The Forge Reference Project


Topic: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 6/5/2003
Board: Publishing

On 6/5/2003 at 4:52pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Hey all, just some standard disclaimers and notices:

1) I'm not indicating that Forge games are better than others. It's easy to find a list of up-and-coming mainstream games, but it's hard to find out what's coming up in the indies world without visiting every single forum here and reading all the stickies. That's all.
2) I'm not indicating that indies games are empirically better than non indie-games.
3) No hates, no discussions like those of the above two points, just products of note (and any comments that you have on them).

OK, so I'm on a budget for a trip I'm taking later this year, and until then my resources are tight. Normally I kinda go nuts when I see someone release a game around here, running right out and picking it up.

What I'm looking for is a quick rundown of games, supplements, etc for indie games that Forge folks (or other folks of note) are releasing in June, July, August and September. I'm not looking for "I may release something eventually", or "I'm working on it, and may release it in a few months", I'm looking for stuff that's definitely going to be available for these months. Anything goes. I'm not too interested in d20 stuff myself, but I'm totally open to anything unique or creative there (and I'm sure others that view this thread may be interested in it).

Any commentary you can provide (or a website, link to more info, etc) would be helpful.

Here's what I know:

Sex and the Sorcerer (June, if not now), approx $15. The third supplement for Sorcerer, more info at

What else is coming out?


Message 6756#70338

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On 6/5/2003 at 5:08pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

I'll be releasing a dead-tree version of InSpectres at GenCon. With any lucky I'll have Schism: Unleashed as well.

Message 6756#70342

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On 6/5/2003 at 5:23pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: I'll be releasing a dead-tree version of InSpectres at GenCon. With any lucky I'll have Schism: Unleashed as well.

Hey dude- Do you have any more info on Schism: Unleashed? I could only find the Sorcerer version on your website. Is it a new version of the original, or is it it's own game?


Message 6756#70345

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...started by Andy Kitkowski which Andy Kitkowski participated Publishing
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On 6/5/2003 at 6:24pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Jared A. Sorensen wrote: I'll be releasing a dead-tree version of InSpectres at GenCon. With any lucky I'll have Schism: Unleashed as well.

Hey dude- Do you have any more info on Schism: Unleashed? I could only find the Sorcerer version on your website. Is it a new version of the original, or is it it's own game?


It's a new version of the original with a totally revamped system for the psychic powers. Probably the same length but 1/3 new material.

Message 6756#70361

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On 6/5/2003 at 6:35pm, Nathan wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?


"Adventures in Ass Kicking", the first supplement for Eldritch Ass Kicking, will be coming out at the end of this month or early in July (by early I mean July 1-3). I'm stoked about it. I don't think anything else of mine is nearer to release either.


Message 6756#70365

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On 6/5/2003 at 7:23pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Hey Andy,

My Life with Master, a roleplaying game of villainy, self-loathing, and unrequited love, will be for sale in print at GenCon at the Forge location. Player characters are the significant minions of a horrific and dysfunctional Master. The author is Paul Czege, publishing as Half Meme Press. Price and page count have yet to be determined. Post-convention PDF sale is planned. will have details.


p.s. Take a look at that URL for a sneak peek at one of Colin Theriot's awesome illustrations.

Message 6756#70379

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On 6/5/2003 at 9:12pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

The free playtest PDF of Argonauts should be out by the end of June and the commercial PDF by the end of the Summer. After that, I start committing 100% to Ever-After, which should be done by late Fall.

Argonauts will released under Green Ronin's M&M Superlink license, for use with their Mutants & Masterminds superhero game. However, leaving the 4-color world behind, Argonauts describes the heroes of epic Greek tragedy. Characters face an ongoing struggle between their Myth (representing fame and might) and their Fate (representing the tragedy that will ultimately doom them). They achieve great deeds, but eventually fall in spectacular epic fashion. It is a game in which there are no happy endings. Should be quite delicious.

Message 6756#70414

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On 6/6/2003 at 1:38am, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?


Well Issaries releases HeroQuest in July and Hero's Book in August. Both releases seem pretty certain; HeroQuest is at the printer and Hero's Book has been ready for publication for over a year now.


/Peter N

Message 6756#70462

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On 6/6/2003 at 1:49pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

I'll be releasing Nine Worlds in print and PDF editions.

The print edition should debut at the Forge booth at GenCon, fates willing. The PDF will be available either simultaneously or shortly thereafter.

Message 6756#70509

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On 6/6/2003 at 8:34pm, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
If you're into anime and electronic books....

Seraphim gaurd jsut released HeartQuest Diceless at RPGnow and so far we've had modest but better-than-anticipated success with it. We should have a couple more e-books coming out this summer, but HeartQuest 2nd Edition is being delayed until September to take advanatge of the new D20 rules from GenCon.

Message 6756#70608

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On 6/9/2003 at 9:08am, brainwipe wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Icar Free RPG Scavenger Setting (free aswell), by 19th of June.

Also the next version of the Society book (v1.2) will be out by 15th July.

Message 6756#70850

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On 6/9/2003 at 3:48pm, samdowning wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

We've got the Island Nations supplement coming out for Arrowflight in print format. It's at the printers right now. Haven't seen any proofs yet, so it'll be a few weeks before it hits shelves. We're putting up our preorder sometime today on the site. Maps, new cultures, new creatures, boats galore (OK, OK, ships... whatever...), and... sea monsters. :) It's very cool, even if I do say so myself.

Shriek/Bloode Island double feature (yes, a print version of the 1PGs) is coming out right on its heels and will be going to the printer as soon as it's quadruple-checked and we get the proofs back on Island Nations.

Cold Roads (another Arrowflight supplement for the far north), Santa's Soldiers and the Red Dwarf Series Sourcebook will all be out (the first one only in pdf) before Christmas.

I know. Ambitious, but we seem to be keeping up for the most part.

Message 6756#70888

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On 6/29/2003 at 7:01pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

We're aiming for a GenCon release date for the first two Cartoon Action Hour sourcebooks, Darkness Unleashed and Metal Wars. Also, the much delayed issue #1 of After These Messages will be released here in the next couple of weeks. Severe production problems have delayed the e-magazine so much it's scary.

Message 6756#73284

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On 7/2/2003 at 5:35pm, rafael wrote:

Well, in under a week, I'll be releasing the first spellbook for Dread. It's called "Supreme Excellence," and it features new magic inspired by kung-fu movies like "Five Venoms Vs. Wu Tang" (martial arts badasses fight ninja zombies and vampires and crap, it's a great movie). So that's pretty much done, and after I add the art, it'll be up, probably this weekend.

There will be a collection of scenarios called "Double Negative," and they'll be available in early August. In addition to the scenarios, the PDF will also include sample characters and gameplay tips.

Both of these will be free.

Word is bond,

Message 6756#73598

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On 7/2/2003 at 8:30pm, Marco wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

JAGS Have-Not, our extensive post-apocalypse world book will be out this summer (it'll be free so it won't impact your budget!). It's going to be the coolest looking thing we've ever released with more art, maps, and setting detail than we've ever done before.

We're shooting for 3-5 weeks.


Message 6756#73631

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On 7/7/2003 at 6:40am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Re: If you're into anime and electronic books....

Michael Hopcroft wrote: Seraphim gaurd jsut released HeartQuest Diceless at RPGnow and so far we've had modest but better-than-anticipated success with it. We should have a couple more e-books coming out this summer, but HeartQuest 2nd Edition is being delayed until September to take advanatge of the new D20 rules from GenCon.

Sorry to quote myself, but HQ2E is now looking like a late August-early September release.

Some of the other books are being delayed until after that release. I'm sure glad I don;t pre-announce exact release dates. Basically, a book si done when it;s doen, ready when it;s ready, and published to RPGNow when it;s available.

If you;re going to Genon, Sperahim Guard products can be found at the booth along with PIGames' Active Exploits cire rules, which you will need to play HeartQuest Diceless.

Message 6756#73988

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On 7/7/2003 at 11:11am, S.Lonergan wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Well, knowing my luck it'll probably get pushed back. But i'm aiming for a late august/early september release for Untitled. A horror game where reality is an ever present threat to the players and antagonist's alike. I'm not great at pitching anything in particular, so I guess i'll let it speak for itself. It'll be a 5$ download when it arrives.


Message 6756#73994

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On 7/13/2003 at 8:32pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Well, Lashings of Ginger Beer is now finished. I'm considering my options on publication (which wil be before September) but at the moment selling hardcopy locally at Cons and so on. Would mail if there is the interest.

The home of Beyond Belief RPG's

Message 6756#74993

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On 7/14/2003 at 9:15pm, JSDiamond wrote:
ORBIT rpg pre-orders now!

Orbit will be in book form at the end of July (if the printer's schedule holds true). Though I'm thinking more like first week in August.

260 pages, perfect bound full color cover with b&w and full color interior art. Visit the site for a peek at actual art, more info on the system and setting and how to pre-order your copy.

Message 6756#75138

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On 7/16/2003 at 3:16pm, chadu wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Well, Dead Inside is currently in the Layout process; we hope to release in early August, both PDF and PoD formats.

For more info, you can check my Live Journal (there are interspersed teaser texts) or the Ads/Promo board of (where most if not all of the same teaser texts are availble, plus some discussion).


Message 6756#75338

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On 7/16/2003 at 6:16pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Of Beasts and Men, for The Riddle of Steel, comes out this week.


Message 6756#75380

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On 7/30/2003 at 9:21pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: JUNE: Forge/Indies Release Roadmap for the Summer?

Lashings of Ginger Beer is out now at RPGNow.

Now working on a supplement/sourcebook for it tentatively called Enhanted Realms allowing the kids to travel to the lands of the imagination.

Message 6756#77185

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On 7/30/2003 at 9:25pm, iago wrote:

Fate (which is free) will be putting out a Fudgeless and likely OGL'ed version of itself sometime in August, if the stars do not align against us again.

Message 6756#77187

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