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Topic: Decay - latest news
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 4/15/2003
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 4/15/2003 at 12:41pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Decay - latest news

Jurgen (the Mad German who Walks) and I have finally hashed out the basic mechanics for Decay. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post additional info. (or send out playtest information) but it's finally coming along...

Any questions? Post 'em here.

Message 6057#62097

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On 4/15/2003 at 1:02pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Decay - latest news

Hey Jared,

I keep getting these sort of Brom images in my head, along the lines of the art for the customizable card game Heresy. Is that more or less on the right track?


Message 6057#62103

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On 4/15/2003 at 1:08pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Decay - latest news

Decay artwork can be seen toward the bottom of the gallery:

Message 6057#62104

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On 4/15/2003 at 1:37pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
Well, now...

Okay, so the game basics are hashed out. Did this help cohere the background any? I realize that you need some suspense to get people reeled in to buying the game. Great! Now I want more substantial info.

1) What are the mechanics? In the beginning, you said something about taking this as far to the extreme of being a tabletop RPG as it could go, perhaps not even having mechanics on one part of the charsheet. Or something like that. How does it work now?

2) What's the background of this world, basically? We have gathered post-apocalyptic and surreally creepy from the artwork and the previous posts. What happened? What kind of apocalypse was it? How did we end up with wanderers, mutant men, and undead courtesans? Are there any normal people in this world, or are the wanderers about as close as it gets?

3) The choice seems to be between embracing the Dream, embracing Decay, or going between the two extremes. This seems like a real no-brainer to me; is their any time you'd actually be better off embracing Decay? Is their some stuff going on that actually needs to just disappear for the good of the whole? Offering us a choice is one thing, offering us a meaningful choice where the results aren't as obvious as they might first appear is another.

Now that this game is close to completion, perhaps it's time to divulge just a little more.

Message 6057#62111

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On 4/15/2003 at 2:14pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Re: Well, now...

Spooky Fanboy wrote: Okay, so the game basics are hashed out. Did this help cohere the background any? I realize that you need some suspense to get people reeled in to buying the game. Great! Now I want more substantial info.

1) What are the mechanics? In the beginning, you said something about taking this as far to the extreme of being a tabletop RPG as it could go, perhaps not even having mechanics on one part of the charsheet. Or something like that. How does it work now?

2) What's the background of this world, basically? We have gathered post-apocalyptic and surreally creepy from the artwork and the previous posts. What happened? What kind of apocalypse was it? How did we end up with wanderers, mutant men, and undead courtesans? Are there any normal people in this world, or are the wanderers about as close as it gets?

3) The choice seems to be between embracing the Dream, embracing Decay, or going between the two extremes. This seems like a real no-brainer to me; is their any time you'd actually be better off embracing Decay? Is their some stuff going on that actually needs to just disappear for the good of the whole? Offering us a choice is one thing, offering us a meaningful choice where the results aren't as obvious as they might first appear is another.

Now that this game is close to completion, perhaps it's time to divulge just a little more.

"Completion" is a bit strong. Let's say progress is being made. :)

As to your questions:

1. There are very few number-based mechanics in the game. Characters are defined by their type (Doll, Ronin or Ferrant) and their various abilities. There are no word-based abilities (like GMS' UnderWorld, where you have a bunch of skills/traits and they're translated into scores). I see-sawed between a variety of designs and ended up taking a bit from each of them (although the current version most resembles the original, strangely enough). The mechanics focus on Dream/Decay, as they should.

2. Chris Shy knows what went down. Jurgen and I kinda know a little about what went down. We're still discussing how to establish the setting details (I'm more broad strokes and deliberate vagueness). Besides the three character types, there are zombified creatures, mutant creatures and normal humans. Maybe robotic things, maybe...other things.

3. If you want to play an evil character, the choice to go with full-on Decay is pretty obvious. But even a "good" character can use Decay to resolve conflicts now and then (relying on Decay is a bad, bad thing). Kinda like in Charnel Gods, the character's actions have a direct result on the world itself (and like CG, it's not a cause-effect's a bit more metaphysical).

Message 6057#62121

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On 4/16/2003 at 3:42am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Decay - latest news

Kinda like in Charnel Gods, the character's actions have a direct result on the world itself (and like CG, it's not a cause-effect's a bit more metaphysical).

Now you've got my attention. ;)

Seriously, I've kept silent thus far but am eagerly awaiting more info. The art looks great. The rest seems...interesting. What more is there to say at this point?

Setting-wise, my vote is for broad strokes. Not that I get a vote, but, you know, I like to think I do.

- Scott

Message 6057#62300

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On 4/16/2003 at 5:26am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: Decay - latest news

Not that I get a vote, but, you know, I like to think I do.

- Scott

Heh. Funny thing: A game fanatic (not "fan", but fanatic) like me lives constantly with the idea that not only does he get a vote, but that his vote counts. Hence my going all over this forum, pestering game creators night and day, waiting for that golden moment when my helpful "suggestions" and "encouragement" are actually deemed both helpful and encouraging. I believe with all the gray cells in my pointy little head that some of my ideas, suggestions and encouraging inquiries helped Matt Snyder with Nine Worlds, if only in a small way.

If nothing else, it gives normal, unmedicated souls like Jared Sorensen and Jason Blair a little chuckle to read my posts, and if I help one person out there get just a little closer to creating something he or she can be proud of, I don't mind.

Now, with that shit said, I too am intrigued with this revolutionary game in the making and am looking forward very much to an actual example of play, some concrete chunks of the setting, or something that doesn't make me sound like I'm on a three-day-cold-medicine-bender when I try to describe it to people. Or get me threatened with nasty things like "restraining orders" or "hospitalization" or "cattle prods." You know, just something a little more concrete and less generalized.

Just your friendly neighborhood Spooky Fanboy--
(who, looking over this post, thinks it would be a great idea to stop reading that Timecube site, especially this late at night.)

Message 6057#62319

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:47pm, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: Decay - latest news

hardcoremoose wrote: Now you've got my attention. ;) [...] What more is there to say at this point?

Well, since Decay is all about changing the world, the characters will be able to do just that, for good or bad. At the end of the game humanity will be lost or saved.

hardcoremoose wrote: Setting-wise, my vote is for broad strokes. Not that I get a vote, but, you know, I like to think I do.

Any input is appreciated, and thus, you have a vote. I'm also for broad-stroked setting material. We will cover all the important aspects as well as some interesting details. The rest will be open to individual interpretation. We want the players to be inspired by the artwork and ideas (both of which we'll have tons of), and let them take it from there.

edit: typo

Message 6057#62427

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