The Forge Reference Project


Topic: on wounding and healing
Started by: gmouser
Started on: 5/19/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/19/2003 at 1:49pm, gmouser wrote:
on wounding and healing

hi all,
sorry for my poor english, but this isn't my mother tongue... please be patient!
I love TROS, but one thing I don't like very much is that after the bleedings are treated it's impossible for a character to die. So I've written some house rules about damage and healing and really want to know your opinion and your suggestions or know your houserules on the subject.

First: I roll bloodloss every 15 seconds, and assume that a first aid roll takes 1 minute, but I permit to trade every success with block of 15 seconds. So a mean character dies for the worst bloodloss in 1 minute that is realistic enough.

OK and here what I did:
1) Apply this procedure for every wound on TORSO:
- the patient makes a TO roll for every Torso wound ( TO / WTN=Wound Level X 2):
Cutting Wound +1die
Puncture Wound -1 die

If the roll fails he's got Internal Damage, if not then all goes on as usually.

2) In case of Internal Damage(ID): the character begin to feel dizzy, has high fever, a sense of feebleness etc.. roll every 1d6 hours (unsure on a realistic time yet) EN/WTN (the same WTN as above). For Every failure lower HEALTH by 1 such as bloodloss does. At 0 HT patient enters coma, and at the next failure he dies. He must continue rolling untill he gets WTN successes when he's considered out of danger. HT come back at the usual rate. It's a mechanic similar to bloodloss but it starts after bloodloss and takes a longer time.
This means that a patient can die for his wounds after some hours or a couple of days.

3) But what could a 'medic' do for that, assuming he has all the needed material and instruments?
Before making a first aid roll to eliminate BL, a medic makes a PER/Surgery (30 seconds) to know if there's some ID (from the point of impact, deepness, angle...). Then , always before the treatment for bloodloss, he can try to reduce he level of the ID lowering the MULTI by 1 for every 5 successes on AG/Surgery (min X1). Every roll takes 1 minute during which the patient loose blood at the usual rate, and as above the medic can trade successes with blocks of 15 seconds to accelerate treatment. When he's satisfied with the level reached or feels that the patient is too weak to continue the procedure, he can stop and go on treating the BL as usual. Then go on with the procedure as described in 2). If the medic wish to treat the Internal Damage after the BL treatment, he can do so, but he has to reopen the wound which returns to the original values of BL, Shock and Pain.

4) That is complex enough for now, but it applies outside combat so it doesn't interfere with the flow of exchanges. Next time infections, unless you consider all the above as trash. In that case I'll return to my lurking habit, disturbing no more...... :-(

Every feedback is welcome!

Grey Mouser
The Riddle Adept of Complexity

Message 6528#67751

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On 5/19/2003 at 3:13pm, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

I'm not trying to hijack your thread, but I have one simple question which is a bit much for a thread of it's own methinks.


Is there a Size modifier for missile weapons? Suppose a character sees an eagle 50 yards above him (+4 to TN), which moves in slow circles through the sky (- 2 MP). Should there be any additional penalties? Something I have overlooked?

And now back to wounding, sorry ;p

Message 6528#67762

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On 5/19/2003 at 3:36pm, gmouser wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

I'm not trying to hijack your thread, but I have one simple question which is a bit much for a thread of it's own methinks.

no problem at all! :-)


Is there a Size modifier for missile weapons? Suppose a character sees an eagle 50 yards above him (+4 to TN), which moves in slow circles through the sky (- 2 MP). Should there be any additional penalties?

Consider that when you shoot at a human target you are aiming at a specific zone much smaller than a whole body. But I'd surely apply additional penalties for tinier targets in the form of MP penalty ( e.g. a mouse, a little bird)

Grey Mouser

Message 6528#67763

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On 5/19/2003 at 4:15pm, gmouser wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

I edited my text, cause I posted an old non 'trossy' version.

Message 6528#67777

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On 5/19/2003 at 6:54pm, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

no problem at all! :-)

Thanks :-)

Consider that when you shoot at a human target you are aiming at a specific zone much smaller than a whole body. But I'd surely apply additional penalties for tinier targets in the form of MP penalty ( e.g. a mouse, a little bird)

Thanks - sorry I can't add anything to your initial post, I don't fully comprehend these rules yet, I'm more of a story-teller and let the players handle the rules :p

Message 6528#67815

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On 5/20/2003 at 3:16pm, gmouser wrote:
Re: on wounding and healing

gmouser wrote: unless you consider all the above as trash. In that case I'll return to my lurking habit, disturbing no more...... :-(

Ok, it seems I can return to my hole.....

Message 6528#67928

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On 5/20/2003 at 8:57pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing


Don't take it to heart that you didn't get a lot of replies, it happens at times. Actually, I'm a little surprised myself as there tends to be a lot of discussion on this forum.

For myself, I think I found your new rules a little too complex. Interesting, certainly, bt I find that combat in TROS tends to be all about not getting wounded, and those who do takes wounds tend to die shortly afterwards, so internal damage, deep trauma and internal bleeding are not really that important. Also, we occasionally play pendragon-style (Winters are downtime) which means that PC's who get wounded have plenty of time to recover.

But it's good work and interesting food-for-thought. No need to slink back into your hole :-)


Message 6528#68038

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On 5/20/2003 at 11:20pm, Prince of Thieves wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

Hello gmouser.

Intresting rules but I must agree with what others said; that is to complex. I doubt these rules would add any enjoyment to the game. I would play the wound surviving/healing by ear (i.e. making it up as you go along, changing the rules as it applies to the situation.)

For example the results blood lose (even if no HT was actually lost) could become much more important in the cold climates of the north, one could succomb to the cold and never wake up. Conversly in the distant south one would be prone to catching exotic fevers...

I keep Blood Loss happening every Round during combat... the person is hurring about in the crush of battle keeping his heart-beat racing. Outside of battle after a little cool down, 1-3 more rnds of BL. Then slow the BL rolls to minutes or something. Some people grape that no-one bleeds to death in four seconds. Sure but they have a good chance of finding themselves so weak-kneed they can't stand and may feint.

Message 6528#68073

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On 5/21/2003 at 6:50am, gmouser wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

Yes, I thought it was complex and probably you're right, it doesn't need. But let me play a little longer and perhaps I'll be able to post another complex and useless post.... ;-)))
For instance I've just finished the drawing of a table for probability of shield passive cover on the various body parts.... ok perhaps it's better to play by the ear also this! :-p

By the way, for what it matters, there is a mistake on my previous post...

Grey Mouser

Message 6528#68141

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On 5/21/2003 at 3:09pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

Let me protest the incident of the word useless...

Your rules expansions perform a useful function, for those who wish that level of granularity, namely you. While most here would not like them, as they like realistic combat, but are not quite so interested in realistic hemhorraging and stitching of wounds. Some, on the other hand, might be.

Only if the rules expansions serve no useful function, or serve a function which is already covered by existing rules, and is more elegantly done might it be referred to as useless.

Message 6528#68185

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On 5/21/2003 at 5:05pm, gmouser wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

Wolfen wrote: Let me protest the incident of the word useless...

oh, well! be honest, if I'm the only one interested in such a rule, the post can clearly be classified as useless... anyway it doesn't matter! I'm very fond of TROS and this forum is quite *useful* and pleasant to read too! :-)))

Well, maybe someone would be interested in the shield passive cover table I've just laid down..... I'll try a post next week; this time it isn't complex at all and someone could find it interesting or... useful!!! ;-)

Grey Mouser

Message 6528#68205

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On 5/22/2003 at 7:02am, Prince of Thieves wrote:
RE: on wounding and healing

gmouser wrote:
Well, maybe someone would be interested in the shield passive cover table I've just laid down..... I'll try a post next week; this time it isn't complex at all and someone could find it interesting or... useful!!! ;-)

I for one would be intrested in seeing it. At the very least it may encourage a few new ideas for me envolving the shield subject...

Message 6528#68310

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