The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Heartquest Diceless Released
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 5/26/2003
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 5/26/2003 at 8:19pm, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Heartquest Diceless Released

If you've ever wanted to play your favorite anime or manga portraying girls
with super or magical powers in it, now you can. HeartQuest Diceless lets
you do just that!

This book includes 3 complete campaign settings and uses the Active Exploits
rules with new aptitudes and gimmicks. Plus, you can expand the settings
using templates and creatures from the [free] The Shaded Veil and
Harlequinade books.

You don't want to miss this book! Pick it up at the link below:

Just think - super-powered high school girls!

Message 6624#68786

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