The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Return of the eBook
Started by: Zamiel
Started on: 5/6/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 5/6/2003 at 8:57am, Zamiel wrote:
Return of the eBook

I ask this after wrestling with flipping back and forth in Sorcerer more than I'm really happy with (and fearing I'm going to ruin its spine trying to get it to lay open):

Is it possible that we'll see a re-release of the Sorcerer, Sorcerer & Sword, The Sorcerer's Soul and the upcoming Sex and Sorcerer in PDF format, to facilitate we happy few making the full transition to an electronic world? Definitely at least of the corebook and Sorcerer & Sword would make my life as a consumer much, much easier to live ...

Message 6371#65888

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On 5/6/2003 at 3:38pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Jesus eatin' beans! There's someone who wants the PDF as opposed to the book?

Where were you and all your friends two years ago??

The sad news is, no, the old PDF versions are now archival memories, and no revised versions (i.e. the same as the books) exist.

But I appreciate the thought! You realize, don't you, that your very existence strikes fear and horror into the hearts of ... well, everyone else?


Message 6371#65932

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On 5/6/2003 at 5:21pm, J. Backman wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Ron Edwards wrote: You realize, don't you, that your very existence strikes fear and horror into the hearts of ... well, everyone else?

Not to my heart. But then again, according to rumors, game designers are heartless creatures (and probably mindless too).

Message 6371#65959

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On 5/6/2003 at 7:02pm, Zamiel wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Ron Edwards wrote: Jesus eatin' beans! There's someone who wants the PDF as opposed to the book?

I was the same place I am now -- a geek with portable electronics nearly falling out my tookas. And for clarity, I don't want it as opposed to so much as in addition to. When I'm doing chargen and setup for my games, having electronic references alongside my electronic editing suites makes life seamless. When I actually run games face to face, the book is really, really handy to pass around the group.

Perhaps this is the moment its worth suggesting its time to consider working on a new revision of the core Sorcerer text with a professional editor? Not suggesting its not a fine work -- but it definately has places in which the structure and verbage could say a bit more about what it is rather than what it isn't, if you follow me. Be a wonderful time to fold in bits that have come up over the past couple years of discussion on the Forge as well, of course ...

Just some thoughts.

Message 6371#65985

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On 5/6/2003 at 9:11pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Ron Edwards wrote: Jesus eatin' beans! There's someone who wants the PDF as opposed to the book?

Always my preference. Can't take the book to work, for example...

I'm never not on a computer. So why do I want to have a book that I can lose track of? Lot's of reasons. Actually, HTML would be even better.


Message 6371#66017

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On 5/7/2003 at 1:18am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Okay, call me atavistic, but I'm much happier sitting in a chair with a book in my hot little hands. Mmm, the smell of paper and ink, the creak of a binding.... Look, this is Sorcerer. You're supposed to have a whole collection of rare occult books, not log in to, you know what I'm saying?

Sorry. :)


Gosh, that's disturbing. That fictitious address automatically turned into a link, and when you click it, you get a big red logo. Creepy....

Good thing we all have a large collection of occult books, and don't have to rely on computers, eh?

Message 6371#66079

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On 5/7/2003 at 12:48pm, Zamiel wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

clehrich wrote: Okay, call me atavistic,

OK, you're an atavist.

My primary problem is that Sorcerer is not a book for sitting in a chair reading. Like all RPG books, its a technical manual, for fast referencing and intelligent, if occasionally abstruse, content. Its directions on how to play a game, far more than its a treatise on philosophy. I've read Ron's commants in the front and back a few times -- I use the section on mechanics in the middle every time I create a character and/or demon. Juggling two books (Sorcerer and Sorcerer & Sword, neither of which has a stay-flat binding nor pages big enough to act as self-weighting bits on a desk is a real impediment to enjoying actually using the book.

I'm just saying, with the recent move toward more ePublishing (as RPGNow and other venues seem to be doing interestingly well) it might be time to examine the possibilities. Hades knows my overtaxed elbow would surely appreciate it.

Message 6371#66122

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On 5/7/2003 at 2:13pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Dudes, dudes, I completely appreciate both ends of the preference range that are being presented here.

My decision to stick with the book-only has nothing to do with the legitimacy of Zamiel's request. The request is fully legitimate. It's a matter of logistics and focus, which are publisher decisions that can't necessarily run strictly from demand.


Message 6371#66132

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On 5/25/2003 at 2:51am, anonymouse wrote:
RE: Return of the eBook

Well, here's another voice that says: if it ever does become an option, I'd buy. In fact, the main reason I haven't picked up Sorcerer yet is because there's no PDF version available; it's quick for me, and cheaper than a physical copy, and I just print it out on 3-hole and slap it in a binder.

So. Here's hoping that someday, it'd work out.

Message 6371#68675

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