The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Clarity
Started by: jdrakeh
Started on: 9/24/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 9/24/2001 at 11:08am, jdrakeh wrote:

Recently I have been trapped in a state of deep depression, but did I let that daunt me for long? No!

Putting my complete apathy to work for me, I concocted a horribly dark game inspired by the recent SJG release "Vigilante" and the less recent Dirt Merchant release "Freebase".

The work is, in fact, a playable game (although not a LARP for reasons which should be obvious to any who have read the aforementioned titles). It is also an artistic statement of sorts (albeit an unpopular one).

The thrust of the game is that once a man has been stripped of all his crutches, the nature of evil becomes undeniably clear.

That nature as portrayed in the game is simple: Man is the fountain from which all evil flows - no matter the lengths one goes to in order to deny it, they are evil.

The primary focus of the game is one of moral exploration and conflict - everything therein revolves around a core set of seven moral traits (certain infamous sins).

Roles (characters, that is) are working towards either personal achievement through embracement of the truth, or total disconnection from the horrible truth through what they perceive as exoneration.

The game as it stands is not about beginnings and endings, but rather what transpires inbetween - it's the journey that matters, not the outcome.

I've already sent along a copy of the draft to Jared Sorensen seeking his input, but I'd really like to hear your input as well.

Within the next few days, I'll have a copy of the game up at my site (in HTML format).

You can reach it at the following URL when it is uploaded:

Thanks in advance!

Yours cordially and sincerely,
James Hargrove

PS - Does anybody know where RPGnet has gone this morning? I can't even raise a server maintenance notice... it's just... gone.

Message 682#5751

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On 9/24/2001 at 11:16am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Clarity


While I can get to RPGnet fine... I can't get to your link.

Message 682#5752

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On 9/24/2001 at 11:50am, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Clarity

Heh, ah yes - I appear to be able to reach RPGnet now myself (maybe it was just a temporary server burp).

As for my link, the file hasn't been uploaded just yet - but I promise it will be there in a day or two (sorry to keep you waiting).

James Hargrove

On 2001-09-24 07:16, Key20Jason wrote:

While I can get to RPGnet fine... I can't get to your link.

Message 682#5753

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On 9/24/2001 at 12:23pm, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Clarity

Well, hastening my uploading of the file due to such sudden interest, the above posted link now works.... but beware.

Being a rather quick format of a an MSWord document, the HTML looks like crap (my text editor and HTML editor just don't get on well).

With any luck, I'll get a version uploaded by the end of the week that won't make your eyes bleed :smile:

James Hargrove

Message 682#5754

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...started by jdrakeh which jdrakeh participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 9/24/2001