The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for Online Playtesters for Frontier
Started by: Sylus Thane
Started on: 5/22/2003
Board: Connections

On 5/22/2003 at 5:06pm, Sylus Thane wrote:
Looking for Online Playtesters for Frontier

I know, sounds kind of odd doesn't it. We're all online or else we couldn't be reading your post. With that in mind I'll clarify a little. Recently i have been involved in a playtest for another game in which the entire games events have happened all through using yahoo voice chat sessions. So far it has worked very well as everyone is on the honor system in regards to making dice rolls and doing very well in not interrupting each other when they speak. This method also allows for people who live in different areas to be able to come together and play. In the case of our test group the players are literally world wide. It allows for side conversation to be conducted through instant messaging as well as super secret sneaky stuff with the GM.

Now, with all of that out in the open I am looking for people who would be willing to playtest my game Frontier using this method so that I may listen and observe how well people take to the rules and the setting information I have available so far. I do not wish to be a playing participate but simply an observer. Frontier itself as it stands so far is complete as a set of rules and some of the setting material in my estimation, but I would like to try and get a good test of the rules done that was not made by me and my home group before I go into doing a final book layout. I would be willing to provide all those involved with the game book and all the various settings information I have as well as part of the story I am writing that goes with my setting Dawn of the Magi. I would simply ask that people remember that it is a work in progress that is nearing completion. But, I don't want people to feel that they can't tell me where there are glaring holes.

Should anyone be interested in a venture such as this please feel free to post a reply in this thread, instant message me, or send me an e-mail. (Address available in my profile) I would also not be adverse if someone who had a home group and a computer with voice capabilities in which I could listen through to games events either. All those involved can expect to recieve free copies of the finished work in which they help with upon publication.

Thanks ahead of time,

Message 6589#68380

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