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Topic: Mixed Sci fi setting
Started by: Andrew Ciotti
Started on: 5/12/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/12/2003 at 6:10pm, Andrew Ciotti wrote:
Mixed Sci fi setting

I was wondering if anyone had done a Setting using TROS that Included Sci fi weapons, Blasters, Guns, Vibro Swords etc. I am thinking of a setting where these things would be elements but it would also include swordplay. I want to keep the Magic/Fey rules and include special SA's. One of the things which concerns me is the shift of focus from sword play to gun play would disrupt the sprit of the game...If this is a repost of something someone has done then I am sorry please direct me to the posts


Message 6451#66866

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On 5/12/2003 at 6:33pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

This isn't a re-post as far as I know. There have been threads about TROS guns (for modern campaigns) and Bob Richter, a regular around here, ran a "riddle of the force" once, but I've never seen his notes for it (but I want to...).


Message 6451#66875

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On 5/12/2003 at 9:23pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Jake Norwood wrote: This isn't a re-post as far as I know. There have been threads about TROS guns (for modern campaigns) and Bob Richter, a regular around here, ran a "riddle of the force" once, but I've never seen his notes for it (but I want to...).


I haven't really finalized it yet. We ran a really early (alpha) version of it, and it worked out pretty spiffily. SAs and intense swordplay are so completely suited to the Star Wars universe that it's not even funny.

I'm good with my Blaster and Lightsaber rules, but I think there were some slight issues with Starships (which was the really hard one) and the Force (which was a minor modification of the TROS Sorcery system.)

Message 6451#66915

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On 5/12/2003 at 9:34pm, Bob Richter wrote:
Re: Mixed Sci fi setting

Andrew Ciotti wrote: I was wondering if anyone had done a Setting using TROS that Included Sci fi weapons, Blasters, Guns, Vibro Swords etc. I am thinking of a setting where these things would be elements but it would also include swordplay. I want to keep the Magic/Fey rules and include special SA's. One of the things which concerns me is the shift of focus from sword play to gun play would disrupt the sprit of the game...If this is a repost of something someone has done then I am sorry please direct me to the posts


We've run both Riddle of the Force (Star Wars) and Riddletech (Battletech.)

So, yes, I've had Blasters, Lightsabers, Guns, Vibro-swords, etc. all in TROS games.

Gun play works well with TROS, but if you want to make swords still viable, make a sword a better weapon than a gun.

Dune does this by providing projectile shields that stop fast-moving projectiles (and react violently with laser and particle guns,) but allow for killing an opponent with a melee weapon (such as a sword) or a slow-moving projectile weapon (such as a bow)

Star Wars does it by having potent energy-swords that can be used by force-wielding Jedi to deflect blaster bolts -- sometimes right back at the guy who fired them.

In Battletech, the (Vibro)Sword is the weapon of choice for deep-space boarding actions. Even a Pistol or Crossbow could cause a dangerous puncture in the sides of a thin-skinned Jumpship, to say nothing of the irreplacable equipment you could be destroying.

Blasters and Guns use the puncture table. I like to add in the elemental damage on top for Blasters, but remove the Blood Loss (any wound is instantly cauterized.) Don't worry, there's still plenty of "Death" Results on the Puncture table.

A Stun-setting Blaster might only dish out Shock and Pain (like the Elemental Damage Table.)

We used an auto-fire rule where you divide your MP between all the shots fired in your (1-2 sec) turn, but we didn't have good rules for area-denial bursts (suppression fire) and such.

Message 6451#66917

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On 5/12/2003 at 10:00pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Bob Richter wrote: I'm good with my Blaster and Lightsaber rules, but I think there were some slight issues with Starships (which was the really hard one) and the Force (which was a minor modification of the TROS Sorcery system.)

I'm glad to see you didn't make the force an SA.. I never liked that idea, although most of the folk around here loved it :-)

I like the idea of the Force as something where you have a Force Pool (FP) based on your WP and raw talent (your midichlorian count, if you like, although I'm the first to say that I wish Lucas had never pulled midichlorians out of his ass) and then there are a series of different force powers (Force Pull, Force Lightning, Force Jump, etc although I never sat down and worked out what I thought they would actually be) which would be treated as skills - they represent the TN to use that force ability, which you do by spending dice from your FP and rolling against the power difficulty. Additionally, you could add FP dice to your CP on a 1-for-1 basis as well, something clearly seen in most of the films where the Force was used to make people better fighters etc. FP would refresh pretty fast too, you never saw anybody in the films "running out" of force as it's easy to do with SP, for example.

Dark side/Light side? Well, that would depend on what powers you choose to develop and how you use the Force of course, it certainly shouldn't be something black and white, but more shades of grey such as in the films (Luke skirted pretty close to the Dark side a few times). How is the dark side "easier" than the light side? Maybe it's easier to buy down the TN's of "dark side" powers than it is to buy down the "light side" ones.


But as I say, I never seriously thought about it much beyond what I just typed. Other technological stuff like blasters etc is easy enough and I would do them like (it sounds like) Bob did. Starships would be pretty easy as an extension of the naval ships I have been working on for the mass combat stuff. It's all a project to work on one day...


Message 6451#66920

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On 5/12/2003 at 10:36pm, OriginalFlash wrote:
Mixed Sci-Fi Setting

I have a copy of Warpworld from Greg Porter/BTRC that I am in the process of converting (actually just starting) that is Post Holocaust with Sorcerers, Low-tech and Magic Powered High tech. Worth a look if you wanted a mixed setting.


Message 6451#66926

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On 5/12/2003 at 10:50pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Brian Leybourne wrote:

I'm glad to see you didn't make the force an SA.. I never liked that idea, although most of the folk around here loved it :-)

Actually, we did make the Dark Side an SA, or actually more of an inverse SA. Dark Side dice could be added freely to any force roll you wanted, as often as once per turn. BUT, each point of Dark Side you had lowered the maximum level for all your other SAs by one. Thus, they gave their user up to six extra dice to toss into any force action per turn, but at the price of basically crippling character advancement, especially since they couldn't be spent in the same manner as other SAs (if you had 6 Dark Side points, all of your other SAs would be stuck at zero until you did some redeeming.). I wrote up a nifty set of guidelines on increasing and decreasing the Dark Side (which were actually more a matter of emotional state than "evil", though some powers earned Dark Side points automatically).

That was coupled to a powered down, fatigue based variant on tRoS sorcery where the dice replenished much faster.

I like the idea of the Force as something where you have a Force Pool (FP) based on your WP and raw talent (your midichlorian count, if you like, although I'm the first to say that I wish Lucas had never pulled midichlorians out of his ass) and then there are a series of different force powers (Force Pull, Force Lightning, Force Jump, etc although I never sat down and worked out what I thought they would actually be) which would be treated as skills - they represent the TN to use that force ability, which you do by spending dice from your FP and rolling against the power difficulty. Additionally, you could add FP dice to your CP on a 1-for-1 basis as well, something clearly seen in most of the films where the Force was used to make people better fighters etc. FP would refresh pretty fast too, you never saw anybody in the films "running out" of force as it's easy to do with SP, for example.

We ended up using derived attributes similar to what tRoS uses. FP replenished at a rate of Draw dice/round and you got a certain number of free dice to resist fatigue based on one of the other derived attributes (I forget which one, probably the one with endurance and willpower in it). Basically, the attributes were renamed (no more arcane names like Kaa and such) and reintroduced so that they were all useful on a consistent basis (instead of going entire games without ever being used, like the ritual attributes). Thus Jedi were able to do all the normal Jedi goodness with little or no holdups and only wear themselves out if their willpower is low, or they just really do a poor job of managing their dice pool.

Things like "high mediclorine count" were gifts that gave bonus FP dice (pretty much just a port of "gift of the ancients").

Our first go-around used vagary like force abilities (control, sense, and alter), but that just wasn't very satisfying, so we've been thinking of using force abilities as skills, like you were just mentioning. It seems doubly good because the lower TNs as skills improve means that fatigue becomes even easier to avoid. Thus, Luke gets tired lifting a rock, while Yoda lifts X-Wings with ease (though Yodas high level of Faith: The Force, indicating his belief that it can do anything certainly helps)

Dark side/Light side? Well, that would depend on what powers you choose to develop and how you use the Force of course, it certainly shouldn't be something black and white, but more shades of grey such as in the films (Luke skirted pretty close to the Dark side a few times). How is the dark side "easier" than the light side? Maybe it's easier to buy down the TN's of "dark side" powers than it is to buy down the "light side" ones.

See above. It worked pretty well. There was a definite trade off between immediate power and future advancement that I was pretty proud of.

Message 6451#66927

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On 5/12/2003 at 11:41pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

I'd really like to see some sort of consensus of notes for a "Riddle of the Force" add-on. I understand that, due to licensing, that it would have to be entirely unofficial, but fan material has always been okay before, so I don't perceive any problems.

Message 6451#66939

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On 5/12/2003 at 11:58pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting


So far only three of us have posted ideas and already there's no consensus, so I don't think you'll be seeing anything like that anytime soon :-)

Having said that, as I mentioned earlier I'm keen to work on Star Wars TROS someday when I have more time (after my pending trip at least) and would be keen to work with others on it, but that would require a "meeting of the minds" on how things work, and as I already said I don't like the Force-as-SA's idea much, which probably sets me apart from most other forum members (although in my idea it works much like an SA, it's just not actually an SA and goes higher, like SP).


Message 6451#66940

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On 5/13/2003 at 7:37am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Wolfen wrote: I'd really like to see some sort of consensus of notes for a "Riddle of the Force" add-on. I understand that, due to licensing, that it would have to be entirely unofficial, but fan material has always been okay before, so I don't perceive any problems.

I'll post my (semi-)complete RoTF rules as soon as I've hammered out the bugs. There won't be any consensus (try building consensus among gamers who aren't completely like-minded sometime,) but at least there will be a pre-made Star Wars "module" for folks who want to use it.

Message 6451#66974

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On 5/13/2003 at 7:39am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Brian Leybourne wrote: Starships would be pretty easy as an extension of the naval ships I have been working on for the mass combat stuff. It's all a project to work on one day...


Well, Starships *IS* a broad group that spans the distance between X-Wings and TIE Fighters (which act much like WWII Fighters) and Star Destroyers and Death Stars (which act much like large warships from WWII)

But I'd be interested in seeing your thoughts on Naval Warfare and how we might apply them in RoTF.

Message 6451#66975

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On 5/13/2003 at 2:15pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Bob Richter wrote: (try building consensus among gamers who aren't completely like-minded sometime,)

Tried it. A thirsty viking I knew, and one Mike Holmes and I were working on an add-on to bring Gladiatorial arena fighting to TRoS. Life and it's happenings interfered, but I'd like to take the project up again some time.

Message 6451#66994

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On 5/13/2003 at 3:06pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Wolfen wrote:
Bob Richter wrote: (try building consensus among gamers who aren't completely like-minded sometime,)

Tried it. A thirsty viking I knew, and one Mike Holmes and I were working on an add-on to bring Gladiatorial arena fighting to TRoS. Life and it's happenings interfered, but I'd like to take the project up again some time.

Getting two folks to agree is child's play. Getting everybody who's worked up their own TROS Star Wars thing to agree would be impossible. :)

I've got a number of good people working on mine with me. Hopefully it will turn out well.

Message 6451#66997

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On 5/13/2003 at 10:20pm, Sneaky Git wrote:
RE: Re: Mixed Sci fi setting

Bob Richter wrote: We've run both Riddle of the Force (Star Wars) and Riddletech (Battletech.)

So, yes, I've had Blasters, Lightsabers, Guns, Vibro-swords, etc. all in TROS games.

Gun play works well with TROS, but if you want to make swords still viable, make a sword a better weapon than a gun.

Dune does this by providing projectile shields that stop fast-moving projectiles (and react violently with laser and particle guns,) but allow for killing an opponent with a melee weapon (such as a sword) or a slow-moving projectile weapon (such as a bow)

Star Wars does it by having potent energy-swords that can be used by force-wielding Jedi to deflect blaster bolts -- sometimes right back at the guy who fired them.

In Battletech, the (Vibro)Sword is the weapon of choice for deep-space boarding actions. Even a Pistol or Crossbow could cause a dangerous puncture in the sides of a thin-skinned Jumpship, to say nothing of the irreplacable equipment you could be destroying.

Blasters and Guns use the puncture table. I like to add in the elemental damage on top for Blasters, but remove the Blood Loss (any wound is instantly cauterized.) Don't worry, there's still plenty of "Death" Results on the Puncture table.

A Stun-setting Blaster might only dish out Shock and Pain (like the Elemental Damage Table.)

We used an auto-fire rule where you divide your MP between all the shots fired in your (1-2 sec) turn, but we didn't have good rules for area-denial bursts (suppression fire) and such.

Cool. How do you (if you don't mind me asking) work the refreshing of dice pools (speed at which they do so, etc.)?


Message 6451#67062

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On 5/14/2003 at 1:32am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Re: Mixed Sci fi setting

Sneaky Git wrote:
Cool. How do you (if you don't mind me asking) work the refreshing of dice pools (speed at which they do so, etc.)?


We used the standard refresh rates for Missile Pool. Seemed to work well enough.

Message 6451#67076

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On 5/14/2003 at 3:15am, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting


Easy enough. A ship is a weapon. Therefore it has similar stats and is played in much the same way.

There are different classes of starship which are comparable to the different weapon schools we find in Normal TROS. Fighter, interceptor, Bomber, Frieghter, Gunship, etc...

Each ship has core stats that are basically the same as any other weapon. An ATN (maybe two... one for missle weapons, one for beam), which is determined largely by the ships manuverability and targeting hardware/software. The DTN would be be determined largely by manuverabily and speed (a faster ship is harder to hit).

Then you have the damage stats for the weapons, and Defensive stats for sheilds and armor. You'd have to modify the "wound scale" a bit... an ISD for example is going to have more than 5 levels of wounds... though individual components might not. Mightr want to do something for missles to... give them their own (fairly crappy) ATN and damage ratings, but however many successes the launching craft work as a bonus to the missles ATN or just an added number of sucesses (basically the missle was launched from a good angle/bad angle).

Then there are manuvers and special systems. Manuvers work just like HTH amnuvers in their basic mechanics... though you/we'd have to think of the individual manuvers.

Special systems would be things like turrets and jamming equipment and would vary depending on the system. (Turrets, if manned get an attack seperate from the ship at no cost, though ATN is going to be fairly high... specially on a falcon-like ship if the things manuvering at the same time). A remotely operated turret being used by the pilot would work more like a sim block-strike, but harder. Jammers would take a one die activation/disable cost (he had to reach for/flip the switch, minor distraction), but would bump the attackers ATN up... but would do the same to your's.

Anyway, if anyone sees any flaws in the basic concept, please yell.... and I hope this helps.

Message 6451#67088

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On 5/14/2003 at 4:22am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Hey, I like that. Elegant.


Message 6451#67096

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On 5/14/2003 at 5:40am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting


That's a pretty good description of what I have been doing with naval ships as part of mass combat :-)


Message 6451#67098

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On 5/14/2003 at 4:10pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Mayhem1979 wrote: Starships...

Easy enough. A ship is a weapon. Therefore it has similar stats and is played in much the same way.

Yeah, that's basically how we did it.

There are different classes of starship which are comparable to the different weapon schools we find in Normal TROS. Fighter, interceptor, Bomber, Frieghter, Gunship, etc...

Well, we just had a piloting proficiency to keep it simple, but it might be better to have different proficiencies for different ships with a set of defaults between them.

Each ship has core stats that are basically the same as any other weapon. An ATN (maybe two... one for missle weapons, one for beam), which is determined largely by the ships manuverability and targeting hardware/software. The DTN would be be determined largely by manuverabily and speed (a faster ship is harder to hit).

Originally, each one also had an AV and a seperate DTN for shields (which could attempt to parry in the same manner as hand held shields), but I've been leaning towards doing away with that and just packaging things like armor and shields into the DTN.

Then you have the damage stats for the weapons, and Defensive stats for sheilds and armor. You'd have to modify the "wound scale" a bit... an ISD for example is going to have more than 5 levels of wounds... though individual components might not. Mightr want to do something for missles to... give them their own (fairly crappy) ATN and damage ratings, but however many successes the launching craft work as a bonus to the missles ATN or just an added number of sucesses (basically the missle was launched from a good angle/bad angle).

Actually, this was one of the hardest part (or at least most tiresome), the hit tables and stats. Though I only actually made out tables for starfighters, because I pretty much figured that Star Destroyers are generally more of plot devices than things that can be realistically battled.

Then there are manuvers and special systems. Manuvers work just like HTH amnuvers in their basic mechanics... though you/we'd have to think of the individual manuvers.

And the devil is in the details...
Really, it's not hard to come up with basic rules, the painful part is stating everything out and then, more importantly testing and balancing. Is a certain maneuver overpowered? Do the ship stats reflect their performance in the movies? And at what point, in adding all these little details does it become too much?

Our biggest problem in getting that done was we were too busy trying to play instead of testing these things. I do know that the main problem with our original star ship system (and our Force system) was that it was just too cumbersome (hence in play, people were avoiding them). If I have my way it's going to be mucho simplified in the next go-around.

Hopefully, I can find my notes again. I was proud of my Gold -> SW Credits conversion (which actually went from Gold to Dollars to "Mechwarrior" C-Bills and then used common equipment in the two universes, such as vibro-knives, respirator masks, and the price of food to extrapolate the final conversion factor). It actually turned out suprisingly simple, the ratio was like 1000 cred to 1 gold or something (almost on the dot)

Message 6451#67149

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On 5/14/2003 at 5:22pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

hmmm... basic damage tables.

Starfighter, Sheilded

Basic Zones

1 - Dorsal (from above)
2 - Ventral (From Below)
3 - Port (from the Left)
4 - Starboard (from the Right)
5 - Bow (from the front)
6 - Stern (from Rear)

1 - Cockpit
LVL 1 = Sheilds Reduced 1D6 for 2 rounds, -2 CP due to flash
for one round
LVL 2 = Sheilds Reduced 2D6 for 4 rounds, refresh at norm rate
-3 CP Due to flash for one round
LVL 3 = Sheilds Gone, cockpit cracked, -4 CP for one round due to
Flash, -2 CP permanently due to obscured vision
LVL 4 = Sheilds Gone, Cockpit open to Space, -6 CP due to shock
and flash for one round, -4 CP gone permanently due to
shock.... if pilot is wearing sealed flight suit
LVL 5 = Cockpit Gutted, Pilot a cinder, ship salvagable but in serious
need of repair before flyable
2/3 - Fuselage
LVL 1 = Sheilds reduced 1D6 for 2 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 2 = Sheilds reduced 2D6 for 4 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 3 = Sheilds GONE, armor hit, minor systems damaged or
destroyed -2 CP until ship repaired, -1 CP from impact for
one round.
LVL 4 = Big gaping hole in the ship, major systems destroyed or
damaged. -6 CP unitl ship repaired, -2 CP from impact for
one round.
LVL 5 = Ship Dead in space, a good chunk of it is now vapor... flip a
coin to see if it blows up right then and there
4 - Port Engine(s)
LVL 1 = Sheilds reduced 1D6 for 2 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 2 = Sheilds reduced 2D6 for 4 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 3 = Sheilds GONE, armor hit, minor engine damage, -3 CP until
repaired, -2 CP from impact for one round
LVL 4 = Engine Gutted and inoperable -4/8 CP (depends on if 4 or 2
engines), -3 from impact for one round
LVL 5 = Power systems comprimised, Ship destroyed, roll reflex
TN 8 to eject sucessfully
5 - Starboard Engine
LVL 1 = Sheilds reduced 1D6 for 2 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 2 = Sheilds reduced 2D6 for 4 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 3 = Sheilds GONE, armor hit, minor engine damage, -3 CP until
repaired, -2 CP from impact for one round
LVL 4 = Engine Gutted and inoperable -4/8 CP (depends on if 4 or 2
engines), -3 from impact for one round
LVL 5 = Power systems comprimised, Ship destroyed roll reflex TN 8
to eject sucessfully
6 - Weapon System
LVL 1 = Sheilds reduced 1D6 for 2 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 2 = Sheilds reduced 2D6 for 4 rounds, refresh at normal rate
LVL 3 = Sheilds GONE, armor hit, minor weapon damage, -1CP from
impact for one round, -1 base weapons damage
LVL 4 = Individual weapons mount destroyed, reduce base damage
by appropriate percentage, -2 CP from impact for one round
LVL 5 = Your ship has been nuetered, Individual weapon mount
destroyed, fire control systems have been fried and all
weapons are inoperable until you can repair it. -3 CP from
Impact for one round.

Hows that sound so far? (at this point I'm doing this mostly for my own entertainment... but feel free to use it)

Message 6451#67160

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On 5/14/2003 at 6:24pm, Andrew Ciotti wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Thank you one and All for taking an interest in my question. Its turned out to be a pleasant discussion and the posts with data re: ships is fantastic (in truth I hadn’t even though about that). Thank you one and all for contributing

I have one request though if someone can put up stats for just one blaster /w how many shots are held in a “clip” it would be greatly appreciated (just to have a sense of what others did)

Thanks again


Ps does anyone want me to post my Idea for the setting? I’m generally not that egomaniacal (In spite of the Y chromosome: P)


Message 6451#67166

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On 5/14/2003 at 6:52pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Andrew Ciotti wrote: I have one request though if someone can put up stats for just one blaster /w how many shots are held in a “clip” it would be greatly appreciated (just to have a sense of what others did)

Ps does anyone want me to post my Idea for the setting? I’m generally not that egomaniacal (In spite of the Y chromosome: P)


Please post your idea, it would help me help you better, for one thing. :)

Blaster is a generic term for a sci-fi energy-projectile handgun.
Like Raygun, but not as fast. :)
They are generally rapid-firing with an enormous number of charges, and capable of felling countless mooks in seconds.

With that in mind, I bring you:

Generic Blaster
ATN 5 (+1/10m)
Damage: 10p+e (that's piercing AND energy)
Special: Ignore bleeding results
Prep Time: 2 from holster (Ref/Quickdraw to reduce to 1) or 0
Charges: 100 (nice round number)
Rate of Fire: 10/turn (another nice round number)

of course, there will be variations

Generic Semiautomatic Heavy Blaster
ATN 6 (+1/15m)
Damage: 12p+e
Special: Ignore bleeding results
Prep Time: 2 from holster (Ref/Quickdraw to reduce to 1) or 0 (if ready)
Charges: 50
Rate of Fire: 2/turn

Generic Blaster Carbine
ATN 6 (+1/15m)
Damage: 10p+e
Special: Ignore bleeding results
Prep Time: 2 (if slung) or 0 (if ready)
Charges: 200
Rate of Fire: 10/turn

Generic Blaster Rifle
ATN 7(+1/20m)
Damage: 12p+e
Special: Ignore bleeding results
Prep Time: 3 (if slung) or 0 (if ready)
Charges: 100
Rate of Fire: 10/turn

Generic Sport/Sniper Blaster Rifle
ATN 6 (+1/25m)
Damage: 12p+e
Special: Ignore bleeding results
Prep Time: 3 (if slung) or 0 (if ready)
Charges: 20
Rate of Fire: 1/turn

Message 6451#67176

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...started by Bob Richter which Bob Richter participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 5/14/2003

On 5/14/2003 at 7:10pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Furious D wrote:
And the devil is in the details...
Really, it's not hard to come up with basic rules, the painful part is stating everything out and then, more importantly testing and balancing. Is a certain maneuver overpowered? Do the ship stats reflect their performance in the movies? And at what point, in adding all these little details does it become too much?

[psycho rant]
Oh, ah, oh...tears...

Tell me about this. Tables? Tables? Ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ahh aha hah ah ahah h ah ah ahhah aaa haahahhah ahha haha

Only Brian knows the HELL of writing those damn tables!!!

[/psycho rant]


Message 6451#67183

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On 5/14/2003 at 7:15pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

hmmm... how would I do stats for a blaster....

Stormtrooper Blaster Carbine

100 rds at normal power settings
50 at heavy power settings
200 at stun
1 at maximum power settings (useful for blowing open blast doors)

normal power base damage of 8 (no blood loss, extra shock for up to level three wounds)

Rate of Fire (ROF) = 6/sec

*Aimed shots take one full round, unaimed are half a round

ATN for aimed shot = 5 with, +1 for every 30 yds

ATN for aimed burst = +1 for each additional shot (still equal's one action, max 5 shots per burst) + 1 for every 20 yds

ATN for unaimed shot (from the hip) = 8

ATN for unaimed burst = +1 per additional shot, max burst is 5 shots

Full auto fire is never treated as aimed, (gun will fire according to Rate Of Fire Stat) ATN = 13.

*Bursts and Full auto note... each individual shot is rolled for with however many die are spent on the attack. So if firing full auto with above gun, I spend 6CP, I get to roll 6 die for each of the six shots (ROF = 6/sec) but ATN for every shot is 13.

That work???????

Message 6451#67187

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On 5/14/2003 at 7:19pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

I'd rather think that full-auto gave more dice for one roll (thought the ATN may go up), and each success represents more shots making contact.


Message 6451#67190

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On 5/14/2003 at 8:25pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

nah... :-)

How many dice you spend on an attack is how much effort your putting in right?

If you go full auto on someone, your spending that much effort on the burst and each individual round is going to recieve that much effort in terms of aiming... but that many rounds fired in rapid succession makes it much arder to actually aim the gun. So the result is more rounds going in the right general direction, but the difficulty goes up.

After all, individual bolts/bullets are devestating enough that each one should count, but there are such thing as knicks and near misses.... making each success a hit makes it to hard to figure out how much damage was actually done by the individual bolts.

Message 6451#67206

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On 5/14/2003 at 8:36pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Jake Norwood wrote: Tell me about this. Tables? Tables? Ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ahh aha hah ah ahah h ah ah ahhah aaa haahahhah ahha haha

Feeling ok, buddy? :-)

Jake Norwood wrote: Only Brian knows the HELL of writing those damn tables!!!

You're not wrong, and I was working from your masters. I hate to think what you had to go through making them from scratch... :-)


Message 6451#67208

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On 5/14/2003 at 8:40pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

By the way, Mayhem -

I have to go with Jake on this one. In the films etc there's not really that much difference between being hit once and being hit multiple times (the result is usually that you go down, either way) and IMO it's a lot more elegant to simply add more dice and thusly represent the more successes as more hits.

So, I would up the difficulty when firing multiple shoits, but also give a bonus to the firing pool, that way you have more dice to hit with, representing more hits and more damage, but more importantly more chances to hit, which represents blasts going all over the place and a few of them hitting the guy because you've covered the area etc.

I think it's more elegant than working out individual multiple hits.

Just my 2c.


Message 6451#67210

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On 5/14/2003 at 8:56pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Brian Leybourne wrote:
You're not wrong, and I was working from your masters. I hate to think what you had to go through making them from scratch... :-)


And, little known fact, I did them all 3 times!!!!!

Ah ha ha ha hahahah aha ha hah ah ah ah ha hah ah aha hahahah ahah


Message 6451#67213

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On 5/14/2003 at 9:01pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

More elegant maybe, but I think my method more accurately represents whats going on. It is possible to get grazed or take a round through non-vital levels of wounds are always a real possibilty... and multiple shots hitting isn't going to make one bigger wound, but individual wounds of a similar scale. Doing it the other way, to me, almost feels like your cheating the player a bit.

Of course this is really one of those "I think" things. :) So I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one until we get a chance to argue it face to face. :)

Message 6451#67215

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On 5/14/2003 at 9:06pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Mayhem1979 wrote: It is possible to get grazed or take a round through non-vital levels of wounds are always a real possibilty... and multiple shots hitting isn't going to make one bigger wound, but individual wounds of a similar scale. Doing it the other way, to me, almost feels like your cheating the player a bit.

You have a base power of EIGHT. With an average TO of 4 and given that I obviously need at least one success to have hit you, my minimum damage per shot is (8+1-4) a level 5 wound. How does that accommodate for grazes or non-vital tissue shots? :-)


Message 6451#67218

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On 5/14/2003 at 9:08pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Jake Norwood wrote: And, little known fact, I did them all 3 times!!!!!

And you loved every second of it, mate :-)

You want pain, try coding the damage tables into the combat sim. We're talking around 8,000 lines of code just for them... :-)


Message 6451#67220

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On 5/14/2003 at 9:13pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Hey I didn't say such things were easy to achieve with a high powered, plasma-based weapon :-).... just that the possibilty (usually with advanced armor, the guy using the weapon on it's low power setting to save ammo, etc...) should be there.

After all, with SW weapons even a graze with a powerful weapon is gonna cook a signifigant portion of whatever it hits a lot of the time. Or alternately, using a modern weapon, a .50 cal macine gun round is basically never gonna do what we'd refer to as a level one or two wound if it hits someone in the arm.

Besides, the base 8 weapon I gave is a military grade weapon meant to go through armor... and is no worse than a longbow in norm TROS. :-)

Message 6451#67222

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On 5/15/2003 at 5:21am, Michael Tree wrote:
RE: Mixed Sci fi setting

Brian Leybourne wrote:
I like the idea of the Force as something where you have a Force Pool (FP) based on your WP and raw talent (your midichlorian count, if you like, although I'm the first to say that I wish Lucas had never pulled midichlorians out of his ass) and then there are a series of different force powers which would be treated as skills - they represent the TN to use that force ability, which you do by spending dice from your FP and rolling against the power difficulty. Additionally, you could add FP dice to your CP on a 1-for-1 basis as well, something clearly seen in most of the films where the Force was used to make people better fighters etc. FP would refresh pretty fast too, you never saw anybody in the films "running out" of force as it's easy to do with SP, for example.

I also worked on a RotF conversion a while ago, which was pretty close to this, except that I used a single Force attribute, not one combined with Will. The sole reason for this was that it makes Force skills on the same scale as other skills (ie. 2-8 dice), and it keeps combat pools a manageable size.

For character creation, the Force is a priority category, which, depending on the letter, gives the character a static Force attribute that can't be increased through SAs.

For the Dark Side, it seems to me that in the movies the dark side only becomes a temptation when the characters emotions and motivations are triggered. In TROS terms, the dark side supercharges SAs. I ruled that whenever a character uses SAs, he can take a number of bonus dice equal to 1/2 his Force attribute (rounded up) as extra bonus dice, to represent the power of the dark side. (I based it on the Force attribute because it seems to me that the characters with the greatest temptation are those with the greatest power).

The catch of the dark side is that in any scene where the character uses the power of the dark side, he doesn't gain any SAs, and he doesn't get checks next to any of the skills he uses while 'under the influence.'

With this system, the scene in Return of the Jedi where the Emperor is trying to turn Luke makes perfect sense: By taunting Luke, the Emperor is activating Lukes SAs, making them releavent, and making Luke feel so hopeless so he'll take the extra power to try to save his friends.

Modeling the "falling to the dark side" bit is a bit trickier. I suppose that the character could accumulate "dark side points" every time he calls on the dark side, which as they steadily increase make the character more and more angry and fearful, until he finally goes to the dark side for good when he reaches a certain threashold (say, 10). It could even be done as a skill rating, where the character puts a tick next to it for every roll influenced by dark side SAs, and the Force attribute rolled to lower it instead of MA.

Message 6451#67277

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