dire situations or do things the others cannot (telepathy, remote view or flying...)

Fey are one race. They do not work with humans. Long ago they chose to recede into their enchanted groves. There can be exceptions where Fey are out and about, but it is unusual to see them working with humans. Another priority A race are the Gifted Siehe. They are the faeries, nymphs, goblins, etc of faerie tales. They like to mess around with humans essentially.
Another Priority B race are gifted Halflings. Halflings are Half-Fey or Half-Siehe. They would possibly work better with humans than fey or siehe, since they are mostly human.

Stat bonuses are really irrelevant though, it is all a matter of how you build the character to fit with the party.

Does that help?

Message 5776#58447

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On 4/1/2003 at 12:08am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

Sorcerers get absolutely no stat bonuses, other than the ability to cast spells.

But what your Seneschal is obviously not making clear to you is exactly how powerful sorcery is in TRoS. It is possible to destroy the world with a single spell. Death and destruction is a matter of a few choice spells. There is almost nothing that is beyond a TRoS sorcerer.. However, the cost is high. You give up bits of your life with every spell that doesn't go totally perfectly. Each spell has the potential to age you anywhere from a few months to years.

You really need to bug your Seneschal about getting ahold of the book, or buying your own copy before you even THINK of playing a sorcerer, especially a Fey sorcerer. If he's keeping you and the other players in the dark, you're all going to be in for a very nasty shock when the game hits you like a broadsword driven through your sternum.

Message 5776#58558

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On 4/1/2003 at 7:14am, [FHE]dave wrote:
RE: Fey Statistic

OK, thanks for the Help
The Problem with me buying a TROS copy is:
My Seneschal had his copy imported from the UK; there are no TROS copies regularly available in Austria (NOT AUSTRALIA!!!!)
But as you said I will maybe take a Level A Race but no fey; maybe a Faerie or a nymph...

Message 5776#58627

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