The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Spirited Away
Started by: Little_Rat
Started on: 4/18/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 4/18/2003 at 1:42pm, Little_Rat wrote:
Spirited Away

I saw this film last night, and other than making me glad that America has pretty much no spirit world (but don't quote me on that), I thought "Man this would be great for a LF game set in Japan" or something of that sort.
What do you all think?

Message 6117#62769

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On 4/18/2003 at 7:42pm, peteramthor wrote:
RE: Spirited Away

Well I watched this film last night as well. Very well done flick that would work great in a LF game. Maybe something along the lines of a group of friends going to the spirit world after a friend was taken there against their will. A lot of the visuals seem really cool to use in a LF game as well. The three rolling heads, the hopping lamp, the attacking paper birds, etc.

Message 6117#62823

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On 4/18/2003 at 8:25pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Spirited Away

From what I've seen of the film, it sounds like this would be a great take on Arcadia. Or, perhaps the group of PCs gets stuck inside some child's dream? Perhaps one of their friends slips into a coma and the kids do some ritual and are transported into the friend's dream-land where they hope to rescue him and bring him out of it?

I hope to see this movie soon.

Message 6117#62834

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