The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Lunch Money.
Started by: anonymouse
Started on: 4/10/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 4/10/2003 at 4:13am, anonymouse wrote:
Lunch Money.

Anyone played this game?

It's a standalone card game; two decks, put out by Atlas. Came out.. dunno, five or six years ago? I tend to get a couple of games in a month.

One of its best qualities is the artwork; photographs, actually, of this demented little girl (story goes that it's the photographer's daughter, though I've never researched it).

After hanging around Anvilwerks' forum for a few weeks, I've started to branch out and check out the other games. Looking over Little Fears, it seems like Lunch Money might be some kind of cool game aid. I don't have it yet (hopefully remedied within a few days) and have no idea on the mechanics, but.. enh. 'twas something that crossed my mind.

Message 5982#61051

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On 4/10/2003 at 1:38pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

When we released Little Fears at Origins 2001 a few people thought we were the same company that made "Lunch Money." Heh. Anyway, yes I got _Lunch Money_ just after it was released and I think it's a supremely fun game. I'd like to see a conversion for using the LM cards as a resolution mechanic for LF, actually.

Message 5982#61092

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On 4/10/2003 at 3:27pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

Lunch Money is a good game. I would say its a great game but it has one almost fatal flaw in a card game. It leave the damn rules off of the cards!

A little less angsty art and little more actual game related info on the cards (relative to combos and such) would have made it so much easier to play.

Message 5982#61114

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On 4/10/2003 at 9:23pm, Tundra wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

Fab game. I had the painful, but rewarding, task of getting dists and retailers to look beyond the pics to the game itself (I was Atlas' sales manager at that time)...lots of demos and then even more demos.

BTW, that game came to us nearly complete. A friend brought it to John and I while we were at a Cap City show in Chicago...the designer wanted to offer it to SJG (he knows the folks), but was rightly afraid that it would be tweaked and tamed too much to fulfill the designer's vision. Atlas reorged some of the wording and a few rules mods, and there you go.

ttfn - woody

Message 5982#61250

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On 4/10/2003 at 11:42pm, Slant wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

Not only do I remember Lunch Money, but I also remember the Lunch Money Button Men (well, actually Button GIRLS in this case). It was a lot of fun and one of the few card games I ever liked enough to actually buy.

Message 5982#61289

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On 4/15/2003 at 8:13pm, Ninchen wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

Yeah Lunch Money is lot of fun - when you play it rpg-wise

Message 5982#62196

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On 4/22/2003 at 2:59am, Comte wrote:
RE: Lunch Money.

Some of my fondest high school memories include playing lunch money while discussing catch 22 during one of my classes.

As for a conversion could work out. Draw a card add your stat for normal tests. Try to beat the gm's target number.

For opposed tests both players draw cards and add stats he who is highest wins.

Best of all I have that game session where the villian plays games in exchange for peoples lives. Lunch money would be perfect because it is easy to learn and fairly fast paced.

Message 5982#63258

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On 5/16/2003 at 11:54pm, spunky wrote:
Lunch Money & Little Fears

One somewhat obvious mechanic would be to use the character's Hands score as the size of their LM hand (or 2 x Hand, if that's too restrictive). I think, while LM will inflict more damage than most LF hth, it's not off the LF damage scale already established...


Message 5982#67555

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