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Topic: InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...
Started by: Galfraxas
Started on: 9/20/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 9/20/2001 at 11:49pm, Galfraxas wrote:
InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...

I was reading my new copy of Delta Green: Countdown today, and saw something that reminded me of InSpectres, and NightWatch, but with a Cthulhu theme. The book has a chapter, section, something covering a TV show that has an odd tendancy to show up where something "Cthulhu-y" is going on. It even has rules to play said reporters in a Delta Green campaign. Just thought I'd share it with the peoples... Now I'm gonna have to convince my group to let me run InSpectres for them, and toss in some Cthulhu Mythos monsters... It should be interesting!

Galfraxas, The Gamer From The 43rd Dimension On The Left

Message 675#5715

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On 9/21/2001 at 1:38am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...

Yup. I believe the show is called Phenonem-X.

Lessee...I haven't put any Cthulhoid beasties in my InSpectres games yet.

So far my players have tangled with:
Demon Cats (the first GenCon game)
Giant Clams (the second GenCon game)
Elevators to Hell (an online game on #RPGnet)
Spectral Hippies (some local folks)
Animated African fetish dolls (Gordon, Paul and Lon)

Message 675#5718

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On 9/21/2001 at 1:56am, Galfraxas wrote:
RE: InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...


In light of the Phenomen-X thing... I've decided to create a supplement for InSpectres... it's called InSpectres: Arkham Franchise... and boy... it's Cthulhu-y. I'll email it to ya when I get done with it.


Message 675#5720

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On 9/21/2001 at 3:16am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...

I swear, I had the idea for NightWatch long before Delta Green was even a twinkle in Tynes' eye. I just never got around to writing it until Jared opened the door...

For the record, here's what my InSpectres/NightWatch group has encountered to date:

- A Phase IV Intercoital Melding (not a monster, but rather a supernatural medical phenomenon in which coupling couples suddenly find themselves attached at all the most inconvenient spots).

- A friendly little imp that could sense "violence" before it happened, and sought to prevent it by chumming around with ambulance drivers.

- Sentient, free-roaming limbs (ala, the Body Politic by Clive Barker).

- A Haunted House perpetually stuck in sepia-colored 1950, powered by an old man in a weird rocking chair.

Message 675#5721

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On 9/21/2001 at 4:00am, Galfraxas wrote:
RE: InSpectres Cthulhu Thingy...


I have finished InSpectres: Arkham Franchise... I emailed you a copy. Its in word 6 (wordpad) format. Enjoy.


Message 675#5722

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