The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 4/17/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 4/17/2003 at 3:51pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Hi there,

That would be me, among a bunch of other people whose names are probably more widely known. I have no idea why or how I was selected for the status; I merely received the email and that was that.

Yup, my picture and little biography are going to be in the GenCon pamphlet-thing, and I'll probably be serving on a panel or two, and I suppose there'll be some kind of beer-oriented event involved as well.


Message 6103#62623

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On 4/17/2003 at 3:59pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Huh. You're not sure how or why, huh? Hmm...I'm going to guess that a certain something-something (*cough*Dianajones*cough*) may be responsible for that, Ron.

Just a theory, mind you. Just a theory.

Message 6103#62626

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On 4/17/2003 at 4:03pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

But totally dwarfing this piddling recognition is the fact that the esteemed Mr. Edwards won the Human of the Year award at last nights Indie Awards ceremony.

"Human of the Year"...much more impressive than mere "guest of honor"

"guest of honor"...sheesh even the dude who played R2D2 got to be a guest of he was never Human of the Year...

Message 6103#62627

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On 4/17/2003 at 4:16pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

I did?

Thanks to everyone.


Message 6103#62629

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On 4/17/2003 at 6:34pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Yes, Ron, the Indie ceremonies were last night. You won by a substantial margin. Congratulations! Well deserved.

Ah, well. Apparently Ron has passed into the realm of celebrity where he no longer feels the need to be at ceremonies honoring him. ;-)


Message 6103#62675

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On 4/17/2003 at 7:18pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

That would also include certain other individuals who also weren't present to accept their award...wouldn't it...Holmes.

Message 6103#62687

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On 4/17/2003 at 7:25pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Pfeh. If you must know, I was doing laundry and cleaning up all the male debris (mainly RPGs) that had come to litter the house, prior to the SO's return from her conference/vacation trip.

Domestic bliss comes before fame and glory, my friends.


Message 6103#62689

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On 4/17/2003 at 10:01pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Valamir wrote: That would also include certain other individuals who also weren't present to accept their award...wouldn't it...Holmes.

Dude, I was playing Sorcerer! Ask Josh. :-)

Mike "Actual Play is All" Holmes

Message 6103#62729

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On 4/18/2003 at 6:59am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

I was unaware of the Indie Awards ceremony.

Are the awards posted somewhere?

--M. J. Young,
who still hasn't been able to find out who won last year's Origins Awards.

Message 6103#62760

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On 4/18/2003 at 2:29pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

M. J. Young wrote: I was unaware of the Indie Awards ceremony.

Are the awards posted somewhere?

--M. J. Young,
who still hasn't been able to find out who won last year's Origins Awards.

M.J.: The awards are available here:

Message 6103#62774

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On 4/22/2003 at 1:07am, Nev the Deranged wrote:

Figures. This is the year I'll be too broke to attend. And I had finally come to the revelation that GenCon is NOT about running around buying every cool looking thing you see... it's about staying the hell OUT of the dealer's hall and locking yourself in the Open Gaming hall and PLAYING FOR FOUR F*CKING DAYS WITHOUT PAUSE.


Message 6103#63240

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On 4/22/2003 at 1:47am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Re: figures

Nev the Deranged wrote: it's about staying the hell OUT of the dealer's hall and locking yourself in the Open Gaming hall and PLAYING FOR FOUR F*CKING DAYS WITHOUT PAUSE.quote]

Word. Well, finding fun people to game with is the thing, too.

For me, I'm not looking forward to GenCON or any other con so much as looking forward to gaming with peers I met here and at RPGNet at such conventions...


Message 6103#63246

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On 4/22/2003 at 2:26am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Speaking as a dealer, I would appreciate if you spent some time in the dealer's hall. At least enough to say "Hi" and give me money.

A serious on-topic response: Ron, let us know if you'll be speaking on panels and the what and when of those panels as soon as you know.

Message 6103#63253

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On 4/22/2003 at 11:10am, Nev the Deranged wrote:

Now, see, if I come in the dealer's hall and give you money, then GenCon ends up costing me the 400$+ I spent my first year there, rather than merely the admissions, gas, food and lodging.

Although I did pick up some kewl stuff...

No! Must resist temptation! >.<

Yeah, Ron, let us know what you'll be up to there so if I do somehow make it I'll know where to look for you.

Message 6103#63283

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On 4/22/2003 at 12:56pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Heh ...

Nev, check out any threads about GenCon in the Publishing forum. Not only is it going to be scarily clear where I (and a ton of other Forge folks) will be, but some cost-cutting options are available to you, especially in terms of lodging.

For now, all I'll say is, actual play is featured in at least one portion of the exhibition hall, to an extent and for purposes never before seen at GenCon, with the exception of last year.


Message 6103#63289

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On 4/24/2003 at 7:21am, M. J. Young wrote:
Re: Noooooo

Nev the Deranged wrote: Now, see, if I come in the dealer's hall and give you money, then GenCon ends up costing me the 400$+ I spent my first year there, rather than merely the admissions, gas, food and lodging.
Nev, I've never been to GenCon, but according to the industry statistics I read a few years back, the average expenditure per gamer in attendance is $1000.

Sounds like you were frugal.

--M. J. Young

Message 6103#63705

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On 4/24/2003 at 9:33pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
not really

The 400$+ was in ADDITION to the 400$ I spent on food, gas, lodging, and admission.

Which *sigh* am and wavering on whether to start saving up for again... if I reserve the hotel rooms now I might be able to afford it.... except that I can't afford to reserve the hotel rooms now. >.< Stupid catch-22. And I refuse to use my credit card. I refuse! Dammit.

Anybody interested in sharing a room?

Message 6103#63829

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On 4/24/2003 at 9:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Nev, Nev. Did I tell you to read those Publishing threads, or did I not?

There are two rooms reserved for GenCon by me already, specifically for purposes of people crashing there on the cheap.

Of course, that's if you want to do the Exhibitor Badge thing and play tons of enjoyable demo games at the Forge booth for a lot of the con. Which, you know, is what you said you wanted to do anyway, actually play. Plus you'd have time to check out the rest of the con too.

$55 to me and after-con divvy-up payment for the hotel room. That's it. You'd have to be deranged to pass it up.

Umm, I could have put that last pitch-line better ...


Message 6103#63830

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On 4/24/2003 at 9:42pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:

Well, I AM deranged, but your offer sounds good. I read the Publishing thread but didn't realize the invitation was open to anyone. I'm down for it. Do you have any idea what the room charge will likely run? Just a rough idea... so I know whether to save up a few hundred or what? I'll try to remember to bring the cash to the game.

Message 6103#63832

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On 4/25/2003 at 7:09pm, ejh wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Holy cow, Ron, you look nothing like I would have imagined. Given your role in the indie RPG community I think I expected something a little more like a Tarot-card Hermit. :-)

They done gone moved GenCon a helluva lot farther from me in Michigan than it used to be, unfortunately, but I'll make it if life lets me...

Congrats to all the awardees!

Message 6103#63983

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On 4/25/2003 at 8:56pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

ejh wrote: Holy cow, Ron, you look nothing like I would have imagined. Given your role in the indie RPG community I think I expected something a little more like a Tarot-card Hermit. :-)

Funny, that's just how I'd describe Ron. :-)


Message 6103#64007

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On 5/11/2003 at 8:24pm, James V. West wrote:
RE: Guest of Honor at GenCon 2003

Yeah, I'm behind times. What's new?

Cogratulations, Ron! This is really a great thing and it speaks well for the future of the RPG industry to know that progressive creators are starting to get thier just dues.

Message 6103#66740

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