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Topic: Chargen issues for Aisling
Started by: taalyn
Started on: 4/13/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 4/13/2003 at 4:59am, taalyn wrote:
Chargen issues for Aisling

I'm trying to get a basic set of rules together so I can get playtesting results while I work on the fun part (setting). I'm hoping you guys can suggest ideas for how to deal with the problems I'm having, especially since you have been so helpful in the past.

- I can't decide on simple point allocation (a la GURPS or Vampire), lifepath/background (a la Burning Wheel), a narrative system (Subjective FUDGE), or something else entirely. I'm tending towards point allocation cause it's simple, but a narrative style (describe your character in a paragraph, and then figure things from there) really appeals as well.

- (related to the above) every character has Corona, which measures how "bright" they are. I intended to have every mote above 4 in basic traits and skills increase Corona by one, but if I simply have characters assign points, it seems like they'll all end up with the same Corona.

- every character has a trait Sight, which measures how good their ability to see Luck/Magic/the true forms of Otherworldly beings is. I can simply assign a value (0 for humans, for example), but the worry is "how the heck does it increase"? It seems to me that events in game would do so, and not experience buying as in other skills, but how do I quantify in game experience in terms of their improving-Sight-ability?

Not quite chargen related, but also on my mind -

- TRoS combat rules!!! So can I do an Aislingy version? And if so, how...hmmm....


Message 6023#61688

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On 4/13/2003 at 11:09am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Chargen issues for Aisling

A little more input might help in forming ideas of how to generate the character. Such as, what is the full list of stats/attributes/traits that are common to every character? I know we've got Nature and Profession but what else?

On Corona, perhaps it would help to have every player designate an area in which their Corona is dominant, such as physical. The big man will have his Corona in physical, which means in physical situations, he'll be the one standing out. The genius will have his Corona in mental matters, and the medium in spiritual. Whatever the overall nature of the situation or action that the character is attempting will determine whether or not their Corona is dominant.

If you wish to have sight and/or other abilities increase based on their use, rather than a sort of experience system, I'd recommend taking a look at how TRoS skills are advanced. Each has a set of three boxes next to the listing. Each time the skill is used under duress, a box is checked. When all three boxes are checked, a roll is made using Mental Affinity (which, among a few other things, measures the character's ability to learn) against a TN based on the skill's current level. If it succeeds, the skill improves, if it fails, one check is removed. If it's a critical failure, all boxes are removed.

TRoS combat does indeed rock. But the question you must ask yourself, as I've had to do with Mage Blade, is if it furthers the goal of the game to have a realistic and tactical combat system like that of TRoS? I cannot really see it fitting with the rest of the mechanics as I understand them, personally.

Message 6023#61710

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On 4/13/2003 at 5:38pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: Chargen issues for Aisling

Per Lance's request:

A list of attributes for chargen in Aisling:

Traits: strength, charisma, intelligence, dexterity, will, perception, empathy
Talents: other skills not defined by nature or profession
Aspects (small modifier to any of the above attributes. for example, Cop 6, but HTH combat R8 (+2) and regulations G4(-2) - average remains 6)
Passions (sort of similar to Spiritual attributes in TRoS, but I swear I came up with them before reading TRoS!)

re: Corona - I keep swearing I'll just drop it entirely. Your idea to pick a focus, and then derive Corona from that has its merits, but I'm still thinking it won't characterize a character properly. That is, what if the 'thing' that burns bright, as recognized by others, isn't a body-based thing, but a mind-based thing, and the character just doesn't know it yet? Luke's Force was like that - the Force burned bright, but he hadn't a clue what that was.
Another option: have greater skills contribute greater points. A skill of 4 might contribute 1 point, 5 = 4 pts., 6=9 and so on. Since Corona is simply a measure of overall amazingness, it will never be drawn against (i.e. it's just there to provide info about the character). This way, someone who spends their motes in a very balanced way will still be fairly low in Corona, but someone with lots of very powerful skills will be very high. If it helps, chargen starts (at the moment) with simply assigning 45 motes to all the attributes above, minus luck and sight.

On TRoS combat - yeah, as awesomely awesome as it is, it isn't appropriate at all. Chalk it up to the 'cool idea - I have to put it in!' syndrome. We should really give that an official name.... Combat will be mucho more simplistic (ala varieties of Fudge or GMSkarka's UnderWorld). That's what is appropriate to the system. Maybe in a sourcebook later, for people who want to introduce more complexity....hmm...


Message 6023#61734

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