The Forge Reference Project


Topic: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2
Started by: arxhon
Started on: 5/12/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/12/2003 at 2:10am, arxhon wrote:
TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Thorbrin wrote: I must say that this seems to be a very freindly forum. It is a really nice change from the usual stuck up jerks that I tend to see at other boards.

Yeah, we're all great folks around here. Not sure why that is, but i'm not complaining.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that there are no egos on display. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it is a friendly board, and everyone notices it, values it and tries to keep it that way, consciously or otherwise. Maybe it's because TRoS attracts cool, laid back folks in the first place.

Whatever the reason is, this Forum is a far preferable place to many other boards. Cheers, all! :-)

Message 6442#66765

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On 5/12/2003 at 6:30am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Yeah, it's always a pleasure here. This is the first board I check every day (sometimes very often), and there aren't any of you that I wouldn't go out for a drink with (if I drank, that is...).


Message 6442#66786

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On 5/12/2003 at 8:15am, JESTER wrote:
I second that

Hear, Hear!

I couldn't agree more

A Guinness for everyone !

(If Jake doesn't want his I'll drink it for him)

It refreshes your spirit


Message 6442#66790

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On 5/12/2003 at 9:30am, Salamander wrote:
I wonder...

If it has to do with the fact many of us own swords... ;)

Message 6442#66794

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On 5/12/2003 at 2:05pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

I think it's more that people here just want to talk about the game, not about personal planks or soapboxes. Even the worst arguments I've seen here have been about things that were at least tangentially game-related -- martial arts and historical stuff, etc. Scholarly arguments are always less inherently ulcer-inducing than political, to me anyway.

The moderators also do a fairly good job of keeping things on-topic and diplomatic, which tends to alienate those people whose qualities don't always include tact. (*COUGH*gleichman*COUGH*)

But yeah, it's nice after the free-for-all flamefests of other boards to drop in here and breathe a quiet sigh of relief. Like the peace and tranquility of a distinguished gentleman's club after spending time in Satan's Circus down in the Five Points.

(By the way, if anyone wants to see a TROS-style primitive mass battle, check out the first ten minutes of Gangs of New York. The things you can do to somebody with farm implements and kitchen knives....)

Message 6442#66805

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On 5/12/2003 at 3:46pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Jake Norwood wrote: Yeah, it's always a pleasure here. This is the first board I check every day (sometimes very often), and there aren't any of you that I wouldn't go out for a drink with (if I drank, that is...).


Yanno Jake, I may have opportunity to take you up on that offer soon. I've got 2 weeks of training at Ft. Williams, which I'm told is rather close to Provo. If it's possible, I'd like to see about meetin' up with you for an evening or something.

Edit: BTW.. When/Where's part 1?

Message 6442#66826

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On 5/12/2003 at 6:31pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Hey lance. If you're up near provo you gotta come stay a night with us or something. I may also be in the Phoenix area for several months in the near future as well (in about a year, that is). Sounds like fun.


Message 6442#66873

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On 5/12/2003 at 6:41pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

The original group hug thread:

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 366

Message 6442#66878

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On 5/12/2003 at 6:42pm, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

A theory I have is that people here are nice because it's kind of a new thing to many, and there is a certain kind of bonding which is lost on boards with zillions of people (and the more people = the greater chance of attracting uhm...those who get *coughed* at). Am I onto something or am I ruining the fun? Anyway, big hug from me to you :D

Message 6442#66879

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On 5/12/2003 at 7:01pm, Eamon Voss wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

I like this board because people are good natured, willing to share ideas, and most importantly, willing to learn from others.

Message 6442#66882

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On 5/12/2003 at 8:10pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Tywin Lannister wrote: A theory I have is that people here are nice because it's kind of a new thing to many, and there is a certain kind of bonding which is lost on boards with zillions of people

Very true. I'm a mod on the HârnForum, and we've got less than 500 members, and only 100 post with any regularity. The atmoshpere is mostly friendly and cooperative, and I hardly have to do any mod-ing. :) The same applies here, for sure! So here's a glass of Lagavulin (or Talisker, Cardhu, etc) to y'all! :)


Message 6442#66893

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On 5/12/2003 at 8:19pm, kanseg wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Eamon Voss said:

I like this board because people are good natured, willing to share ideas, and most importantly, willing to learn from others.

The same goes for me. I think the game attracts the kind of roleplayer who wants to create a seriously good experience so the board itself attracts a better 'class' of roleplayer.

In my case the game mechanics blew me away in how real they felt when compared to my weapons sparring experience. I certainly plan on running a game very soon - hopefully June.



Message 6442#66898

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On 5/12/2003 at 9:14pm, Thorbrin wrote:
Group Hug

Being Canadian I must say a nice cold BEER would go down nicely right now. It is to bad that we are spread out all over the place.
I am a relatively new computer owner and the one thing that amazes me is that in one day I can discuss topics with people from all over the world.
Perhaps one day in the future at a large Con we could have a big TROS rally day. I think it would be a lot of fun, we could play TROS bounce ideas around the table and just kick back and have fun. For those of us who are martialy inclined we could strap on armour and go through some rounds of melee ,share teqhniques etc.
Anyways greetings to you all, have a good day and pass the beer eh!

Message 6442#66912

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On 5/12/2003 at 10:30pm, arxhon wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

What part of canada you at, Thorbrin?

I'm in Edmonton, Alberta.

Message 6442#66925

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On 5/12/2003 at 11:30pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Jake Norwood wrote: Hey lance. If you're up near provo you gotta come stay a night with us or something. I may also be in the Phoenix area for several months in the near future as well (in about a year, that is). Sounds like fun.


I doubt that'll be possible. As I understand it from those who've been through the 13F MOS Qualification course, After the first pass I may get on-post liberty (NCO Club, etc.) but I'm not likely to be allowed off-post until maybe a day or so prior to graduation. So my time to do any sort of meeting and hanging out will be severely curtailed... But I'd be a right bastard (which, to some accounts I am anyhow) to be in the area and not make an attempt to meet up with ya'll.

~Lance "who who can use southern slang and european slang in the same sentance" Allen

Message 6442#66935

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On 5/13/2003 at 12:05am, Thorbrin wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Hello Arxhon I am in Trenton,Ontario about a 2 hour drive east of Toronto on the 401.
Its a small city of about 16,000 people centred around an air base.
The gaming community in this area is large, besides hockey and beer what else is there to do but game! (hahah)
I will be introducing the gaming group to TROS soon. Hopefuly within the next couple of weeks.

Message 6442#66941

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On 5/13/2003 at 12:20am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

I've been to Trenton (I was born in Canada, even though I live in NZ now). Not a bad little town actually. I didn't realise there was a big gamer population though.


Message 6442#66942

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On 5/13/2003 at 1:12am, Thorbrin wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Hello Brian, Trenton is pretty small. I am actually from Belleville,moved here to Trenton to make my wife happy and because of work.
The gaming community here is actualy pretty big and covers a whole spectrum of games. D&D,Star Trek,Star Wars,Vampire & Werewolf,Rolemaster,Warhammer,Warhammer 40k,Battletech(this game is very popular with the military crowd),Udiscovered,MERP,Gurps, Magic(and all the other card games) all have groups .Soon TROS will be added to this list. I have to add that card games are slowing down a lot. All of the gamers within an hour drive basicly come here to game,Belleville(a rock throw away from Trenton),Trenton,Picton,Tweed,Cambellford etc.
We are lucky to have 2 gaming stores as well. In Trenton J&B Books is great always packed with people and he stocks a lot of product too. Recently it has become a little GW crazy(Warhammer everywhere).
J&B Books is a great store but regretfully the owner does not know a lot about gaming, heck I think he doesnt want to know.So if you want something that is not from Wizards or White Wolf,Palladium you have to let him know. Just as long as people want to buy it he will stock it. He is a great guy though.
In Belleville we have Chaos Comics, this is the die hard gaming shop that you here about on most boards. The owners are gamers, its gamer paradise(a great place to meet fellow gamers,hook up for games,or just talk shop) but they dont stock much in the way of product and customer assistance leaves a lot to be desired. If you are looking for a obscure game though this is the place to go. Both stores have game nights Wed to Sat every week with tables and play space for most games.
Several Conventions and games days also happen every year within an hour drive .
A buddy of mine recently moved to Australia(one of those internet relationships), I wonder what the gaming scene is like over there?
Anyways I am rambling sorry for this long post guys.

Message 6442#66945

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On 5/13/2003 at 1:56am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Thorbrin wrote: A buddy of mine recently moved to Australia(one of those internet relationships), I wonder what the gaming scene is like over there?

That's like saying "Hey, I hear you come from Europe... Do you know such-and-such?"... Australia is a pretty damn big place, you know :-)

But there's a not bad gaming scene over there, better than New Zealand although also more expensive than New Zealand in terms of costs of buying books etc (An RPG book that costs $80 in Aussie will be $70-$80 here, on top of which one Aussie dollar buys about NZ$1.15 on the exchange rate so it's even cheaper to buy the stuff here).

(edit: You gys in the States think you have it tough with your $29.95 or even -gasp- $39.95 RPG books... those prices are unheard of down here, even softcover 128 page RPG books usually start at about $50 in NZ/Aussie, and many/most RPG books are in the $80-$100 range).


Message 6442#66947

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On 5/13/2003 at 2:19am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

So gaming is even less of a hobby, and more of an obsession down there, I take it.

Man, just the other day I saw a softcover supplement for $20.. Damn these skyrocketing prices!

Message 6442#66950

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On 5/13/2003 at 2:29am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Wolfen wrote: Man, just the other day I saw a softcover supplement for $20.. Damn these skyrocketing prices!

Yeah yeah, laugh it up...

On the other hand, at least we don't have George Bush for a president, so it evens out :-)


Message 6442#66954

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On 5/13/2003 at 5:11am, Salamander wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Brian Leybourne wrote: I've been to Trenton (I was born in Canada, even though I live in NZ now). Not a bad little town actually. I didn't realise there was a big gamer population though.


So have I. I grew up in a small town called Lindsay, not too terribly far off (100km/60miles). I have also been to CFB Trenton on business as well.

There are usually a small group of die hards (10-20) who game in the smaller towns. I am thinking TRoS will begin to blossom out there soon. I have been telling all of my old school chums of it and they have been downloading "A Hint" for themselves. Sadly I think TRoS can be had cheaper by buying it here in Calgary at The Sentry Box and then having it mailed out. A mate of mine saved over $50.00 this way when buying RMFRP a few years back. Bloody hell, I should buy stock in them Sentry Box guys.

So Brian, where in Canada were you born?

Message 6442#66962

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On 5/13/2003 at 6:16am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Salamander wrote: So Brian, where in Canada were you born?

Montreal, but we didn't live there very long. To be honest, I'm more of a Kiwi than a Canuck - most of my life I have lived down here, but the roots run deep as they say.

I think Toronto is my favourite place, although Ottawa would come a (very) close second.


Message 6442#66966

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On 5/13/2003 at 10:46am, Salamander wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Brian Leybourne wrote:

Montreal, but we didn't live there very long. To be honest, I'm more of a Kiwi than a Canuck - most of my life I have lived down here, but the roots run deep as they say.

I think Toronto is my favourite place, although Ottawa would come a (very) close second.


I know what you mean, if you don't culturally acclimatize, you fail to prosper. So being a Kiwi makes sense. I had a few friends who are Kiwis. No, I'm not going to bloody ask. Besides one was from Christchurch and another from Wellington.

Montreal is a nice city. I visited it as a kid. My French sure came in handy. Of course I can barely give a perfuntory greeting now...

Why is T.O. your favourite place? I liked it when I was there, but I much prefer Calgary.

Message 6442#66983

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On 5/13/2003 at 8:31pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Salamander wrote: Why is T.O. your favourite place? I liked it when I was there, but I much prefer Calgary.

I'm sure it's only because I have never been to Calgary :-)


Message 6442#67038

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On 5/14/2003 at 6:51am, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Brian Leybourne wrote: I'm sure it's only because I have never been to Calgary :-)

Well, that goes without saying! ;)


Message 6442#67103

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On 5/14/2003 at 7:00pm, Bomilkar wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Well, I'd like to give all of you a hug from Germany, but I fear my arms are too short, the Ocean too wide, the out-of-range penalty too big.


Message 6442#67179

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On 5/14/2003 at 7:11pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

How is old TROS in Germany anyway?


Message 6442#67185

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On 5/15/2003 at 1:51am, arxhon wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

I'm sure it's only because I have never been to Calgary :-)

Trust me, you don't want to go to Calgary! It's full of rednecks! And the Flames Suck! :-P (Little bit of friendly CowTown/E-Town rivalry there)

Wow, lots of Canadians and ex-Canadians here. Viva Canada!

Well, I'd like to give all of you a hug from Germany, but I fear my arms are too short, the Ocean too wide, the out-of-range penalty too big.

Hey, no worries. Thordrim lives about as far from me as he does from you (Canada's BIIG, like "i would have to drive hard for 21 hours straight to get to Trenton" big).

Message 6442#67266

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On 5/15/2003 at 9:03pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

arxhon wrote:
Trust me, you don't want to go to Calgary! It's full of rednecks!

Hey, the don't call Edmonton "Redmonton" for nothing! ;)
And the Flames Suck! :-P

True dat.
(Little bit of friendly CowTown/E-Town rivalry there)

Well, I'm a Haligonian originally, so you can poke fun at Cowtown all you like! :D
Hey, no worries. Thordrim lives about as far from me as he does from you (Canada's BIIG, like "i would have to drive hard for 21 hours straight to get to Trenton" big).

Reminds me of a rather funny story (perhaps apochryphal) about some (I think) dutch relatives/acquaintances visiting Canada and having NO sense of scale... the Vancouverites were asked to pick the dutch relative up at the airport (in Halifax) so he could visit the folks in Vancouver. As every gamer knows, maps are your friend! :D

Remeber: TROS can overcome even a Redmonton-Cowtown rivalry, and that's saying something! ;)


Message 6442#67397

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On 5/15/2003 at 10:34pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Brian, on those costs for RPG's, were those in $US? I here the NZ US exchange is a bit hairy.

Also, That bush comment was asking for a good political debate sometime! I work in DC doing political analysis mostly international affairs stuff so let me know if you want to explain the comment in more detail sometime!!:)

Message 6442#67416

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On 5/15/2003 at 10:43pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: Brian, on those costs for RPG's, were those in $US?

No, we have our own money, we don't use US dollars :-)

Obviously if you convert with the exchange rate, the difference isn't as staggering, but the earning potential between the two countries is about the same (well, in my industry anyway), meaning that if I worked in the US I would expect to earn about the same salary in $US as what I earn in $NZ here. That makes RPG books 2-3 times dearer in New Zealand, which I consider unacceptable. It's usually cheaper to pay $US over the internet, and pay shipping, than to buy stuff here, which of course means NZ distributors aren't getting my money, thus they don't make as much money, thus they have to raise prices again...

Viscious circle. It sucks.


Message 6442#67417

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On 5/16/2003 at 3:10am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

That explains the cost discrepency then, thanks. For a while I thought you were holding $ value constant and my jaw dropped in amazement. That effect is still there somewhat given your explanation.

Message 6442#67437

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On 5/18/2003 at 11:50pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Yet another TRoS sighting...

This site is a "gamer purity" test, and on the list of systems under system familiarity, I've seen several of the bigger ones from the indie scene, such as TRoS and Sorcerer. Just thought I'd share.

Message 6442#67716

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On 5/19/2003 at 8:04am, Ilvarin wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

I've been lurking about for around a month, waiting for my very own copy of The Book (que the choir). I am looking forward to jumping in with bith feet and Guiness in hand when I've finished reading it.

Message 6442#67741

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On 5/20/2003 at 8:20pm, Vanguard wrote:
RE: TRoS Group Hug: Part 2

Beyond TROS being a new, shiny toy for us all. I do believe something inherent about the game is responsible for the quality of chat over here.

TROS is what a lot of us had been waiting for. Jake's example of choosing to fall off a cliff, knowing the 60 HP loss won't kill his character, typifies that for me.

With TRO, no longer is combat the easy option, but, more than that, successfully playing TROS makes u feel like that hero you've been yearning to be - the excitement and adventure. Surviving requires cool play - like in the films and books - as opposed to having more HPs than a third world country.

But for me, there was always a little guilt attached to feeling like that; like I was betraying the Gods of RPG, tossing away all that fun it'd provided me all those years ago. I'm sorry D&D, but I've grown up, and I need to move on. (glances about in fear of starting a flame-war)

It was my dirty little secret. I wanted more. And TROS delivered. It's cool realising that someone out there shared your feelings, (non-homoerotic wink towards Jake) and even cooler to realise there was a thousand more (another non-dodgy wink at the rest of ya).

That's what I reckon makes these forums so pleasant to visit; it's meeting up with kindred spirits.

We're not dirty after all, nor perverted and despicable. We can be proud again. We weren't wrong. And TROS came to prove that.

Ladies and Gentlemen, good nite, and take care,


Message 6442#68011

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