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Topic: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)
Started by: Brian Leybourne
Started on: 4/22/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 4/22/2003 at 1:04am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

What happened to the Driftwood Progress sticky anyway? This should really have gone in there.

Anyway, the Character Generator software is done. I just need a day or two to package it up and I'll send it to Jake to throw on the webpage. Is it any good? Only you can decide...

Jeez man, I thought the Combat Sim was a lot of work. Until you start coding something like this, you don't realise just how much intricacy there is in the TROS character creation process. I'm not saying complicated or hard, just that there are a lot of nuances, and capturing them all is exhausting :-)


Message 6161#63239

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On 4/22/2003 at 1:50am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

sorry I never got back to you on the beta copy I got, my PC refused to run it because of a registry problem that resulted from some old crap i never fixed. Sorry about that.

Message 6161#63247

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On 4/22/2003 at 2:00am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

No worries, I had a couple of other testers, and some damn good feedback from them.


Message 6161#63249

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On 4/22/2003 at 2:04am, Dave Turner wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Let me chime in with an anticipatory thanks. Based on your other work, it's a good bet that this generator is a good one. ;)

Message 6161#63250

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On 4/22/2003 at 4:06am, Jason Kottler wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Rats! Having received my copy of TRoS full rules after work today, it was my secret ambition to write a cross - platform chargen tool.

Do you share your source? If so, what language are you working in?

Oh, and thanks for the combat sim. It's provided hours of entertainment while waiting for builds.

Message 6161#63267

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On 4/22/2003 at 11:11am, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Is it possible to port characters from this chargen to the combat sim? If not, is it hard to fix?
Not that it's a real issue. I mean, it doesn't take long to just write down the stats in the sim. But still...

Anyway, it's probably great, and yet another reason for me to get a laptop onto the gaming table.

Message 6161#63284

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On 4/22/2003 at 12:55pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

This thing will blow you away. It is too cool.

Message 6161#63288

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On 4/22/2003 at 5:10pm, Salamander wrote:

When Valamir gushes about it being too cool, that says something. Looking forward to it. I like the Combat Sim, and I think I can put the Char Gen to good use too!

Message 6161#63345

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On 4/22/2003 at 5:16pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Yeah. I had given him a bunch of ideas a couple of which were of the "this is important" variety, but the majority of which were of the "this would be really cool if it wasn't too much trouble" variety...thinking perhaps they'd be something he'd add to a future version.

Nope. Pretty much everything I threw at him he put in. The second version I saw...damn, and I thought the first version was good.

The only thing it doesn't do is give me a full 3d rendered animated avatar of my character based on my traits, descriptive qualities and purchased gear. I'm still pretty disappointed about that ;-)

Message 6161#63347

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On 4/22/2003 at 5:20pm, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Valamir wrote: The only thing it doesn't do is give me a full 3d rendered animated avatar of my character based on my traits, descriptive qualities and purchased gear. I'm still pretty disappointed about that ;-)

What? What kind of character creator are they trying to dump on us?!?

Seriously though, I'm having to be careful not to drool on my keyboard in anticipation here.

Does it generate printable character sheets? And in what sort of format?

Message 6161#63349

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On 4/22/2003 at 5:33pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Printable yes, with options that allow you to select what you want to show...which maneuvers do you want listed, which CPs do you want put in the icon space, etc. But the version I tested was formatted for landscape it hadn't occured to me at the time I looked at it that someone would have a strong preference for portrait, so that wasn't among the feedback I gave at least.

To give a few teasers:

EVERY item listed in the purchase lists is available to buy simply by clicking on the list and having it automatically deduct the cost from your starting money. And if that isn't enough, you can add pretty much anything you want to the lists to be saved for future use.

You select your country of origin using hotspots on a full color map of Wyerth (which populates all of the bonuses and such to traits and skills automatically). And if you're not playing in Wyerth you can enter your own origin countries and enter the pertinent bonuses.

The Skill section is smart enough to not let you continue until you actually assign a specialty to those skills that require one, AND automatically populates those specialties which are profession specific... e.g. filling in the "Clan" specialty for Ettiquette when you select the Warrior profession.

Basically. Design your character from start to printable sheet without opening the book. At all.

Drool in anticipation all ye mortals, and envy those of us who already have a copy Bwahaha.

Message 6161#63353

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On 4/22/2003 at 5:45pm, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Valamir wrote: Drool in anticipation all ye mortals, and envy those of us who already have a copy Bwahaha.

Great! I just drooled all over the keyboard!

My gawd, this sounds too good to be true. Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me? How much must I pay for Brian's masterpiece?

Message 6161#63358

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On 4/22/2003 at 6:01pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

I think it could EASILY be something worth paying for. Its that good.

I'd also recommend having a couple dozen CDs printed up with a nice TROS label on them and either selling or giving them away as premiums at GenCon with book purchase.

Message 6161#63361

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On 4/22/2003 at 7:21pm, Salamander wrote:
Make an Army...

I think I'm gonna load this on my desk-top and start building opponents on the fly. Hehehehe...

Message 6161#63391

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On 4/22/2003 at 7:37pm, Durgil wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

This sounds like an incredible program and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I just have to questions:
First, is it in anyway customizable? By this I mean if I as Seneschal have added a few skills to the list that aren't in the rule book, can I add them to the program?
Second, when can we start downloading?!!!!

Message 6161#63396

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On 4/22/2003 at 7:44pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Another question. Is it possible to use it as some kind of database for NPC's and the like?
If not, then is it possible that one might be created?
The only thing I really, really like about D&D is the plethora of campaign managers, databases and other goodies available. The rest I could do without.

Message 6161#63398

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On 4/22/2003 at 9:59pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Mokkurkalfe wrote: Is it possible to port characters from this chargen to the combat sim? If not, is it hard to fix?
Not that it's a real issue. I mean, it doesn't take long to just write down the stats in the sim. But still...

Yup. Actually, you have Ralph to thank for that, he convinced me it was necessary :-)


Message 6161#63437

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On 4/22/2003 at 10:11pm, kanseg wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Go Brian, Go!

Wow - having just read how good the character generator is going to be has definitely made me drool on my keyboard. I think it's way cool that your allowing a way for the characters to be ported into the combat simulator. I can see it now with a new player:

Newbie player: How would this character do in a fight - I've heard TROS is all about combat?

Seneschal: Why don't you try it on the simulator?

10 minutes later...

Ex-newbie player: Man I love this game!

Seneschal: And that is just part of the game...

Brian, can you imagine how easy it is going to be to attract new players to the game with this sort of facility available? I don't think I need to say any more do I?

Regards, with many respects!


Message 6161#63440

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On 4/22/2003 at 10:15pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Jeez Ralph, you're making me blush. It's not THAT good... :-)

Erm, OK, to answer the couple of questions I just spotted...

Yes, it's customizable. You can't add new skills (and I can't really add that possibility in without a major version revision, you'll see why when you see the program), but you can design new skill packets, new gifts and flaws, new equipment and you can use custom country stats (with attribute bonuses/penalties, a bonus gift and/or flaw, and up to three bonus skills).

Yes, you can print characters (what would be the point otherwise?) in landscape; the sheet looks almost exactly like the one in the book. Portrait isn't a bad idea, maybe I'll think about that for a future version.

NPC library? Sure, you can make up characters using the standard (enforced) rules, or you can just add this and that until you have what you want with no restrictions, which was put in there for easy NPC creation. Naturally you can then save, print and later edit and update and print again, etc. The idea is that you can keep your character or NPC's on line and update the sheet between sessions, then print it out again etc.

I have to say, I really like Ralph's idea of a CD, Jake - blank CD's are pretty cheap, you could put things like the Character Sheets, Quickstart rules, combat sim, damage tables (both my software and the PDF), this Character Generator, etc all on a CD with a nice TROS label and sell them for $5 at GenCon or free if you buy a copy of the main book or OBAM, that kind of thing. Not a stupid idea.

I'm just working through a couple of minor bugs and spelling mistakes I spotted last night and then I'll send it off.


Message 6161#63441

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 4/22/2003 at 10:38pm, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Brian Leybourne wrote: Yes, you can print characters (what would be the point otherwise?) in landscape; the sheet looks almost exactly like the one in the book. Portrait isn't a bad idea, maybe I'll think about that for a future version.

Being the Official Leader of the TROS Portrait Character Sheet Brigade, I humbly ask you to puh-leeeeese make a protrait sheet.

The rest of this sounds so awesome. If I ever meet you, remind me to buy you a drink or something.

Message 6161#63445

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On 4/23/2003 at 12:50am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

If you decide to do the CD thing (and I definitely think you should) you could do the CD-in the back of the core-book thing, on future print runs. For those of us who already have a copy or two of the main book it would hardly be feasible as the only means of distribution though.

On the other hand, I don't have a copy of the revised rules yet, just two copies of the original print-run.

Hey, I'm stoked. I don't think any other game which has officially been out for less than a year can claim a professional quality character generator, and a combat simulator. Go TRoS!

Message 6161#63461

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On 4/23/2003 at 4:23am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

I finally found out what was wrong with my beta test, The Char Gen does not like running with Multimedia jukebox. I uninstalled one and reinstalled the other and this resolved most of my problems. Just thought i would pass along the heads up. I am also running Ein 98 which might be part of the problem.

Message 6161#63480

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On 4/23/2003 at 5:11am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: The Char Gen does not like running with Multimedia jukebox.


VERY odd, I don't see how the two could possibly affect each other, since the CharGen doesn't do anything remotely multimediaish.

Hmm.. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.


Message 6161#63487

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On 4/23/2003 at 5:49am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

I could send you the error messages I got if you would like. let me know

Message 6161#63489

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On 4/23/2003 at 7:03am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

We have a portrait sheet that will shortly be available.


Message 6161#63496

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On 4/23/2003 at 10:55am, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Jake Norwood wrote: We have a portrait sheet that will shortly be available.

Thanks Jake!

Message 6161#63501

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On 4/25/2003 at 1:41pm, Dave Turner wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Enough of this teasing! The people demand to know a release date! Revolution, my bro-...guys?

Seriously, I'm stoked about this program, Brian. :)

Message 6161#63898

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On 4/30/2003 at 6:46pm, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

How long?

Message 6161#64826

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On 4/30/2003 at 8:40pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

I sent Jake the finished product last night, so it's out of my hands now :-)


Message 6161#64870

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On 5/1/2003 at 12:37pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

i havent been able to convert it to PDF, as my printer software doesnt work with win 2000, but here it is at a word file... anyone with working printer drivers and adobe acrobat (not reader) can convert it to pdf easily..

i didnt make any changes to the sheet, just put it in a portrait format

Message 6161#65013

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On 5/1/2003 at 4:14pm, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

prophet118 wrote:

i havent been able to convert it to PDF, as my printer software doesnt work with win 2000, but here it is at a word file... anyone with working printer drivers and adobe acrobat (not reader) can convert it to pdf easily..

i didnt make any changes to the sheet, just put it in a portrait format

Don't take this the wrong way but...

I love you man!

Ha ha. I am very much a system backend person, spinning databases (Oracle et all) and working in the innards of applications (Weblogic, Jboss, et all). The frontend stuff is completely beyond me, and when forced to do it, I do it badly. I tried to do this with the TROS sheet and failed.

I had thought of making a web application as a TROS character sheet generator, as I have done for BESM and a few other games, but work is keeping me mucho busy these days. Barely enough time to go to the gym and keep my belly at a reasonable size!

Message 6161#65053

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On 5/1/2003 at 7:22pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

well, it was fairly easy... unfortunately, i am not much use anymore... had to do a system reinstall, and forgot to have my wife bring home acrobat for me... not that it helps, all i could do then is export the pics... which was what i did for the TROS sheet... word to the wise... canon BJC 5100 doesnt like to work with windows 2000..... never mind that all it did before hand was print black pages....i need a new

Message 6161#65113

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On 5/1/2003 at 9:37pm, Michael Tree wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Great job!

I've noticed a couple of errors though. First, for some reason none of the piecemeal plating is in the equipment lists, including gauntlets.

Also, the extra proficiency points granted by nationality, or at least for Gelure, aren't added during the proficiency buying page.

Message 6161#65162

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On 5/1/2003 at 10:24pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Thanks for your post, Michael.

Michael Tree wrote: First, for some reason none of the piecemeal plating is in the equipment lists, including gauntlets.

Actually, if you check the equipment list in the book, you'll see that everything in there is in the program. Piecemeal plate isn't there because it's not in the lists in chapter 7 :-) You can, of course, add it into the software yourself very easily by clicking on the "add equipment" tab.

Michael Tree wrote: Also, the extra proficiency points granted by nationality, or at least for Gelure, aren't added during the proficiency buying page.

On the Create or on the New option?

The New option doesn't apply any creation standards, it lets you put whatever you want into there, so you would be right there. The Create option, however, does. And I happen to know thast all the proficiency adds are in there, including Gelure. If you take a non sorcerer, it'll only add the 1 extra wepaon proficiency, otherwise it'll add the three extra vagary points as well. If you look at the bottom right of the create/proficiency screen you'll see a little panel where it tells you what it's added.

If it isn't adding those points, then there's a very specific error somewhere because it works perfectly for me. Can you let me know what options you picked (priorities, specifically) so I can check?


Message 6161#65170

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On 5/1/2003 at 11:30pm, Michael Tree wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

[rosanna rosannadanna] nevermind... [/rosanna rosannadanna]

The character was a halfling. I forgot halflings don't get country bonuses.

Message 6161#65176

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On 5/4/2003 at 10:25am, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Thank you very much for the character generator software. It's excellent :)

Message 6161#65532

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On 5/5/2003 at 6:38pm, toli wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

The char gen is great.

However, I was surprised to see that you included a non-sentient species (Australians) in it.

I lived in Leigh, just north of Auckland for 4 years, so I can appreciate the good-natured anti-Aussi humor.


Message 6161#65715

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On 5/6/2003 at 3:47am, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

i wonder if it'd be possible to add some export features?.... not pdf or anything so fun, i was thinking HTML...

Message 6161#65861

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On 5/6/2003 at 5:08am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

I don't really know anything about programatically compiling HTML documents, so don't hold your breath. Maybe I'll have a play with it someday when I have some spare time though.


Message 6161#65875

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On 5/6/2003 at 6:40am, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

honestly id really want to go for PDF... but i figured html might be simplier... except of course the trouble with coding the html to match the

right now, if i had my printer drivers working, and had acrobat reinstalled, i could just print to distiller and make a file that way, but as my printer divers dont seem to like win 2k, thats not an option for me anymore :(

Message 6161#65884

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On 5/6/2003 at 8:33pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

Well, I don't really know anything about creating PDF's on the fly either :-). But as I say, someday when I have time...


Message 6161#66005

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On 5/7/2003 at 3:13am, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Phew, finally (Character Generator software)

ok doke... i know PCgen handles both aspects, but its a java program, so who knows..

i do know that the PDf writing parts are just .JAR files

Message 6161#66092

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