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Topic: RPGs based on films
Started by: Matt Gwinn
Started on: 9/6/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/6/2001 at 10:31am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RPGs based on films

I've been hoping to design a game based on the film Blood of Heroes (AKA Salute of the Jugger) and up until last night I wasn't sure if it would happen.

Well, last night I spoke on the phone with David Webb Peoples, the screenwriter for Blood of Heroes as well as Blade Runner, Unforgiven, 12 Monkeys and a few other films.
I wrote to him a few weeks ago asking for his permission to go forward with the my game idea and to get some background info on the film. Anyway, he replied and I spoke with him. He was very enthusiastic about me making the game. The only problem is that he isn't sure if he can give me permission or if I need the permission of the production company. He's going to check with his agent to see if he owns the rights to the film, but wants me to do some research on other films that have been made into RPGs (Star Wars, Aliens etc.) to see what the process is. Do any of you have any knowledge of such things?

,Matt G.

Message 606#5111

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On 9/6/2001 at 12:20pm, Tyrant wrote:
RE: RPGs based on films

not tyring to discourage you or anything, but as I see it, Movie based RPGs don't do to well... esp if you are trying to sell them

If it was a cheap release you may get a few buyers (myself among them) and I really love the idea (and the movie) and this movie is a might bit on the not well known side. (Shame that)

I can't give you any advice on pre production, but I do wish you the best of luck and if you need help I'm willing

Message 606#5113

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On 9/6/2001 at 2:21pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: RPGs based on films

Wouldn't this make a better board or war-type game, than RPG? I love that movie, I've thought many times about trying to make a game out of the sport in it. In fact, we used to play Jugger when I lived at this old punk house. We used a cloth-mache "skull" instead of real dog skull tho. :smile:

That's cool that you called the writer and everything... But it would probably be easier to steal the idea and re-name it, rather than deal with the corporate red tape and greediness... :smile:

Message 606#5115

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On 9/11/2001 at 11:42am, contracycle wrote:
RE: RPGs based on films

Existing franchises can be a pain in the ass. I had a crack at re-writing Aliens once, and had some encouraging noises, but it all went sour and nothing came of it. Many layers of responsibility involved - Aliens has central continuity control in Fox somewhere (I was surprised to learn) , so the editorial process is long winded. On the other hand, the potential marketing clout of movie studios and their spinoff infrastructure presents an unparraleled opportunity. Take Planet of the Apes Mk2 of recent vintage - mostly good story, shame about the ending. BUT, like say The Matrix, the visuals are so good as to tempt many to indulge. Personally, I would like to see more movie spin-off RPG's (partly for the potential use of stills). Just bear in mind that in doing so you become a part of that spinoff infratsructure, not an RPG company. But given that RPG's can/should have specific rules for each and every setting, it is within the realm of possibility that a broad enough fanbase could produce an RPG for nearly any film; certaibly, from the RPG side, the only real problems are finding a continuing conflict that the movie did not close off.

Message 606#5371

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On 9/12/2001 at 2:22am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: RPGs based on films

I don't have much to add this to this conversation, except that I claim Brotherhood of the Wolf as my territory. I haven't even seen the film (nor may I ever get the chance, unless it hits big in LA and NY), but the idea kicks so much ass that it, or something like it, has to be a roleplaying game.

Already working on the "something like it", actually.

Take care,

Message 606#5394

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On 9/14/2001 at 9:10pm, Mithras wrote:
RE: RPGs based on films

Unodiablo wrote:
"But it would probably be easier to steal the idea and re-name it, rather than deal with the corporate red tape and greediness... "

Jesus I love that! What a quote! I should have it taped onto the top of my monitor so I can read it every day!!

Cheers unodiablo!

Message 606#5521

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