The Forge Reference Project


Topic: HQ Diceless Supplements
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 5/28/2003
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 5/28/2003 at 8:38am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
HQ Diceless Supplements

I thought I'd try to get people's opinions on this. Do you think people would buy supplements specifically designed for HeartQuest Diceless? Things like campaign books, adventure collections, genre guides and the like?

I have some things I'm working on that I'm not ready to announce yet, because I'm trying to gauge consumer interest.

And I still wish more people would go to RPGNow and give the game a try. I'm sure they;d like it.

Message 6641#68961

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On 5/28/2003 at 2:31pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless Supplements

Hi Michael,

If there's one thing I've learned in all these years of RPG buying and publishing, it's that "gauging consumer interest" is a hopeless and misleading endeavor.

Write the game you'd love to play, clearly explain why, and put it out there. Staying honest at all three steps is worth ten times more than any polls or surveys or gauges in the world.


Message 6641#68982

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On 5/28/2003 at 3:05pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless Supplements


Perhaps I'm missing something but since you have these different versions of HeartQuest out there (which was a good idea, btw) why target supplements towards only one of them? I mean, why not just include FUDGE, d20, and Diceless rules in each supplement? That way people can choose which mainbook they like but pick up any supplements they wish?

Message 6641#68990

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On 5/28/2003 at 5:50pm, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: HQ Diceless Supplements

Jason L Blair wrote: Michael,

Perhaps I'm missing something but since you have these different versions of HeartQuest out there (which was a good idea, btw) why target supplements towards only one of them? I mean, why not just include FUDGE, d20, and Diceless rules in each supplement? That way people can choose which mainbook they like but pick up any supplements they wish?

An interesting idea, but I set it aside (I did actually think of it) for two reasons.

1. Three systems makes for awfully cramped books. And I cna always issue the diceless stats for settings I do for FUDGE/D20.

2. The status of HeartQuest 2nd Edition is that it may be severalk months away. I can;t do anything at all oin it until I get a manuscript, and the issue of whether and how to print it have yet to be worked out with my co-publisher. (I suppose I should call him, that; Jonathan's role on the prkect is nebulous -- I originally signed him as a freelance writer, but he has the resources of his own game company and a lot of experience in publishing and promoting. Needles to say I value his opinion and assistance highly, although we are so much alike we sometimes get on each other's nerves). The string of bad luck that has delayed the manuscript I would not wish upon anyone.

3. Supplements promote the main game book. I figured that some ideas would just work better with the diceless system.

Michael Hopcroft

Message 6641#69021

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