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Topic: Conflicting spells & Multiple Familiars
Started by: PAD the MAD
Started on: 4/13/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 4/13/2003 at 9:20am, PAD the MAD wrote:
Conflicting spells & Multiple Familiars

Hi all,

Been running RoS for several sessions now and have some good players and a nice mix of characters who are developing nicely. A couple of things cropped up as a result of last session that I'd be interested in peoples views on.

1) Two spells get cast on the same person that have conflicting effects. How do you determine which spell wins out? Based on power of spell?(highest used Vagaries?), Net successes?.

The example in question was a Dominate spell to get a PC to attack another PC vs the PC using a Beneath Notice spell to give him time to run away...

Ideas? Comments?

2) Later in the session we were discussing what happens if the Familiar of a sorceror character has offspring. Easy solution - they're normal critters. But, it also occured to me that for 10 SA points it is feasible to purchase another Minor Advantage e.g. a second familiar.

So, other than another pair of eyes to use, do you think the sorceror should gain any other benefits from the second familiar? e.g. the automatic 1 months ageing soak.



Message 6026#61702

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:40pm, PAD the MAD wrote:
Lack of replies...

Hi all,

Someone please give a reply!

Even if it to say this topic has been done to death elsewhere - at least then I'll know to go looking for it.



Message 6026#62425

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:51pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Conflicting spells & Multiple Familiars

Hey PAD,

1) I'd probably go with either what was most recently cast, or by margin of success.
2) I'd never considered a second familiar. Silly me. I say it's only good for another set of eyes--not addit'l aging bonuses or the like.


Message 6026#62429

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On 4/16/2003 at 7:09pm, PAD the MAD wrote:

Cheers Jake,

I was planning on going with the extra pair of eyes and no bonus to aging resistance...

Still not sure about the magic interaction - I like the idea of multiple magics affecting each other but it does make things complicated...

Not sure about margin of success as that (generally) favours the less powerful spell i.e. lower CTN (assuming equality of caster ability).

Must think on this some more...



Message 6026#62438

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On 4/16/2003 at 9:13pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
Re: Thanks

PAD the MAD wrote: Not sure about margin of success as that (generally) favours the less powerful spell i.e. lower CTN (assuming equality of caster ability).

Not the less powerful spell--the more direct and simpler spell. It's occam's razor in action.


Message 6026#62489

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On 4/18/2003 at 12:03pm, PAD the MAD wrote:
Alternate Views

Hi again,

I hadn't thought of the simpler, more direct spell idea for some reason - obviously still too used to other magic systems where bigger is better...

Always nice to see things from another viewpoint. Thanks!



Message 6026#62764

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On 4/18/2003 at 9:03pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Conflicting spells & Multiple Familiars

oops, I let Mayhem get extra aging bonuses for his second familiar... well, not my problem anymore since that game is over!

Message 6026#62852

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