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Topic: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 5/13/2003
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 5/13/2003 at 6:19am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

I was sure I would be able to do all my books both POD and PDF. However, the next books I'm doing, HeartQuest Diceless, poses a problem in that it's 96 pages on a subject (diceless roleplaying) that is very experiemntal as far as the market goes. The question arose whether enohg people would pay $15 for a 96-page book like this to jsutify the cost of a POD run, or whether I should just publish the $8 PDF and see what happens?

I'm leaning in the latter direction, but would like to know what other publishers in this position tend to do.

Message 6456#66968

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On 5/13/2003 at 1:29pm, quozl wrote:
Re: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

Michael Hopcroft wrote: I was sure I would be able to do all my books both POD and PDF. However, the next books I'm doing, HeartQuest Diceless, poses a problem in that it's 96 pages on a subject (diceless roleplaying) that is very experiemntal as far as the market goes. The question arose whether enohg people would pay $15 for a 96-page book like this to jsutify the cost of a POD run, or whether I should just publish the $8 PDF and see what happens?

I'm leaning in the latter direction, but would like to know what other publishers in this position tend to do.

Do you know how many POD copies of the Active Exploits Diceless RPG were sold?

Message 6456#66989

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On 5/14/2003 at 1:55am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
How many copies of AE POD?

Brett has not supplied me with that information and I do not consider it polite to ask for that sort of information from fellow publishers.

Message 6456#67079

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On 5/14/2003 at 3:03am, quozl wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

Well, that's really strange. If I was going to release an Active Exploits product, I'd like to know how much Active Exploits sells just as if I were to release an Action System product, I'd like to know how much Action sells.

Is this sort of information really kept secret?

Message 6456#67085

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On 5/14/2003 at 3:38am, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

I agree with the other Jonathan. It doesn't hurt to ask, and I would definitely do that, if I were in your situation. However, besides the core rules themselves (which are free as a PDF) I don't know of any AE products that are available in POD versions, so I'd imagine that going as a PDF would be a safer bet. A lot better than having to pay for 25 POD copies that nobody buys. I'd imagine that most AE fans are used to PDF products, anyway.

Message 6456#67090

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On 5/14/2003 at 3:42am, Valamir wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

Can't hurt to ask. Worst case he says no. I suspect he probably wouldn't.
Doesn't seem much point to that.

Message 6456#67091

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On 5/14/2003 at 3:56am, pigames wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

There have only been about 10 sales of the POD of AE. This is simply due to the fact that it hasn't been marketed as a commercial product, but rather a free download. It was released as a POD because people asked for it (and as such a service to them). It was not my original intention to charge a fee for the system or indeed publish a POD version. The next edition will be more extensive and WILL be marketed as a commerical designer's product in both POD and PDF, but also as a free download.

There have been close to 10,000 downloads of the free core rules to date and are also included on various demo CDs from other publishers and sources.

The AE line IS primarily intended for PDF, but POD will be implemented where effective.

Message 6456#67092

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On 5/14/2003 at 4:10am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless -- PDF Only or POD?

If I may note something else here, the current plan is to bundle the AE core rules with the rules for HeartQuest Diceless in a ZIP file. That way anyone who buys the PDF will be able to play right away even if they are not familair with Active Exploits.

Message 6456#67095

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On 5/22/2003 at 4:29am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:

We're going to be doing the PDF first, and my layout guy has promised to upload it to RPGNow on Sudnay night. I am certainly hoping he will live up to that, and it will be on sale by the end of next week.

The price will be $8 for the PDF bundle (including the Active Exploits core rulebook). A print run will depend on demand -- of people keep writing me and tell me they want to see it in print, I'll print it, but right now there's not enough of a margin 9especially since I'm paying a 20% royalty to Brett) to print it up on spec.

Oh, and sponsorhips are now closed on this book because it's too late to put any more names in the book. If you want to sponsor a SG book, sponsor one of the others on the website.

Message 6456#68304

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On 6/17/2003 at 4:05am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
It just so happens

It just so happens that HeartQuest Diceless has been, by invitation, printed in a limited run to be sold at Origins (possibly) and GenCon.

It will also be available from RPGMall. Cover price: $14.95.

Message 6456#72061

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