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Topic: SG and PIGames Join Forces on HeartQuest Diceless
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 4/14/2003
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 4/14/2003 at 5:09pm, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
SG and PIGames Join Forces on HeartQuest Diceless

Seraphim Guard and Politically Incorrect Games Join Forces for Diceless Shoujo Game

PORTLAND, OR: Seraphim Guard, publishers of HeartQuest: Romantic Roleplaying in the Worlds of Shoujo Manga, and Politically Incorrect games, publishers of Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying, have signed a joint venture agreement to produce a diceless version of the popular HeartQuest role-playing game. The game is called, appropriately enough, HeartQuest Diceless and will use the Active Exploits game engine under license.

Seraphim Guard publisher Michael Hopcroft has adapted the original HeartQuest rules to fit within the mechanics of the diceless rules. Brett M. Bernstein, designer of Active Exploits, will be providing technical assistance.

“I guess some publishers can’t be satisfied with just one system,” said Hopcroft. “I saw the chance to do a diceless edition of HeartQuest as an opportunity to do something new and different with my settings and with the shoujo anime genre. Nobody has ever attempted anything like this. Active Exploits is one of the clearest and most concise diceless systems I’ve ever seen, and it’s a perfect system for regulating the chat-based and Internet-based campaigns that are so popular in this fandom. I was also completely taken with the system’s flexibility.”

“Most of the material in this book will be a direct translation or adaptation of the HeartQuest settings. Writing this book gave me a chance to do something I haven’t done in a long time – sit down with a partially-written manuscript and hammer away at it until it was finished. Besides, anything that brings new people into the fandom and gets new people to role-play in this genre is a good thing. It was also good practice for the upcoming HeartQuest Second Edition.”

“We’re going to try to keep the price on this book as reasonable as possible while still preserving some margin,“ said Hopcroft. “I’d like to think of it as the thematic entry level to diceless roleplaying as well as an inexpensive way to get into the worlds of HeartQuest.” As to future diceless projects, Hopcroft said, “I’m not closing any doors to anything reasonable. If this book proves popular, we will certainly consider more diceless material. I’m hoping for mutual profitability and maximum creative success.”

"I've always intended to produce an anime-style game setting with super-powered teen girls for Active Exploits," said Bernstein. "Michael nailed the concept right on the head. HeartQuest touches on everything you need for such a game. Whether you're looking for high drama or an action packed battle to see who rules the school halls, this setting won't let you down. HeartQuest and Active Exploits are the perfect match and this new setting adds to the increasing library of unique and interesting settings available for the popular diceless system."

HeartQuest Diceless will be sold exclusively through RPGNow, and will be made available in both PDF and Print-On-Demand versions. Additional diceless material for HeartQuest will be released as supplements and free PDFs. In addition, conversion guidelines from the FUDGE version of HeartQuest will be included in Politically Incorrect Games’ next Active Exploits conversion kit.

Seraphim Guard ( publishes quality roleplaying games such as HeartQuest: Romantic Roleplaying in the Worlds of Shoujo Manga and Furry Police. Politically Incorrect Games ( publishes quality roleplaying products such as The Colonies, Shady Gulch: Roleplaying in the Old West, and the new genreDiversion line of quick-fix mini games.

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On 6/1/2003 at 6:41am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: SG and PIGames Join Forces on HeartQuest Diceless

In case you hadn;t noticed earlier, the game has been released and is available at RPGNow!

Message 6043#69620

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