The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GENCON 2003: April update
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 4/15/2003
Board: Publishing

On 4/15/2003 at 7:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
GENCON 2003: April update

Hi there,

The endcap booth space is reserved, under the combined aegis of Arc Dream Publishing (Godlike), Driftwood Publishing (The Riddle of Steel), and Adept Press (Sorcerer).

Here are the folks who have paid for badges; many of them have also paid to be considered fellow publishers at the booth and sell their games.

Luke Crane (selling Burning Wheel)
Matt Gwinn (selling Kayfabe) + Janet (last name?) too
Ralph Mazza (selling Universalis)
Dan Geyer, Cory Katzenmeyer, Justin Williams (selling Chain of Being)
Juergen Mayer
Greg Porter (selling EABA and sundry other stuff), possibly with other people along
Jeffrey Miller & Matt Wilson (*may* be selling a game, dunno yet)
Jared Sorensen (selling InSpectres, octaNe, with any luck Decay)
Tor Erickson
Paul Czege (selling My Life with Master, I hope) & Danielle (whose last name escapes me again)

If you have paid me and you're not named above, remind me. If you have not paid me and want to be an exhibitor, demo person, and general Forge GenCon person, then feel free to zip $55 to If you also want to sell your independent role-playing game at the booth, then add $100 to it.

However: if you are not committed to busting your ass for the benefit of all games present (even if it's just being supportive, but more is better), then consider simply getting a regular GenCon badge and being at the booth for fun with no obligations.

Now for the hotel thing. I have reserved two rooms at the Westin Hotel (and yes, Juergen, it's right next to the convention hall). People who have reserved space in the rooms include the following:

Juergen Mayer, Ralph Mazza, Greg Porter

I frankly have no idea about anyone else. If you asked me about hotel space previously, and you aren't Ralph or Greg, then I've plumb forgotten you. Get in touch to remind me. Everyone who's staying in these rooms is agreeing, hands down, to plain old spring-break style sleeping on the floors and not hogging the bathroom and all that kind of stuff. Basically, a bunch of guys, their socks, and so forth.

All hotel costs will be calculated and divided up per capita per night after the con.


Message 6064#62184

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On 4/15/2003 at 8:05pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update


Dammit dammit dammit.**



**Man, I really wish I was going to be there this year. I hope the new booth rocks as hard as the Key 20/Adept booth did last year.


Message 6064#62193

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:43am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
I feel really stupid now

All these great people at the Forge booth and I just had Ron send back my money. I don't really have anything to sell, but now I'm beginning to think I'll really miss GenCon this year. I'd come to the decision of canceling my cummer travel, but now I'm feeling bad about making that decision and wonder if I should reconsider.

What is the deadline for me to send in money again should a.) I come into money and b.) I manage to find the time to travel?

Michael Hopcroft

Message 6064#62329

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On 4/16/2003 at 7:40am, Bruce Baugh wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

I'm curious if anyone else is thinking of GenCon So Cal this December. My summer trip will be to Trinoc*Con, but I'm gonna be in Anaheim in December as a lackey of the Wolf, and would be glad to see anyone else.

Message 6064#62336

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On 4/16/2003 at 7:46am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

I'd love to go but I can't have a table. I'm open to any assistance anyone can offer to get me down there like room space, transportation asisstance, etc. And I'd gladly help at the Forge booth if there is one.

I suppose I should start a whole new topic on GenCon SoCal. In fact, I think I'll do just that.

Message 6064#62338

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:29pm, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
Re: GENCON 2003: April update

Ron Edwards wrote: and yes, Juergen, it's right next to the convention hall

I'm so grateful! Have you already decided on which days you're exactly arriving/leaving?

Ron Edwards wrote: People who have reserved space in the rooms include the following:

Juergen Mayer, Ralph Mazza, Greg Porter

I frankly have no idea about anyone else. If you asked me about hotel space previously, and you aren't Ralph or Greg, then I've plumb forgotten you.

You're trying to confuse me, eh? I'm on the list, but I'm pretty positive that I'm neither Ralph nor Greg. So does that mean you have forgotten me in the time-frame of one sentence? You have to stop thinking about game mechanics when posting on another topic. Geez. BTW, with Greg at the booth, I want to play in a Macho Sorceresses crossover game.

Message 6064#62415

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On 4/16/2003 at 7:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update


... Ralph, Greg, or Juergen, then ...



Message 6064#62451

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On 4/28/2003 at 4:30pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Since I'm moving forwared on being an Indie/small press sales site, I was thinking of getting a booth or sharing with RPGObjects as I've done in the past (he has a corner) or maybe it make sense that we work with you guys? Maybe we sponser the booth as a whole or maybe we just do cross promotions between the booths?



Message 6064#64393

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On 4/28/2003 at 4:34pm, GMSkarka wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

James beat me to it...I was just about to post the same thing (since I'll be working for him handling RPGMall stuff).


Message 6064#64397

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On 4/28/2003 at 4:42pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

That's great to hear.

We should definitely talk details, especially if you're going to be located near us. There are always StorageSpace, DemoSpace, and Cover the Booth concerns as well as the more fun aspects of cross promotion. If our booths are close by, we could really turn that section of the floor into the most happening spot in the dealer hall (especially if Wizards doesn't go full bore with their Wheel of Torture nonsense this year).

One thing that had occured to me is the possibility of finding someone to share credit card sales with. Last year the booth did not have the capability to take CCs. I'm thinking this year it would be a good idea to make some kind of arrangement where we could, if necessary.

Message 6064#64402

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On 4/28/2003 at 4:53pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

I think you might have glossed over one of my ideas/points... that being that we share the booth or kind of put everyone under the RPGMall banner... as a new distribution channel. Since Wizard's Attic isn't going to be there this year, we could fill that role.

I can take credit cards, but they can only be processed online. So till I get an internet connection I can't process them. Though if someone has a lap top and a hotel room that would work just fine. Or we wait till we get back and process them all and anyone who gets hit with fraud just deals with the loss (when in person it's rare as you have a copy of the card, usuaully it's filling of their balance that's the problem which case you just charge them next month).

Anyway, I have 3 options (well 4 if I don't go). That is to share a booth with you guys or share with RPGObjects or get one on my own. If you're already doing the majority of indie people, getting one on my own doesn't make a lot of sense.


Message 6064#64405

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On 4/28/2003 at 4:58pm, GMSkarka wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

rpghost wrote: I think you might have glossed over one of my ideas/points... that being that we share the booth and maybe upgrade to a corner booth.

Actually, James, and endcap is bigger than a corner booth. They've already got an endcap.

I can take credit cards, but they can only be processed online. So till I get an internet connection I can't process them.

It's a fairly simple matter to get a phone line at the booth...all that would be required then is someone with a laptop and some kind of nationwide dialup provider access (AOL or Earthlink, etc.).


Message 6064#64409

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On 4/28/2003 at 5:10pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

GMSkarka wrote: Actually, James, and endcap is bigger than a corner booth. They've already got an endcap.

It's a fairly simple matter to get a phone line at the booth...all that would be required then is someone with a laptop and some kind of nationwide dialup provider access (AOL or Earthlink, etc.).

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted and edited my post :) But the offer still stands, maybe we can be a major contributor to the booth. It would probably be easier for people to say yeah or nay though once we get our site/service setup.

As for the dialup, yes that would work. The phone lines are not very cheap there (at least at the Midwest Center they were not), but it would work. So is it worth dropping $100+ to have a phone to make a few extra purchases? We'd have to take a share of the sales for that too of course as we're having to pay the fees for processing.


Message 6064#64417

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On 4/28/2003 at 5:57pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Hey James,

I think you might have glossed over one of my ideas/points... that being that we share the booth or kind of put everyone under the RPGMall banner... as a new distribution channel. Since Wizard's Attic isn't going to be there this year, we could fill that role.

Y'know...I spend more than 40 hours a week carrying someone else's corporate banner. I'm pretty disinterested in seeing the booth go in this particular direction. I'm having a hard time finding the "indie" in it.


Message 6064#64433

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On 4/28/2003 at 6:12pm, GMSkarka wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Paul Czege wrote:

Y'know...I spend more than 40 hours a week carrying someone else's corporate banner. I'm pretty disinterested in seeing the booth go in this particular direction. I'm having a hard time finding the "indie" in it.

Then look closer, and try not to come off as so hostile.

The whole point of RPGMall is that it's going to be a sales venue for Indie Games--a way for them to reach gamers and retailers. It's all about the indie....if it wasn't, I wouldn't be getting involved.

What we're trying to do is create a one-stop shop for indie games...something which I've heard gamers say again and again is needed. Instead of hoping that they'll hear of the newest indie products, and then having to order from X different websites (and pay X different shipping costs to order X different products), gamers (and retailers, since we will offer retail accounts) can go to a single place to order.


Message 6064#64437

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On 4/28/2003 at 6:17pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

I in no way want to take over the show so to say... just offering an option and a way to lesson the cost for all involved. I'm fine with just going to our own booth and sharing some promotional flyers and pointing people to each booth. Up to you guys really.


Message 6064#64440

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On 4/28/2003 at 6:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Hi there,

H'm, I'm kind of a boring person when it comes to business organization, especially when it comes to consolidating efforts. My take is always, "let's try the baby version first."

The baby version in this case seems to be James' latest idea - just having two booths and doing a lot of cross-promotion.

Gareth and James, I'm also willing to consider you guys participating in our booth, basically as another company among many. That would mean $55 per person for the badges, and $100 to defray the costs of the booth, plus the usual obligation to play and demo a variety of games, helping out in all kinds of ways. You'd also have to pay the costs for hooking up the booth with a phone line (they do charge for it). I'm not sure if that's what y'all want to be doing at GenCon, but it is cheaper than getting your own full booth.

I don't think we're quite ready yet for a full-on one-stop independent-RPG shop. Or rather, we might be ready, but all the interactions among us are taking a long time to shake out into a viable plan. Until then, I think going any further would be past the baby version and into my timid-old-man "too fast for me!" zone.

If you're interested, get in touch privately and we'll work it out there - people tend to forget that the forum discussion isn't, itself, a policy session. I'm interested in others' input but I'd rather it be about something more concrete.


Message 6064#64448

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On 4/28/2003 at 6:56pm, GMSkarka wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Ron Edwards wrote: Gareth and James, I'm also willing to consider you guys participating in our booth, basically as another company among many. That would mean $55 per person for the badges, and $100 to defray the costs of the booth, plus the usual obligation to play and demo a variety of games, helping out in all kinds of ways. You'd also have to pay the costs for hooking up the booth with a phone line.

Cool with me, but I'll defer to James, since he's the money-man.

Point, though....the only purpose of setting up a phone line was to be able to process CC orders for *you guys*...we would need to figure out what percent of CC sales we'd get, since we'd be paying for the phone line as well as the per-use fees we'd get charged by the CC processor. If you guys don't really want to deal with CC sales, then it isn't really needed.

I don't think we're quite ready yet for a full-on one-stop independent-RPG shop. Or rather, we might be ready, but all the interactions among us are taking a long time to shake out into a viable plan. Until then, I think going any further would be past the baby version and into my timid-old-man "too fast for me!" zone.

Good thing that you don't set policy for the "indie" community at large, then. :)

The shop IS going forward---as we speak, in fact. It should be up and running by next month. Nothing more complicated for publishers to "plan" than a decision as to whether or not they want an additional sales channel that also gets them direct sales, piggybacked sales with other producers, as well as a place where retailers can also order direct.

If so, great. If not, no big deal. We'll still be here.


Message 6064#64451

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On 4/28/2003 at 7:03pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

My question on CC sales was really based on the assumption that you guys were having your own booth at which you'd be hooked up to accept them, and if so seeing what arrangements could be made to piggy back on that for the few sales we might get that would be CC. Last year there were only a couple of people I dealt with who walked away when they found we didn't take plastic, but it seemed to me that if there was someone friendly to the indie booth who already did, than some sort of mutally beneficial shareing arrangement could be reached to cover such contingencies.

Second...when do you expect to have an announcement for what RPGmall entails / requires and terms etc. available? I would certainly be interested in at least taking a look at what you've put together.

Message 6064#64454

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On 4/28/2003 at 7:15pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Matt Wilson (*may* be selling a game, dunno yet)


I'll probably need another month before I know whether the game will be ready. Is that too late?

Message 6064#64458

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On 4/28/2003 at 7:30pm, GMSkarka wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Valamir wrote:
when do you expect to have an announcement for what RPGmall entails / requires and terms etc. available? I would certainly be interested in at least taking a look at what you've put together.

James is building the site now, so I expect that we'll have the info within the next week or so.


Message 6064#64465

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On 4/28/2003 at 11:30pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Bruce Baugh wrote: I'm curious if anyone else is thinking of GenCon So Cal this December. My summer trip will be to Trinoc*Con, but I'm gonna be in Anaheim in December as a lackey of the Wolf, and would be glad to see anyone else.

I'm definately going to head down there, if the Indianapolis GenCon rocks at all.

Hmm.. Indies In Indie. How's that for aliteration?


Message 6064#64508

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On 4/28/2003 at 11:33pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Matt Wilson wrote:
Matt Wilson (*may* be selling a game, dunno yet)


I'll probably need another month before I know whether the game will be ready. Is that too late?

Ditto for my contribution to the catalog.


Message 6064#64509

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On 4/29/2003 at 1:02pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Hi there,

Matt, another month is fine. Same goes for Raven with Orx and for Paul with My Life with Master. That's because all three of you have cleared the "I might have it ready" concept with me already.

Everyone: If you're not Raven, Matt, or Paul, and you haven't paid me $155, and if you haven't contacted me, do not expect to show up at GenCon with your game and check in hand and simply join up at the booth. We have to do this pretty formally well ahead of time.


Message 6064#64572

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On 4/29/2003 at 6:09pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GENCON 2003: April update

Ron Edwards wrote: Everyone: If you're not Raven, Matt, or Paul, and you haven't paid me $155, and if you haven't contacted me, do not expect to show up at GenCon with your game and check in hand and simply join up at the booth. We have to do this pretty formally well ahead of time.

Hmm, let me rephrase that since I accidently posted in the forum instead of a PM to someone entirely different.. :D

I mean, really, what kind of nob would just show up and say "dude!"


Message 6064#64638

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