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Topic: Dust Devils: 2002 Indie RPG of the Year
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 4/17/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 4/17/2003 at 7:26pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Dust Devils: 2002 Indie RPG of the Year

Dust Devils has won the award for the 2002 Indie RPG the year!

In a tight race with other excellent games, including a dead-heat with Jake Norwood's The Riddle of Steel, Dust Devils earned just enough votes from game designers and creators to win the award. Other hot contenders were Cartoon Action Hour!, InSpectres, Donjon Lightspeed, and Children of the Sun.

Dust Devils also won for Best Synergy of Game and Rules, as well as placing in Best Production and Most Innovative Game categories.

This is a great honor for me, and I really appreciate the recognition. Thanks to everyone at the Forge who helped make Dust Devils a success, and thanks to Andy Kitkowski for organizing the Indie awards program. It should also be a reminder of what Indie games are all about -- great folks making great games. Support these games, folks. Buy them, create them, and for heaven's sake PLAY THEM!

To get your copy of award-winning Dust Devils, visit the Dust Devils home page.

- Matt Snyder

Message 6109#62690

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On 4/18/2003 at 3:07pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Dust Devils: 2002 Indie RPG of the Year

Way to go Matt!

So does the award mean that we can expect more work coming from you? I mean the prize is predicated on the idea that it will spur more creativity from the winner. So can be expect Nine Worlds, Avatar - 13, and Dreamspires from you by GecCon? :-)


Message 6109#62778

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On 4/18/2003 at 3:38pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Dust Devils: 2002 Indie RPG of the Year

Mike Holmes wrote: Way to go Matt!

So does the award mean that we can expect more work coming from you? I mean the prize is predicated on the idea that it will spur more creativity from the winner. So can be expect Nine Worlds, Avatar - 13, and Dreamspires from you by GecCon? :-)


All those by GenCon? Um, no. Nine Worlds will be there, though, definitely.

As for the others:

Avatar-13 -- I'll likely do a re-write and offer up a more "playable" playtest version of these rules in the summer. Not highest priority, though there may be some art involved!

"Call to Duty" -- Working title for a full-game version of Dust Devils at war. Basically, it is to war movies what Dust Devils is to Westerns, and will use almost entirely the same rules. It will include art by Chris Martinez. Look for this one late summer, I expect.

Dreamspire -- Despite these two above, Dreamspire will be the next biggie following Nine Worlds. I'll begin working on in in earnest while doing these other "smaller" projects. Best case scenario? Art-ridden playtest, if not full game, to really give you nightmares for Halloween.

Message 6109#62781

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...from around 4/18/2003