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Topic: Actor without Immersion
Started by: GB Steve
Started on: 9/7/2001
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 9/7/2001 at 12:08pm, GB Steve wrote:
Actor without Immersion

Hi Guys! I'm geeting into GNS nitty gritty today.

I looked at the FAQ. Here are the relevant sections:

In Actor Stance, the player is actually playing his character in a method-actor sense, making decisions based strictly on what the character knows, perceives, and feels. In this stance, the character can't change anything or have any impact except through the character's own world-view and actions.

Many people prefer the word "immersive" for this stance, which is perfectly acceptable from our point of view...


Immersive Roleplaying
Immersive roleplaying, or immersive mode is a much more intense, restrictive version of IC mode. [...] As it says in John Kim's faq, "the player begins to channel the character." For all practical intents and purposes, in this mode, the player simply is the character. The player does not use any OOC information, whether using such information is allowed or not. The player does not acknowledge OOC concepts such as game mechanics. The player stays strictly in Actor stance, as well as remaining strictly IC (in-character). The player must trust the GM implicitly...

I certainly haven't read all the threads on this one as it's hard to sort them out so I may be going over old ground.

Anyway, I'll start with an anecdote. In Marathon Man Dustin Hoffman plays a character who gets involved with a Nazi war criminal played by Lawrence Olivier (do US actors not want to be tarred with the bad guy brush or something? It always seems to be us Limeys carrying the can, but I digress).

The title refers to Hoffman's character's running practice and the fact that to warn somebody, I forget who but it's irrelevant, of impending doom he must run a long way in a short time after having just suffered dental torture.

I'm getting there, stay with me!

To act in the very next scene, Hoffman goes off on a long run and comes back exhausted, but happy that he'll be able to be convincing. Larry, OK, Lord Larry, takes one look at this smelly, exhausted and sweat drenched guy standing next to him and says, in a withering tone, "But dear boy, why don't you just act?".

So you can see what I'm getting at: Actor stance does not require immersion. You can play the part of the PC without external reference whilst still not trying actually to be the character.

Given that this is my preferred way of playing and I know that I always maintain a certain amount of detachment between myself and the PC, I'd like it more recognised that the Actor stance does not imply immmersion which seems to be the inference from the FAQ.


[ This Message was edited by: GB Steve on 2001-09-07 08:08 ]

Message 612#5150

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On 9/7/2001 at 12:57pm, Supplanter wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Steve, your distinction makes perfect sense. I think of Actor and Immersive/Possessor as two distinct things, with Actor being about presenting the character to others and Possessor about discovering/experiencing the character for yourself. One is outer-directed, the other inner-directed. By the immersive player's standard, you may have no idea when he is "role-playing well," because it's not about you. But for the actor player, it's all about you.

The FAQ may not ever reflect this distinction, but not to worry.



Message 612#5152

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On 9/7/2001 at 3:01pm, Logan wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

So you can see what I'm getting at: Actor stance does not require immersion. You can play the part of the PC without external reference whilst still not trying actually to be the character.

I'm in complete agreement with this viewpoint. It's probably something that just needs better articulation.


Message 612#5158

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On 9/7/2001 at 3:20pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


Actor stance without Immersion is fine, and I think that IS stated as such in the document. If others aren't seeing it, it can be stated more clearly.

Immersion without Actor, though, is very hard for me to imagine. Is that due to my misunderstanding something?

If not, then Immersion (which is NOT a stance, but an action) does not occur without first getting into Actor stance. That's the way I see it at present.


Message 612#5162

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On 9/7/2001 at 5:18pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


I think we have the crux of a problem in understanding here. Certainly you can have immersive without actor. The point of actor stance it seems to me (and I think was indicated by Jim) that the player portrays the character as an actor does to others.

Immersive doesn't require this. Just as I can't act my characters part in a CRPG, many players have no interest in doing so in a tabletop RPG (TRPG?). They instead immerse themselves in the mechanics of the simulation, in the detail of the game. So, while my friend Matt doesn't want to see his the result of his character's rolls for a perception check so that he can further immerse himself in the simulation provided without distraction, neither does he want to portray his character to the other players. He sees it quite well in his minds eye when he says, "Lognar discusses direstions with the barkeep." What is this referred to as? "Pawn" stance? Can still be very immersive.

From that POV it certainly is a selfish stance to take. You are not out to entertain the other players or GM (though this still happens inadvertently). Just out to experience it themselves. This is something that RPGs can provide that stage cannot, thinking about it.


Message 612#5166

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On 9/7/2001 at 6:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


See, that's what I don't buy. What you're describing sounds like the BASELINE requirement for role-playing: the player simply puts any effort at all into imagining what's going on. "Immersion" as referenced in nearly any text I've seen it in - except when it's described as you have - is presented as an ADDITIONAL element of role-playing, not its fundamental requirement.

This is the same reasoning that the term "Exploration" brought up to me, and why I don't see it as a synonym for Simulationism.

Break it down:
1, biggest) Role-playing of ANY kind requires some imaginative effort. This, Mike, is what you seem to be describing as "immersion," and interestingly, you seem to be applying it to ANY aspect of play, whether setting or event resolution or characterization, or anything.

I'm calling this very thing "Exploration," freely admitting that I'm co-opting the Jester's term in a way he doesn't like. I do that because any and every example given for Exploration corresponds to that imaginative effort, and ONLY to it, across examples.

2, a big category) Actor stance within role-playing, and I'd like to remind everyone that stance IS a player-character relationship, NOT a player-player relationship. I think the secondary implication of the term "actor" as performance art has tended to muddy the issue.

The Actor stance is defined as deciding upon character actions based strictly on what the character (fictionally) feels, perceives, and knows.

3, a smaller category) Possessor stance is one name for feeling, thinking, and essentially "channelling" the fictional character (or it feels that way, anyway). I cannot in any way see this existing except as a subcategory of Actor stance.

And here, #3 nested in #2, is what I see referenced whenever any role-playing text urges "immersion." It's exactly what the D&D3E book calls immersion. It's exactly what people want players to do in the Turku dogma. It's the ideal for many LARPing groups. And in each case, people call it "immersion."

So I don't see how we can keep using this word if it's supposed to be BOTH #1, which is the necessary foundation fo role-playing at all, AND #3 nested in #2, which is an optional (and hard-to-maintain) approach to one's character's actions and depiction.

In continuing this discussion, I'd like to see concrete examples of real play, not generalizations, so we can be talking about the same, actual, behavioral phenomena exhibited by real human beings.


Message 612#5170

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On 9/7/2001 at 8:19pm, Logan wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

My understanding of immersion with respect to roleplaying is that the player takes on the complete mindset of the character. Essentially, when you're talking to a player immersed in character, you're talking to the character. That's the Elaytijist ideal. The player isn't interested in entertaining others or rolling dice. He's interested in mentally being the character. Toward that end, it's not an act, but it's still part of Actor stance. Rather, I think it's an extreme condition of Actor stance, IC mode of play.

Now, here's the weird part. The player is not the character. Ergo, the player and the character may be very different people with different attitudes and abilities. A person who has a hard time talking to people may play a character who is smooth and gifted with a silver tongue. In that case, it would be perfectly appropriate for the player, (immersed in his character), to say "I walk up to the bar and ask the bartender for directions." In the player's mind, he sees his idealized character smoothly parleying with the bartender, just the way the player would want it to be in that scene. Immersion is maintained, but this aspect of the roleplaying might be seen as less than ideal because the player is not improvising every line of dialogue. Yet, it's perfectly correct for the player to present his character this way because it may save time in a trivial situation or it may help the player maintain SOD. It would be worse to roleplay through every syllable of a meaningless segueway or to force the player to stumble through his improvised lines in the name of roleplaying, especially if smooth conversation is an aspect of the character, not the player.

Pawn mode is completely different. Pawn mode is, if anything, an extreme case of Actor stance, OOC mode. I think Jim pointed that out pretty well. In that case, the player doesn't relate to the character at all, except to see the character as stats, abilities, and a means of enforcing the player's will in the game world.


Message 612#5191

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On 9/7/2001 at 8:33pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Logan, unless I'm misreading you, in your last paragraph you mean AUTHOR stance for Pawn mode.


Message 612#5193

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On 9/7/2001 at 9:34pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

What are the current definitions for stances? I thought that there were four, Actor, Author, Director, and Audience. But now I think that we seem to be defining more, and trying to relate them to each other.

A simpler way to look at this, it seems to me, is to consider the motivations of the player (which may well subsequently drive how the player plays). The motive of Immersion is to feel something of what the player does, by my personal definition.

I have personally experienced players (and given examples of them) who are interested in feeling what the character feels but not interested in portraying the character via role-playing (i.e. acting the role by speaking IC). When they play, this would put them firmly into the Actor stance as defined above. But that doesn't do me any good to lump them in there, because designing a good game for these guys will take more than looking at what makes for good Actor power. It'll take a consideration of how to immerse them, and how to free them from the need to act the role of their character.

So, we can do one of two things. Either we can create a new category of Stance to describe this phenomenon (perhaps "Explorer"?), or we can just start discussing things from the POV of motives in play. The problem with the first idea is that there are probably multitudinous functional combinations of techniques employed which would make for a long list of stances. Which is why I think we should discuss how to give players the power to do what it is that they desire. Whether it is being immersed, acting, or both. Or is there another solution?

BTW, I'm starting to feel like my player's motivations are being marginalized. You may not have the same motivations, or see this as lazy role-playing or something, but why aren't their motivations just as legimate as the next players? I've been trying to get them to change their stripes for a while, and I'm beginning to feel like a cadd for doing so. Perhaps I'm just not playing to my audience correctly.


Message 612#5198

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On 9/7/2001 at 10:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

"BTW, I'm starting to feel like my player's motivations are being marginalized."

Mike, I can't help you with that. I can only say, over and over, that it is PERFECTLY ALL RIGHT to take any GNS mode or combination thereof, and any stance or what-have-you that helps to get you there. No one is saying, on this thread or any other, that Actor stance or immersion or whatever is second-class role-playing.

The ONLY things I have ever claimed that involve "better" or "worse" are (1) elements of game design that facilitate or frustrate a given outlook, and (2) combinations of players' goals, from person to person, that tend not to work well together. My concern is function, and consistent function, not "rating."

No judgment of good or bad or lazy or crappy or mean or what. I learned long ago that I cannot help - no, not with the most careful phraseology - people from reading "You think I suck! How dare you?" into the most basic material.

Even a post like this one will be read, by some, as either a massive case of denial on my part or an outrageous, bald-faced lie.


Message 612#5202

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On 9/7/2001 at 11:31pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


I think you are ‘getting a little to close’ to your own personal jargon here. To make this clearer, much as I don’t want to, I am going to have to go point for point to demonstrate this apparent ‘tunnel vision.’ Don’t take this as some kind of attack, I hope to tie it all back together near the end.

Ron Edwards wrote:
See, that's what I don't buy. What you're describing sounds like the BASELINE requirement for role-playing: the player simply puts any effort at all into imagining what's going on. "Immersion" as referenced in nearly any text I've seen it in - except when it's described as you have - is presented as an ADDITIONAL element of role-playing, not its fundamental requirement.

This is how you see it, but not how it can be commonly perceived. Any way that you can ‘get into play’ can be taken as ‘immersive,’ as has been bore out other examples in this discussion. ‘Immersion’ is one of many terms used in the modeling of role-playing gaming that I think becomes misleading too quickly.

1, biggest) Role-playing of ANY kind requires some imaginative effort. This, Mike, is what you seem to be describing as "immersion," and interestingly, you seem to be applying it to ANY aspect of play, whether setting or event resolution or characterization, or anything.

I’d have to say it looks like you are reading more into Mike’s words than are there. I tried to make a distinction for this back in my original Get Emotional! article. The point I was trying to make (although subtly) there was that using terms like ‘role-playing’ or ‘immersion’ as the name of the "imaginative effort" necessary for gaming to occur, brings in a great deal of misunderstanding. I have really had a hard time finding an accurate, singular term for ‘thinking within the context of the narrative,’ which is about as accurate as I can go towards this "imaginative effort" that you refer to.

I'm calling this very thing "Exploration," freely admitting that I'm co-opting the Jester's term in a way he doesn't like. I do that because any and every example given for Exploration corresponds to that imaginative effort, and ONLY to it, across examples.

I’d have to say that using "exploration" to represent ‘thinking within the context of the narrative’ or "imaginative effort" is only going to compound the misunderstandings growing here. Calling it what I do, allows me to cleanly separate it from some of this confusion. Calling it ‘exploration’ will only add world-traveling connotations to an already confusing discussion.

2, a big category) Actor stance within role-playing, and I'd like to remind everyone that stance IS a player-character relationship, NOT a player-player relationship. I think the secondary implication of the term "actor" as performance art has tended to muddy the issue.

Then this term (as a component of the collection of four stances) is probably the most misleading. You see, if you have one stance called ‘actor’ and then others called ‘author,’ ‘director,’ and ‘audience,’ it can only mean that it is a character-other players stance. These are all terms from movies and theatre and as a collection clearly carry an seemingly intentional metaphor.

If you want a term for the relationship between a player and their own character you’d be better off using a terms like ‘first person’ or as I chose (in the Get Emotional! article) ‘personal level’ or even the ‘contact point to the narrative.’ (I rather like the latter as it is free of the inward-outward, ‘for me’ or ‘for them’ implications we seem to be stuck with in the current jargon.)

The Actor stance is defined as deciding upon character actions based strictly on what the character (fictionally) feels, perceives, and knows.

Not in any version of acting that I am aware of. (And don’t start discussing it as ‘method acting’ until you take the time to read enough about it to separate finding appropriate experienced-based triggers for emotional performances and the more common misinterpretation of ‘getting lost’ in one’s character.) The fact that the stances rely so heavily (or is that romantically?) upon a theatrical metaphor loudly suggests that ‘actor stance’ should be about the presentation of the character’s feelings, perceptions, and knowledges to others.

As a side note, I should point out that I have always felt uncomfortable with these stance names because, with the exception of the late addition of ‘audience,’ they all plainly speak more about using a character in a fashion contrary to anything that could be deemed ‘immersive.’ I understand this is a result of the strong ‘narrativist only’ population on this forum (which in some ways is antithetical to ‘immersion’), but I think more broadly. To avoid this kind of confusion, in Get Emotional!, I offered the purpose of role-playing gaming as the compelling pay-off on emotional investment and separated things into personal or game levels and intrinsic or extrinsic values.

This means to be gratified by how the game world ‘feels’ whether through the eyes of the character or the imagination of the player, would be the intrinsic value of the game experienced from a character’s perspective. And to ‘have fun’ wallowing in the emotions of the character would be finding the intrinsic value in the personal level of the connection to the narrative. On the other hand, to find pleasure in giving everyone involved in the narrative a good time working purely from character posture would be finding the extrinsic value of the personal level and that equates much better to the concept of acting (anywhere outside of the GNS 101 FAQ).

3, a smaller category) Possessor stance is one name for feeling, thinking, and essentially "channeling" the fictional character (or it feels that way, anyway). I cannot in any way see this existing except as a subcategory of Actor stance.

Unfortunately for the person who started this discussion, ‘possessor stance’ is not even referred to in the only document he had to start with, the GNS 101 FAQ (nor is it in Mike’s discussion). (‘Channeling’ is only referred to in the part about immersion, but this is meaningless to point out because the document, even though the only one of its kind available, has proven so far out of date that it serves only to start arguments.)

As I pointed out earlier, theatrical acting has very little to do with ‘possessor stance’ or anything attributed to it. Since the terminology of the original four stances is only drawn from this realm, the metaphor should be assumed. It might be better to call what you seem to be referring to as the ‘intrinsic value’ of ‘personal level’ play as I did in Get Emotional!. This would free up the concept from the confusion over what acting is or is not in theatre, film, or gaming.

And here, #3 nested in #2, is what I see referenced whenever any role-playing text urges "immersion." It's exactly what the D&D3E book calls immersion. It's exactly what people want players to do in the Turku dogma. It's the ideal for many LARPing groups. And in each case, people call it "immersion."

But it also has nothing to do with directing, authoring, observing (I can’t really find a good verb for ‘audiencing’) and by collusion, acting. (Not even a ‘method’ actor ‘immerses’ themselves in a role this way. In ‘the method’ it is stressed that an actor must always remain aware of how the audience will interpret their performance of the script. Both the audience interpretation and adherence to the script divorce ‘the method’ actor from ‘immersion.’)

So I don't see how we can keep using this word if it's supposed to be BOTH #1, which is the necessary foundation for role-playing at all,

Here is where you read too much in I think.

AND #3 nested in #2, which is an optional (and hard-to-maintain) approach to one's character's actions and depiction.

If ‘thinking within the context of the narrative’ is the "baseline requirement" for gaming, and if ‘acting’ (per its inclusion in a set of stances named for theatrical roles) is about the presentation of a character (separated from the presentation of character through interaction with its surroundings which would be author or director stance), then can you see how immersion is about ‘getting lost in’ whatever and not fundamentally bound into ‘actor stance?’

This underscores the problems I have always had with the terminology of the four stances and the jargonized use of the word ‘immersion.’ (I only included the term ‘immersion’ in Get Emotional! as a form of translation to terminology familiar to the long-standing members of this forum.)

In continuing this discussion, I'd like to see concrete examples of real play, not generalizations, so we can be talking about the same, actual, behavioral phenomena exhibited by real human beings.


That makes little sense to me. I think actual, specific examples would only further muddy the discussion because they will hardly give a clear picture. In fact, I think even fictional examples would only stand a small chance of making anything clearer (and since I really suck at writing examples, I can’t even make that attempt).

I think this discussion would become much clearer if we stopped trying to use one-word terms and jargon for everything. Not everybody understands the parley quite the same way. Had I not thought so, I never would have attempted the Get Emotional! article.

Fang Langford

[ This Message was edited by: Le Joueur on 2001-09-07 19:44 ]

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Message 612#5205

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On 9/8/2001 at 2:30am, Logan wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


It'd be easier for you to read correctly if I'd written correctly. But I didn't. I meant that Pawn mode is at the opposite end of Actor-IC from Immersive. The player treats the character as a gamepiece with the powers and abilities of that gamepiece. This is a very different attitude from immersion. Yet, I wonder... If one plays in pawn mode and another plays in immersive mode using the same rules and neither uses much acting, would people be able to tell the difference?


Message 612#5215

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On 9/8/2001 at 3:16am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Three replies.

I was way too grumpy. Sorry about being terse. However, I think my point stands.

As I have an extensive background in theater, including both performance and theory, being lectured about what "method" means is irritating - even though you are right about its usual misinterpretation. However, you are not right simply to assume knowledge of Stance definitions based on that medium.

I submit to you that the terms for Stance do NOT originate with me and have an illustrious, well-documented history for role-playing that clearly states what th'hell they mean. Part of that statement is NOT to over-analogize with theater or film, as role-playing has qualities as an art/activity that render the analogy incomplete.

Therefore the reader's claim "just to know" what Actor stance is because he has a familiarity with acting, for film and stage, is not valid. The dialogue about Stance reaches back to the early 90s and has to be assimilated. If you have objections to this state of affairs, take them to John Kim et al., not to me.

Most importantly, I vehemently and quickly deny ALL similarity of my use of "Exploration" and "imaginative commitment" to ANYTHING to do with "the narrative." I am discussing something that - until one further mental step is made - has NO GOAL beyond the enjoyment of what is being imagined. Therefore committing to a narrative or anything like it is NOT included. By adding this content into the concept I describe, you have potentially harmed the debate seriously.

Again, for everyone: Narrativism, Gamism, and Simulationism are things one does (behaviors) in the form of role-playing decisions WITH the "imaginative commitment." They are next steps, what one does.

I believe you and I are pretty much in accord with the basics about Stance. I think there are three fundamental ones in role-playing: Actor, Author, and Director. I think that terms like Pawn, Possessor, and Audience are either subcategories or pulling in issues that are not themselves Stance.

For the record, I consider Pawn to be a subset of Author, Possessor to be related in some ways to Actor but NOT itself a stance (as detailed above), and Audience to be way too loosey-goosey to be discussed easily or even positively identified as a stance.


Message 612#5219

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On 9/8/2001 at 3:39am, kwill wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

stupid question from the back, just to clarify

On 2001-09-07 23:16, Ron Edwards wrote:

Again, for everyone: Narrativism, Gamism, and Simulationism are things one does (behaviors) in the form of role-playing decisions WITH the "imaginative commitment." They are next steps, what one does.

my understanding of the boxes was (from largest to smallest): [to have fun] we [pretend to be other people] focussing on [challenge / story / verisimilitude]


ie, "what one does" is the "imaginative commitment"; G, N & S are goals not verbs

my apologies if this turns out to be silly semantics, I'm just getting my conceptual ducks in a row

EDIT: gah, ignore that, GOALS imply BEHAVIOUR which is VERB, as stated

[ This Message was edited by: kwill on 2001-09-07 23:42 ]

Message 612#5225

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On 9/8/2001 at 2:49pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


Your brackets have it just right.

My only quibble is that the Exploration level applies to ANYTHING being imagined that has to do with role-playing in the broad sense, not just playing a character. It applies to setting, situation, setting-history, things that might happen later, or anything that grabs our attention and prompts that mental activity at all.

And I think it's clear - I hope, anyway - that at no point have we separated GM from players in this construction. (Damn I wish we had a good word for "live person involved in role-playing.")


Message 612#5238

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On 9/8/2001 at 3:37pm, Supplanter wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

And I think it's clear - I hope, anyway - that at no point have we separated GM from players in this construction. (Damn I wish we had a good word for "live person involved in role-playing.")

I've adopted the term "user." Among its benefits is that, if its implications are absorbed, it may promote a certain becoming modesty in game designers. :wink:

Re Actor v. Immersion, the distinction between the two player/character relationships is clear to me. It's a vector thing: in Actor, the player is behind the character, making the character "go" so as to best present the player's conception. In Possessor, the character is behind the player, or say within the player. "The question is who is to be master, that is all," in the famous last words of an ovoid fellow of some renown.



Message 612#5239

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On 9/8/2001 at 5:07pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Um, Jim, except for one thing: the character is fictional. Feelings and sensations aside, the player creates the character. This creation may not have much verbal or accessible aspect to it, so that it "feels" like being possessed, but the creation is one-way. The vector you speak of is always player to character.

If anyone is SERIOUSLY going to claim that an artistic or imaginative creator is REALLY "possessed" by an external entity, such that a fictional character moves and speaks through the real person ... well, that moves me into "go back to your planet" mode.

Users are real. Characters are created by them via imagination and communication with other users. I readily acknowledge that "possessor" role-playing feels otherwise. To claim that that feeling represents an actual character-to-player causal vector is ... well, bonkers.

Therefore "possessor" is an experiential term, and in stance terms, I *still* can only perceive it (via myself or via observing others) as a behavior, not itself a stance, embedded within the stance called Actor.


P.S. I dunno if I'm going to adopt the "user" terminology, although I appreciate the humor in it.

Message 612#5240

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On 9/9/2001 at 5:37pm, Logan wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

I think I'll side with Jim on this one. Some writers speak of hearing their muses. Some writers also often speak of having their characters living in their heads while they're writing. I'm sure those writers at times give free reign to those characters and write much more interesting stuff than if they'd used their usual thought processes alone. I see no reason why it's not the same with roleplayers. The character is fictional, but it has a sort of life of its own. The thing is, it's built from facets of the creator's (player's, writer's, GM's) personality. Maybe not everyone experiences this sort of thing. Maybe not everyone can. I don't know. I do know that people are complex and I think most of us have a certain duality in our psyches. Writers like JMS rely on it in order to work.

Look at it this way: When we need to make a decision, we may weigh the pros and cons; have a sort of internal debate. At that point, with whom are we debating?
How do we reach the final decision?

That said, I'll go back to my own planet.


Message 612#5259

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On 9/9/2001 at 7:03pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

On 2001-09-08 13:07, Ron Edwards wrote:

If anyone is SERIOUSLY going to claim that an artistic or imaginative creator is REALLY "possessed" by an external entity, such that a fictional character moves and speaks through the real person ... well, that moves me into "go back to your planet" mode.


I'm also going to side with Jim. I don't know if you've ever done any acting but I was a heavy participant in the theatre department at my college. I found that as rehersals got smoother and smoother *I* was less and less present. Come performance night I'm conciously aware of doing the warm up exercises and the next thing I know I'm taking a bow with very little recollection of anything in between.

Simarly I would find that it became increasingly harder and harder to get out of character. I would begin to take on the character's manerisms, speach patters and personality quirks. Scared the hell out of me. I would have to conciously fight back the character during my normal life. Personally, I have never achieved this state durring a role-playing game but...

Can you 'channel' a fictional character? ABSOLUTELY.


Message 612#5262

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On 9/9/2001 at 8:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Go back to your planet, all of you!

Folks, really. I am fully aware, from my experiences in role-playing, writing, acting, fighting, and many other circumstances, of the subjective phenomena you are describing. Yes, it feels like that.

But don't - for one second - attempt to speak of actual processes and decisions by the real humans as being performed or originated by anyone besides the real humans. It is not the usual mental process we tend to think of as "I do something," but it is OUR OWN mental process, of its kind, nonetheless.

As usual, whenever I make this point, people misunderstand. They think, "Ron is saying that people are creating in some kind of controlled, I-see-myself-doing-X kind of way. That's funny, when I do it, it often feels as if it's arriving externally. Poor Ron, scientist that he is, he just doesn't understand art."

I am saying no such thing. I am fully acknowledging the subjective experience you are all describing. I am happy to experience and utilize it myself when it occurs. However, it is still a creative process of one's own mind; it is tapped into in a way that does not admit easily of verbalizing or on-the-spot awareness.

Please review my points in this thread and their purpose. We are discussing a sensation or mode of creativity that is commonly experienced and acknowledged. We are also discussing stances. I am claiming that that sensation/mode is often associated - and may even require - a particular stance. It is a reasonable point and I have not yet seen any refutation thereof.


Message 612#5265

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On 9/10/2001 at 1:20am, Supplanter wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Ron, yes, it's a fiction, metaphor or delusion. The point is a) it's a material fiction, metaphor or delusion - one can argue that for many creators it's a necessary one too; b) it (immersion) can be a goal of play - some people play RPGs because they want to get that feeling.

I suspect that when I move to the planet of people who have felt compelled to reject "the Edwards model," it will be because its behaviorist approach is not just inconsistently applied but misguided, as inadequate for RPG theory as it was for psychology. Humans have intentionality. People game because they mean to game. An RPG theory that fails to account for the intentions of gamers is incomplete, indeed woefully so. It is not scientific but scientistic. It puts bad science in the proper place of good criticism. It retards rather than advancing understanding. (Yes, I am a Searleite.)

The difference between actor and possessor is clear and has been clearly stated - presenting a character to others versus discovering it for yourself. That difference has implications for design aspects from attribute scores through task resolution to reward systems. It makes different demands on session conduct. Recognizing the distinction can even be crucial to a GM's ability to tell when someone is "having fun" (the biggest box). A number of us have pointed out the materiality of the distinction. At some point the contents of a given model become less important than recognizing that we know what we know.



Message 612#5277

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On 9/10/2001 at 2:59am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Hi Jim,

"An RPG theory that fails to account for the intentions of gamers is incomplete, indeed woefully so."

Not guilty. You have just paraphrased what GNS theorizing is all about, as well as its application to design.

Your rephrase of the claim regarding Actor stance and immersion is significant, because it relies on a meaning for Actor stance that I do not accept - "communicating the character to others." This phrase is not useful, as it can mean practically anything. Enormous numbers of role-playing actions carry out this function, including all of the stances.

I have stated, over and over, what *I* mean by "actor stance." I have stated, over and over, how it relates to exactly that form of immersion that we all recognize and (to various degrees) enjoy.

Why can't anyone seem to address this? I've made a strong point. No one has managed even to paraphrase it accurately, much less offer debate. I get (1) insupportable claims regarding mystic external entities, and (2) yet another terminology dispute. And now I get (3) caricaturing of my views into behaviorism.

On second thought, never mind. The original question of this thread was answered and (apparently) agreed upon: no, actor stance does not require immersion. I trust that GBSteve is OK with this, and if that issue requires any more discussion, I'm happy to continue.

The associated or expanded issue, of what immersion might be and how it relates to actor stance, has apparently touched off too many sore points. When I have to reiterate a point three times in less than 15 posts among us, and when the discussion scatters into weird places this quickly, it means that people are feeling threatened. That's enough for me to call attention to my point having been made, and to sign off.


Message 612#5283

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On 9/10/2001 at 1:44pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Hmmm... first I apollogise for any consternation I've caused. Yes, Ron, I think that we all agreed with your original point, but then you made a further one which I disagreed with. Perhaps I should have begun a new thread, but it certainly seemed unnecessary at the time. Again, if that was a mistake, I apollogise. Also, I probably did come off as threatened, for which I also apollogise. I know that the general ethic of the forge is one of RPG "ecumenicism". I was merely intent on trying to point out that the current stance model didn't do much for my players' needs.

Anyhow, that having been said, I think that we have made some interesting points. I think that what Jim was saying really crystallized (if you'll allow me a cliche) my thoughts on this subject. Essentially, stance looks at player behavior, or certainly seems to us to, while what I am (and others, I sense) looking for is the motivations behind the behaviors. To a certain extent these desires lead to certain types of actual play, moderated by the design of the game to an extent. The intent of looking at the motivations behind these behaviors is to find ways to create games that cater to these particular desires.

Perhaps (and at the risk of complicating things unnecessarily; still I'll posit) we should consider speaking of motivations in addition to stances. So while one might be frequently use actor mode, his motivation for doing so might be "Theatric Portrayal" or it might be "Immersion in Character" or it might be both simultaneously. The point being that I can envision mechanics that would better reward any of these three motivational positions.

BTW, to all present, many have pointed out that the term Immersion is confusing due to the fact that it seems to have different implications for different people. This has been one of Ron's assertions from day one. And this thread is probably proof of that. Still, there seems to be an impetus to using it, and that alone may indicate that it needs to be investigated further and clarified.


Mike Holmes

Message 612#5299

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On 9/10/2001 at 2:07pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion


Since you mean to take my words out of context without even citing them, I reply in piecemeal of yours.

Ron Edwards wrote:
As I have an extensive background in theater, including both performance and theory, being lectured about what "method" means is irritating

The lecture was never intended for you, I remember your background as well as you do. You have to realize you have a tendency to reduce things by using terms such as ‘method acting’ without explaining it to people who don’t have your background.

even though you are right about its usual misinterpretation.

And this is why I included the lecture, to head off such misinterpretations in others.

However, you are not right simply to assume knowledge of Stance definitions based on that medium.

My point is that you are not right to assume that people reading this will not bring the definitions from that medium to their (mis)understandings of your proprietary "Stance definitions." In this I attempt to illustrate a weakness with the terminology choice.

I submit to you that the terms for Stance do NOT originate with me and have an illustrious, well-documented history for role-playing that clearly states what th'hell they mean.

This kind of ‘appeal to authority’ does not make the terminology choice any better. You have long championed a shift away from the terminology chosen by the same "illustrious, well-documented history" (replacing ‘Dramatism’ with ‘Narrativism’), so I don’t think you have much cachet in implying that ‘older’ terminology is better.

Therefore the reader's claim "just to know" what Actor stance is because he has a familiarity with acting, for film and stage, is not valid. The dialogue about Stance reaches back to the early 90s and has to be assimilated. If you have objections to this state of affairs, take them to John Kim et al., not to me.

If you have a problem with the product, stop selling it. The future of gaming will have to include bringing in new people who don’t have this kind of history with the dialogue; you have to expect them to bring their own experiences with them for the language you are jargonizing. I am simply saying: if it keeps causing this problem, maybe its time to stake your claim to some new terminology (as opposed to defending what you use by saying, "The dialogue about..." and then appealing to unavailable authorities).

Most importantly, I vehemently and quickly deny ALL similarity of my use of "Exploration" and "imaginative commitment" to ANYTHING to do with "the narrative."

Here, I am guilty of creating jargon that is (unconsciously) inclined to confuse Narrativists. Perhaps I should have called it the ‘sequence of in-game events’ instead of the ‘narrative.’

I am discussing something that - until one further mental step is made - has NO GOAL beyond the enjoyment of what is being imagined. Therefore committing to a narrative or anything like it is NOT included. By adding this content into the concept I describe, you have potentially harmed the debate seriously.

I have a hard time seeing how discussing the relationship of stance to the potential ‘sequence of in-game events’ either implies any goals whatsoever or damages this debate. Can you explain where calling foul on the misunderstandings inherent in ‘old school’ terminology harms a discussion that (it seems to me) is stumbling over exactly that?

I think there are three fundamental ones in role-playing: Actor, Author, and Director.

Again I must point out that, to outsiders (arguably the future role-playing gamers), these all usually appear to be terms about how one uses a character in a detached fashion (not the least bit impossible, but hardly all-inclusive). This stems from the fact that all are quite clearly taken from movies, television, or theatre.

While tradition, I submit so is the confusion. Other, clearer terms can easily be chosen, or the concept of one-word terminology can be taken as a problem and something else can be had. The point I am trying to make in this discussion (and it is far past the point of relevance) people are being confused by the apparent co-opting of theatrical terminology when discussing ‘immersion’ (which I don’t think is in the lexicon theatrical).

I have stated, over and over, what *I* mean by "actor stance." I have stated, over and over, how it relates to exactly that form of immersion that we all recognize and (to various degrees) enjoy.

So now these terms are yours? I thought you said they "have an illustrious, well-documented history [in] role-playing." If it comes down to a case of "what *[you]* mean..." versus how people (mis)interpret your words, then my point is made.

And let’s deal with your claim of people ‘missing the point:’

Why can't anyone seem to address this? I've made a strong point. No one has managed even to paraphrase it accurately, much less offer debate. I get

(1) Insupportable claims regarding mystic external entities,

That sir, is a cheap shot. The only FAQ maintained by this forum on the subject uses the terminology ‘channeling,’ which is the source of the "mystical external entities" theorization. If you accept the (to me) inadequate stance names, then you must this as well for both "have an illustrious, well-documented history for role-playing" in common.

(2) Yet another terminology dispute,

Then change the terminology! If something causes problems every time it is used, I think it is high time something new is explored.

(3) Caricaturing of my views into behaviorism.

This kind of oversimplification is attracted by broad rewriting of the meaning of words like ‘actor.’ If you can’t stand the heat....

On second thought, never mind. The original question of this thread was answered and (apparently) agreed upon: no, actor stance does not require immersion. I trust that GBSteve is OK with this, and if that issue requires any more discussion, I'm happy to continue.

How neatly you sidestep the issue I saw coming to fore. Whether immersion requires ‘actor stance.’ (Or my argument that your use of the term is so specific that it has little left in common with what the language has it mean to the point of being little more than your opinion.)

Why can’t you "address this" in a "debate?"

Fang Langford

[ This Message was edited by: Le Joueur on 2001-09-10 10:29 ]

Message 612#5303

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On 9/10/2001 at 2:34pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

To all, even the parts addressed to specific people,

Fang, don't bare your ... um, fangs (hey wait a minute) at me. No need.

Many of your points are well taken and you are correct to call me on, for instance, taking your method-acting point personally. I am chastened.

I also freely admit that the terminology is in flux (how many stances, etc). What is NOT in flux, however, is what Stance is ABOUT. If the discussion is to progress - and yes, I take responsibility for NOT helping it do so, in my frustration - then that "what Stance is about" can't be permitted to twist out of view.

As to the issue at hand, however, I stand firm. (1) We have dealt with GBSteve's inquiry. (2) The second issue (which I don't think I side-stepped, but rather raised and I think resolved) is way too harsh on all of us and I for one am ready to take a chill-pill.

Mike has nailed the issue of that touchiness, though - I am talking about what people do, and other people REALLY want to talk about motivation. I respond as follows: go ahead. However, I think using Stance terminology to do it will be destructive to the emerging theory. Also, I have to bow out of that conversation. Motivations, and discussing them, gives me hives unless a HUGE amount of groundwork has been laid.


Message 612#5309

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On 9/12/2001 at 11:15am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Hey - can we not refer to this "imaginative investment" as Suspension Of Disbelief"?

Heres a question that might be useful for the stances:
"wheres the camera?" I notice a difference in behaviour between Immersive and Actor stances might be analogous to looking at the character (3rd person shot) or though the characters eyes (1st person shot). I am reminded of a couple of entries in a "You Know You Are A Roleplayer" list which went:
- you flip between referring to yourself in the 1st and 3rd person
- ... and your friends all know what you mean.

I also feel that discussions of The Method in acting are somewhat missing the point - an actual actor using the method is probably not in Immersive stance, they are in the Actor stance OF ROLEPLAYING. For the actor, the fact that they are adopting RP as opposed straight portrayal is probably quite significant, as people sometimes say of "the greats" that "they don't act". No, in fact they RP.

My thought-forms for the stances are as follows:

The Actor is portraying their character to the other participants. They are conscious of their character as a designed artifact, in the third person. Actors often narrate "how it looks" to others. To some extent, they are able to look AT their character and describe what they see.

The Audience is observing and appreciating the action. This can even be a character mode of behaviour as much a player mode. The Audience also allows the player to receive out of character information in an appropriate box. Devices such as cutaways are really prompts for players to adopt Audience stance temporarily, although they often do it spontaneously (esp. in circumstances where "the party" is separated.) In contrast with Ron, I do see this as a recognisable player stance.

The Author is also, like the Audience, able to process SOD-challenging information by handling it via black boxes - in this case the player is consciously aware of the game as an artifact, and is thus able to intervene in it directly. SOD has been suspended (but not broken) and placed in an appropriate box for the duration.

Anyway, I post this as a request for clarifiaction to an extent. I see an overlap with what I am describing as Author ands what Ron is describing as Director. I would say to GB Steve that I wholly agree with his initial point, that Actor and Immersive are not identical, because of the relationship to SOD-challenging data. I wonder, if in the grand scheme of things, it might not actually be a sub-category of Author rather than Actor, but anyway I certainly observe it as an actually-existing play style.


Message 612#5404

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On 9/12/2001 at 1:35pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Contracycle wrote:
Hey - can we not refer to this "imaginative investment" as Suspension Of Disbelief"?

I used to, but in light of the problems associated with the misunderstandings of the common uses (or the professional uses outside of role-playing games) of these words, I am moving away from the practice. Take for example, "imaginative investment" could just as easily be the work creating a character long before it is used in a role-playing game. (I think I have seen this used as an idiom of writing about the pre-rough-draft creative process.)

"Suspension of disbelief" clearly has a home in movie-craft and has to do with ‘taking the audience with you’ in the story on the screen. While this has superficial resemblance to what you are referring to in role-playing games, I think role-playing is severely limited by the unspoken constraint to just this kind of depictive technique alone. Especially when it can be so much more.

This is why I have begun to refer to the process of playing a role-playing game as "thinking within the context of the game." One of the side benefits is that this description is inclusive of players who approach gaming much in the same fashion as one might a single-character scale war game. (I have seen this among people coming from a strong Warhammer background, and I don’t consider it outside the realm of role-playing gaming.) If I am still not making sense, take a look at the "behind the bar" part of my Get Emotional! article.

I also feel that discussions of The Method in acting are somewhat missing the point - an actual actor using the method is probably not in Immersive stance, they are in the Actor stance OF ROLEPLAYING. For the actor, the fact that they are adopting RP as opposed straight portrayal is probably quite significant, as people sometimes say of "the greats" that "they don't act". No, in fact they RP.

The fact that this needs to be clarified even under the common misunderstand of "The Method" is exactly why I suggest that it is a poor, last resort in trying to describe immersive play. It would be easier and clearer to just describe play directly instead of likening it to acting in any fashion.

Anyway, I post this as a request for clarification to an extent. I see an overlap with what I am describing as Author and what Ron is describing as Director.

On a side note, I wanted to suggest what I think is the difference between the ‘Author’ and ‘Director’ stances. (I do this so that more knowledgeable heads can correct me.) Both involve a good degree of input into the game beyond the familiar ‘players only control their characters, and gamemasters control everything else.’

The difference as far as I understand it (and I warmly greet any commentary that fine-tunes this) is that the ‘Author stance’ affords players the ability to manage details involving the depiction and exploration of their characters, much like affecting anything that ‘radiates out’ from their character even when such detail is generated by other parties.

In ‘Director stance,’ players are actively encouraged to go a step farther and generate complementary details within the setting and background of the game much for the same reason, something like starting outside of their character ‘building in’ to it from the rest of the game. This affords much more concrete connection between the character, how it is ‘practiced,’ the way that it fits into ideas like premise and theme, and the game as a whole.

You see, I don’t have any problem with these ideas; I think they are some of the best going. It’s just the poor terms that were chosen for them. I mean, while they do have a romantic ring to them, look at the confusion they cause. I have never meant to say we should throw out the ideas, merely that they deserve better titles.

Fang Langford

(Here’s my 2¢, and I’ll raise you 2¢.)

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Topic 457

Message 612#5405

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On 9/12/2001 at 1:57pm, Mytholder wrote:
RE: Actor without Immersion

Anyway, I post this as a request for clarification to an extent. I see an overlap with what I am describing as Author and what Ron is describing as Director.

On a side note, I wanted to suggest what I think is the difference between the ?Author? and ?Director? stances. (I do this so that more knowledgeable heads can correct me.) Both involve a good degree of input into the game beyond the familiar ?players only control their characters, and gamemasters control everything else.?

My understanding is...
a player in Author stance can add new details to the world, but has no control over how they are used. A player in director stance has control over how they're used. For example, imagine a scene where the PCs are pinned down in a warehouse. One player comes up with the idea of calling someone with a tank to smash through the wall and save them.

Actor player: Do I know anyone with a tank?
Author player: I know Jim, who's a tank driver. Can I call him on my cellphone?
Director player: I call Jim, my tank driving buddy, and he's doing to drive down here and smash through the wall.

For the actor player, everything comes through the gm. For the author player, everything is approved by the gm. For the director player, everything is ok unless deliberately contradicted by the gm.

Actor does have unfortunate connotations about "portraying a character" though, whereas in this context it's really about player power, not roleplaying per se.

Message 612#5407

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