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Topic: First Session Experience
Started by: demiurgeastaroth
Started on: 6/8/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 6/8/2003 at 9:45pm, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
First Session Experience

Well, we played our intro session today. I took the caravan idea and changed it to: The King of Gelure has just declared himself emperor and attacked Ouestenreich. The players are part of a caravan of people fleeing the crushing defeat of their side, seeking sanctuary in Farrensire - unaware that the border march lord has sold out to the Emperor.

Anyway, we did a couple of sample fights, and to my surprise, the players pretty much grasped the combat system straight away - not merely the mechanics, but the art of balancing their dice pools.

I did run a few sample combats last Wednesday with two other players, and it didn't quite go so well (but it was predictable). The first combat went like this.

Round 1
Declare initiative: both players throw red.
Declare attacks: both players go all out attack.
Resolve attacks: both players die.
One player: "Well this is a crap combat system!"

We did do another fight which didn't go quite so badly, and the naysayer started to appreciate the potential but still has doubts.

The session we played today was a much more thorough workout of the system, and it does flow pretty smoothly (with the aid of Brian Leybourne's damage table program, anyway). But I imagine most people here knew that already :)

Anyway, lots of fun was had all round. But expect more questions!

Message 6807#70813

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On 6/9/2003 at 1:34am, Morfedel wrote:
RE: First Session Experience

The players in quesiton need to be aware that all out attacks were INTENDED to be dangerous, because fatality potential is high; you fight cautiously, cleverly, perhaps underhandedly, and certainly tactically; all out attacks and stupid swordplay leads to death.

Have them come read this, and try it again! :)

Message 6807#70834

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On 6/9/2003 at 1:38am, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
RE: First Session Experience

Morfedel wrote: The players in quesiton need to be aware that all out attacks were INTENDED to be dangerous, because fatality potential is high; you fight cautiously, cleverly, perhaps underhandedly, and certainly tactically; all out attacks and stupid swordplay leads to death.

Have them come read this, and try it again! :)

That first group didn't quite grasp that initially (as the example showed!), but they did start to see what you mention above.
The second group seemed to grasp it immediately - though I suspect it'll take a bit longer for the TROS philosophy of "pick your fights, and if you can't cheat, run" to sink in...

Message 6807#70835

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On 6/9/2003 at 12:21pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: First Session Experience

most players are used to the D&D method.. i hit you, you hit me, and laugh, we play, we both live, or i kill you..

brian and a few others will be happy to know that i am accepting the system a little more

basically, players are used to seeing combat in D&D... i have never run combat like D&D, i run it more like an actual fight, where the creature uses its own strengths, to overthrow the party... i dont throw out a creature to get killed by the PCs.. i throw one out to challenge them.... which in turn means that i actually go through the fight in my head.... which is what you have to do in TROS..

example: fighter facing off against an Orc... both using a long sword

"fighter: i swing at him (*dm grumbles*) DM he manages to avoid your swing, he swings back at you with his sword, slashing at your midsection, nailing you in the process. Fighter: ouch.. he better do better than that next time, i'll swing at his legs (*dm grumbles again*) DM: you connect this time, and cut into his left leg,. Fighter: but i am right handed!...(*dm grumble), ok where did you want to connect, Fighter: Kneecap!! (*dm grumble*), then say that next time, ok you connect with his kneecap, slicing in.....

it goes downhill from, that was a typical D&D fight from the groups i have run for

Message 6807#70856

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On 6/9/2003 at 1:30pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: First Session Experience

Well, then they are in for either a treat or a nightmare, depending on their reaction - but you will sure get what YOU want! :)

Message 6807#70865

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