The Forge Reference Project


Topic: online gaming
Started by: bladamson
Started on: 4/4/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 4/4/2003 at 3:44am, bladamson wrote:
online gaming

Moved from game theory...

Ok, let me get this straight.

Online gaming happes both via the yahoo group chat channel and on #IndieRPGs? Or is the yahoo group only used for announcements?

I'm interested in lurking. :)

Message 5857#59434

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On 4/4/2003 at 4:21am, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: online gaming

The Yahoo Group is normally just for announcements and planning for the play that occurs on Magicstar irc. There is a game of SOAP going on on the Yahoo Group message board at the moment though.

The link for the Yahoo Group is

There is almost alway actual play on Monday evenings over irc. Sunday and Tuesday also see a lot of play. You are more than welcome to lurk but Nathan may give you virtual wedgies until you cave in and actually play. :)


Message 5857#59441

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On 4/4/2003 at 4:42am, bladamson wrote:
RE: online gaming

C. Edwards wrote: The Yahoo Group is normally just for announcements and planning for the play that occurs on Magicstar irc. There is a game of SOAP going on on the Yahoo Group message board at the moment though.

The link for the Yahoo Group is

Ah good. I won't be able to use the yahoo chat applet until the incompatibilities between gcc3 and blackdown-j2re are resolved...

C. Edwards wrote: There is almost alway actual play on Monday evenings over irc. Sunday and Tuesday also see a lot of play. You are more than welcome to lurk but Nathan may give you virtual wedgies until you cave in and actually play. :)

Oh my.

Well, I want to test the waters, so to speak. In hindsight, if I'd have lurked here a bit in the beginning rather than just jumping in and posting, I'd have saved some face. :)

Been doing some patching and extending work on a die-rolling bot for IRC. If it's needed, I can make it a permanent fixture of the IRC channel.

Hmm, it would be really interesting to write in support for that mote-drawing game........

Message 5857#59445

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On 4/4/2003 at 6:20am, greyorm wrote:
RE: online gaming

The channel has a server-provided diebot already, but gods know I could use a decent diebot for my own IRC games! (or a card-bot if you could hack something along those lines, and it sounds like you might be with the mote-system bot)

Message 5857#59465

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On 4/4/2003 at 6:44am, bladamson wrote:
RE: online gaming

The original bot:

My little patch which is probably useless to you:

If I get bored/fed-up and work tomorrow, I'd be happy to hack something together. Email me with an overview of the system or a link to it. May not have time though, surplusing day.

Be warned that I've not removed the potential buffer overflows from that bot. Don't run it 24/7. It also uses getopt(), so it's kind of painful to use. And the documentation beyone the source itself is awful/nonexistant. On my list of things to improve when I don't have something else to do.

Message 5857#59470

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On 4/4/2003 at 8:11pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: online gaming

Oh, you're going to fit right in.

Also, my esteemed colleagues have forgotten to mention a couple of other games. For example, many PBEMs (some using other Yahoogroups or other mailing lists) get started at Indie Netgaming. Also, I've recently started a game via Wiki for Universalis. Look for details on the group mailing list.

The Forge is about actual play, forst and foremost. Indie Netgaming is the effort of many Forge regulars and others to see that no medium is left untapped.


Message 5857#59649

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On 4/4/2003 at 10:13pm, bladamson wrote:
RE: online gaming

Ok, I got tired of trying to fix that other bot, so I wrote a new one. Haven't stuck a license file on it as of this writing, but consider it GPL.

Basic die rolling and card shuffling and flipping. It doesn't track who has what cards in their hands or support hole cards (other than through the /msg mechanism) yet. You can define your own decks by creading a deck.<name> file and executing !shuffle <name> to switch to it. See the existing deck.* for an example.

edit dice.conf to change the server and nick settings.

You'll probably want to edit the Makefile and turn off the debugging code and defines. There are probably some memory leaks I haven't found yet. Yes my code is awful. May it provide many hours of hearty laughter. :)

If you create any interesting decks of cards for the thing, please send em to me.:wq

Message 5857#59698

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On 4/5/2003 at 2:00am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: online gaming

Monday night game on IRC...
Probably start Trollbabe by making chars etc (which should go fast) and jump in.

Unless I totally chicken out, or folks are busy, then we could do another Universalis round (or start a different Uni story).

Message 5857#59774

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On 4/5/2003 at 4:39pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: online gaming

Bob McNamee wrote: Monday night game on IRC...
Probably start Trollbabe by making chars etc (which should go fast) and jump in.

Unless I totally chicken out, or folks are busy, then we could do another Universalis round (or start a different Uni story).

I'm there for Trollbabe.

Just a note to Raven . . . I don't use the server bot. It sucks. I've got a script that some D&D dude made a while back. I think I sent you a version once, but this one is better. You don't have to use the '#' symbol all the time.

Message 5857#59915

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On 4/5/2003 at 7:52pm, bladamson wrote:
RE: online gaming

I'm going to try to show up, but I plan on just lurking if nobody minds. I'm going to have work to do and would be unable to concentrate on the game even if I were to play.

Message 5857#59966

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On 4/6/2003 at 12:49am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: online gaming

I'm always surprised we don't get more lurkers just checking things out.
Feel free to stop by and lurk... or play.

we play on
with Game narration in channel - #indierpgs
and Out of Character talk plus Rolling in channel - #indie_ooc

Mondays, Tuesday, and Sundays are the most common for us at around 8pm Central time.

Message 5857#60052

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