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Topic: question re: future HeroQuest releases
Started by: Rob MacDougall
Started on: 6/21/2003
Board: HeroQuest

On 6/21/2003 at 10:46pm, Rob MacDougall wrote:
question re: future HeroQuest releases

Hi all.

Ron's preview of HeroQuest over at Pyramid (link will work for subscribers only) may have kicked up a little hand-wringing on the discussion boards about the difference between editorial and advertising content, but it also did its job of getting at least one person (that is, me) interested in the game and the system.

Anyway, there's talk on the Pyramid boards about a "lite" version of the rules coming out later this summer -- but it's not clear whether this is a short starter-kit summary like the PDF already available on the Hero Wars site, or a complete version of the rules minus the Glorantha setting. Or whether it is really coming out at all. Can anyone here confirm, deny or clarify what is in the pipeline after the HeroQuest book coming out this month?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.


Message 6960#72631

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On 6/23/2003 at 10:16am, Tim Ellis wrote:
RE: question re: future HeroQuest releases

Hi Rob.
To the best of my knowledge these are the "definite" up coming products for Heroquest following the release of the Core Rules on July 14th...

3001. HeroQuest Voices, a free electronic book -- July 2003
This will be available as a download from (I think) Issaries and Warehouse 23. It is a collection of old (revised?) and new material in the form of "What my Father Told Me" and "What the Priests say" that were a feature of old RQ products - This will support the cultures introduced in the rulebook so will (I imagine) be rules free.

1002. Hero's Book, Playing HeroQuest -- August 2003, 64 pp.
This I think is your "lite" version you refer to - it is intended to be the "Players" book - according to the website (URL at the end) "It contains all of the game's key rules, as well as many tips for creating effective heroes, using the rules to their advantage, and roleplaying in the world of Glorantha without being intimidated by its vast scope and history"

1502. Dragon Pass, Land of Thunder (Sartar gazetteer) -- October 2003 (standard format, plus full color poster-size map)
Maps and Myths!

1303. Masters of Luck and Death, Hero Bands volume 1 -- December 2003 (standard format)
Advice on running different types of Campaign (Warriors, Scholars, Healers, Merchants, Entertainers, Magicans, "Adventurers") and ready made Hero Bands to go with them

The next two products should be
1304. Under the Red Moon, Imperial Lunar Handbook volume 2 -- Spring 2004
1403. Gathering Thunder, Sartar Rising part 3 -- Spring 2004

I believe all of these are written and are in various stages of completion beyond that (although this being Issaries, I wouldn't rule out last minute additions - I expect that Heroquest Voices was material that couldn't be fit in the rulebook!)

The Issaries website includes a current product listing which contains scheduled works and coming attractions which are books being worked on, or planned but with no firm place in the schedule yet

Message 6960#72686

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On 6/23/2003 at 1:45pm, Rob MacDougall wrote:
RE: question re: future HeroQuest releases

Many thanks, Tim, for the quick & thorough reply! That clears things up a lot; I think I was getting HeroQuest Voices and the Hero's Book conflated. Obviously lots to look forward to.


Message 6960#72691

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On 6/23/2003 at 2:04pm, Nick Brooke wrote:
But wait! There's more!!

As well as all the products Tim mentioned, I'm pretty sure Issaries will be putting a basic HeroQuest rules synopsis up as a free download from their website (they did this with Hero Wars, too). This may be more use as a reference sheet than as a guide to newcomers.

Incidentally, HeroQuest Voices was never intended to be part of the main HQ rulebook. I suggested this product to Greg Stafford back in April, as a way of getting this great Gloranthan material (some of it first published 18 years ago!) up to date and back in circulation. He said he thought it was a great idea, and would I mind doing the work of pulling it together? You'll see the results next month... I'm very pleased with what we've created, and the new "voices" (Doraddi, Esrolian, Esvulari, Tarshite, Teshnan, et cetera) hold up well against the "classics" from Gods of Glorantha, the Genertela box and Elder Secrets.

Message 6960#72697

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