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Topic: Aspect distinction in Crux
Started by: taalyn
Started on: 6/13/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/13/2003 at 4:17am, taalyn wrote:
Aspect distinction in Crux

Mathias Jack and I have been working on Crux, and have revised it a bit. Chargen is prioritized, a la TRoS. Most draws use an aspect + trait. For example, Tobra, a Quem of Wells, has Strength 2, and water-skills aspect 2. When she's lifting boxes, she'd draw on her base trait, 2. When she's swimming, she'd draw 4 (Str 2 + 2 from aspect).

Aspects can do a number of things: modify a trait (as above), modify an obstacle (use a skill to make it easier), modify the caern directly (the aspect "Lucky" would add an extra Wyrd mote to the caern), create or modify innate feits and abilities, or create or modify backgrounds, equipment, or physical gifts (like gills, for example).

That's basic setup for the system. Here's an example, and questions I have for you folks.

Tobra, the Quem woman mentioned above, has numina (focus, metaphysical species) of Wells. She has 2 professions, babysitter by day, vigilante by night. Her passions focus around saving children, whether homeless or in abusive situations, building community (expected for a well-woman!), and environmental action regarding water quality.

Here's the thing: she has a martial arts aspect for when she's running around being vigilante-ish. I want any given draw to use aspect+trait at the most, so there would never be a case of aspects doubling up. Which means that if any aspect seems like it would obviously be included, or give a bonus to another aspect, something in the definition of the aspects is messed up. Normally, a profession includes all the skills associated, so vigilante would include the martial arts - which is where I'm having problems, as that's trait+aspect+aspect.

Should I allow aspects of aspects? That is, Tobra's Vigilante aspect is 2, but for martial arts she has an additional aspect (say, +1, costing 3 motes total, 2 for vigilante, and 1 for martial arts).

Is there a good way to explain the differences here? How do I define the scope of a skill or profession so that chargen isn't incoherent? Should scope be carefully limited in description at all (I'm tending to no, but it seems like issues I've just introduced would become problematic)?

Your thoughts are appeciated!


Message 6869#71554

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On 6/13/2003 at 12:22pm, MathiasJack wrote:
Aspects of Aspects

So Tobra has a Red Trait (Strength) of 2.
She has an Aspect of Profession: Vigilante, Red 2
She has an Aspect of Martial Arts, Red 1

First off, I agree Taalyn, that aspects shouldn't bunch up. My gut instinct is that the player goes with whatever aspect is higher. Bingo, simple.

But your example raised an additional question for me, as regards to how aspects are defined. If Tobra got in a fight while she was a babysitter (a professional aspect which sadly does not cover fighting), would she be able to apply her Vigilante Aspect or only her Martial Arts Aspect? I think as a Guide for this Crux player, I would advise at character creation to watch out for such redundancy. Even if the specific aspect is ranked higher than the profession aspect, I would ask the player why not apply the points into raising the profession aspect.

Two possible solutions:
The profession aspect isn't a catch all, but a number of points to apply to aspects. Example: Vigilante itself is labeled on the character sheet as Profession (along with babysitting), but then has, say 5 points to create specific aspects out of, so Vigilante becames Fighting (Red3), Stealth (Cyan2) and 2 points that the Guide deems applicable towards Passions (Idealism or Heroism or something).

The other solution is to link aspects. Example: Because when ever Tobra gets in a fight, she utilizes her fighting skills that default from Vigilante as well as her Martial Arts. Since she placed two into Vigilante, and one into Martial Arts, her Martial Arts is labeled on the character sheet as Martial Arts 1 (3). The Martial Arts aspect is specialized. It never adds to the Vigilante aspect, but when Martial Arts is used it is always at 3. It is kind of like the professional aspect has been specialized in that way, and always applies. No going back and forth, no adding and subtracting, it is effectively always there.

What do you think of all that?

Message 6869#71577

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On 6/13/2003 at 5:36pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Aspect distinction in Crux

How about basic augmenting? Draw on one, and take successes, and add them to the other draw. Always draw against some basic diffficulty to make it risky. Thus, she could draw on the martial arts, and get one success, which adds one to her Vigilante Draw.

This solves the problem, and gives you a rule for augmenting in general. So one player can help another, etc.


Message 6869#71630

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On 6/14/2003 at 6:43pm, taalyn wrote:
RE: Aspect distinction in Crux


Here's where the scope issue is visible. Babysitting and Vigilante and actually excellent examples.

I understand I was confusing the scope of a Profession, and that martial arts would be a red aspect that was part of vigilante (which wouldn't have a hand of its own).

- martial arts: R2
- criminal knowledge: G1

That's that issue taken care of. But, the same really can't be done with Babysitting. If I try, I end up with 1) too many important Babbysitting skills unrepresented, and 2) many aspects that are rarely if ever used.
If it's aspected like this:

- watch kids: R1
- change diapers: R1
- entertain kids: R1

then most of these aspects are rarely if ever useful in game - how often is diaper-changing critical to the story? Not often, I'd think. Also, in orer to account for all the necessary aspects, they've all got to be pretty damn low, and I haven't even accounted for emergencies. I think Babysitting is a skill complex of its own (the scope is wider), partially because the skills it embodies are not important to game-play. The question, then, is how do I describe the difference in scope in a meaningful way? And, am I being too specific when I approach babysitting - can aspects be presented which lie on a different logical level altogether, making my points moot?

You've introduced Passions as derived from Profession in your example (2 motes for Passions out of 5 for profession). I like, but how did you get there?

I don't like the linking thing. It makes the 1 of Martial Arts 1(3) rather pointless.

Mike, I like your idea, and just might incorporate it - it's then not an additional bonus, but using one skill in a way that benefits another. Neat and simple. It also has the added advantage of providing a mechanic for PC teaching PC - Bob draws on his Yoga aspect, gets 3 power. Which means Jonas, learning Yoga from Bob, now has 3 motes do draw, and any power he gets goes toward his new Yoga aspect. This is particularly useful for feits and magic, or fighting skills of various sorts, in game. Thanks!


Message 6869#71793

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