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Topic: Nine Worlds playtest
Started by: Spooky Fanboy
Started on: 4/5/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 4/5/2003 at 1:20am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
Nine Worlds playtest

Need I even mention that I want one of these ASAP?

BTW, if you'd like to include me in credits, or anything, my real name is Carl L. Congdon. Not that my ego needs boosting or anything... ;-)

Message 5881#59767

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On 4/5/2003 at 2:13am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Nine Worlds playtest

SF, you'll be the first man in line for a playtest. Look for it sometime next week (and keep in mind it will truly be a playtest, in that the writing will be rough and the rules will likely need mad revisions!). Sunday, my gamer chums and I will be doing our first real playtest run-thru.

I spent a good chunk of today and yesterday in between work, being dad, etc. writing away on rules. I spent lunch at the local deli writing on my portable keyboard thingy today. Got a few curious stares -- kind of fun, really.

For anyone else interested in playtesting and/or critiquing Nine Worlds:

I'll be posting a PDF playtest version sometime next week, Fates willing. I'm extremely eager to get some actual play feedback, and will do what I can to make up for your help! So, please keep your eyes peeled. I'll be posting notice and a link here.

Beggars can't be choosers, but I'd love to get some feedback asap so we can get this baby ready for Origins, and then GenCon of course. I'll be at Origins, but ALAS not GenCon. I've already whined about that; don't get me started again. DAMN I wanna go to GenCon. Origins will be mucho kewl, though.

Message 5881#59779

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On 4/5/2003 at 5:51pm, coal wrote:
RE: Nine Worlds playtest

Alright. I've lurked long enough. I'd play the game if only for the setting. However, the constant flow of excellent and creative ideas about the mechanics and how they reflect the world is awesome. I already play a home brew campaign that echos alot of what I see about Nine Worlds.

Count me in for the playtest.

Message 5881#59933

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On 4/17/2003 at 10:03am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
let the questions begin

Greetings Matt,

Matt Snyder wrote: For anyone else interested in playtesting and/or critiquing Nine Worlds:

I'll be posting a PDF playtest version sometime next week, Fates willing. I'm extremely eager to get some actual play feedback, and will do what I can to make up for your help! So, please keep your eyes peeled. I'll be posting notice and a link here.

Well I can't promise playtest feedback, but I'd be interested to look the system over, see where you are going with it.

Until then I want you to give some serious thought to the cosmology of the Nine Worlds. Aether is great, but what contains the aether? Is there a Crystal Shell (Celestial Sphere) in which the planets orbit? Are the planets spheres? If not, what sort of planets are they, and how do they function within the aether?

Speaking of aether, how does gravity work? Are Rocs and Phoenixes able to fly outside a planetary atmosphere?

How many gods are there? Are they going to follow the current Greco-Roman flavor and be Olympians? I noted mention of Titans, I think, if there are Olympians will you be portraying the conflict between the two power groups? And how do mortals figure in to this conflict?

How do I create an aether ship? What provides its motive force? How far can one go before needed to refresh the air onboard, if at all, and what sorts of weapons might be on boa(the other 42 thousand questions, thankfully, deleted) . . . ;)

To summarise: I think this is interesting.

Much luck to you. Don't strain your fingers!

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 5881#62581

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