The Forge Reference Project


Topic: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?
Started by: Jürgen Mayer
Started on: 4/15/2003
Board: Publishing

On 4/15/2003 at 10:48pm, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?

Jason L Blair wrote: Dammit.*

Dammit dammit dammit.**



**Man, I really wish I was going to be there this year. I hope the new booth rocks as hard as the Key 20/Adept booth did last year.


From a chat I had with Jason some minutes ago:

DisasterMachine: man, you need to come to GenCon. Can't we raise a fund for you? I think everyone at the forge booth should throw in five bucks for ya. Of course, you'd be obligated to fetch our drinks and meals all the time, and run a Continuum game, but hey...

nunhunglo: Hehe. I'd love to, man. I really would.

DisasterMachine: money or time issues?

DisasterMachine: note to self: Jason would love to run a game of Continuum. Great. I fear it's far to complicated for me to run.
DisasterMachine: ;)

nunhunglo: uh....
nunhunglo: damn.

DisasterMachine: hmhm. how far's Ohio from Indy?
nunhunglo: 6 hours.

nunhunglo: If you get the Forge to sponsor me, I'll run Continuum. Not well...but I'll run it.

Now, who wants to be in a Continuum game with Jason at GenCon?

Message 6069#62248

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On 4/16/2003 at 12:58am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?

Fuckin' A! Hell yeah!

I'd pay money to be in ANYONE's Continuum game (not as much as I'd pay to play Narcissist, but that's another story). However, I wasn't planning on being at GenCon, seeing as how I'm working all summer and having to fork over a good sum of money on artwork for Storypunk. Still, Jason deserves to have his ass at Indy.

How about this: I'll spend the next few weeks rewriting Vespertine, give it some more art and a sweet layout, and then I'll donate it to Key20 (since it's a Little Fears mod, after all) and Jason can sell it on his website/RPGnow for $3-5 and earn money to go to GenCon. In turn, I'll get free publicity, so people will actually buy Storypunk when it comes out this summer. That way, everybody wins.

Message 6069#62277

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On 4/16/2003 at 2:24am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?


If transportation is a problem, I have some friends I know down here in Cuyahoga Falls who are going to GenCon. They might be willing to cart along a celebrity game publisher. If this is something you're interested in, Jason, PM me.

Message 6069#62288

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On 4/16/2003 at 1:21pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?

It's not transportation or time; it _was_ funds (as I was unemployed without prospects when the Forge booth came together and registration was due) but now I _may_ be able to go. It all depends on whether I can get the time off work and if I can find a place to stay. I appreciate Juergen's (and Jonathan's and Ralph's and Ethan's) support and I will try to make it (I do really want to be there). I'll let you all know.

Message 6069#62355

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:00pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?

I offer one lunch.

Get enough of these together, and he'll be forced to admit that it's doable.


Message 6069#62411

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On 4/16/2003 at 6:25pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: How do we get Jason to GenCon Indy?


Well guys, this thread is closed. Work out whatever deals you're gonna through the emails.


Message 6069#62414

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