The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Holdiay Weekends and RPGNow
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 5/26/2003
Board: Publishing

On 5/26/2003 at 11:52am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Holdiay Weekends and RPGNow

How do holiday weekends usually affect the posting of new products to RPGNow? I've been told the prouct I uploaded yesterday morning would be posted this afternoon, but this was by another publisher not RPGNow staff. And since this is memorial Day weekend, it would be reasonable for whoever does the webmastering at RPGNow to take the day off and memorialize, or at least barbecue.

Then again it's been several months since my last release, so I don;t know how long the process takes normally (although I did tell them which file matches my product entry in an e-mail immediately after I uploaded my file and built my page).

Of course, if everyone atPGNow had flown down to Kublacon then the question would be all but moot anyway. And there's nothing I can do about it anyway; they'll post it when they post it and not one second sooner.

Message 6619#68750

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On 5/28/2003 at 11:20am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Not to bump up needlessly

But the book went up at about 1:30pm on Memorial Day. It's up now, for sale and ready to buy.

I am actually surprised by this -- I would have expected them to take holidays off. However, I was told that for faster service I should upload on weekdays.

Take this as a cautionary tale to all those who haven;t uploaded a book or piece of software in a while.

Message 6619#68967

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