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Topic: I need advice
Started by: Matt Gwinn
Started on: 9/28/2001
Board: Errant Knight Games

On 9/28/2001 at 5:52pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
I need advice

As my wrestling game Kayfabe reaches completion I have found myself in a rather awkward spot.

For those of you unfamiliar with Kayfabe, this is how the game works now.
When players first make their wrestlers they are required to come up with a Pay Per View match that will occur at the end of the campaign. It is the job of both player and Game Master (Booker) to make sure those matches occur as planned.

As the game stands now, the Booker sets up all the matches ahead of time. Then, during the Booking Session, the players roleplay their wrestlers' reactions to those matches and can use their Clout to negotiate match changes. This section of the game also involves the players roleplyaying whatever side plots the Booker desides to throw their way in addition to any flaws their wrestler may have like drug and alcohol problems, family issues etc .

The next part of the game is the actual matches, promos, skits and interviews that would occur on air. This part of the game works great and I don't plan to change it.

I have been toying with the idea of completely changing the first part of the game to something a little more true to life while at the same time giving the players more authorial power. This is my idea:

During character creation have each player come up with a PPV match as usual. Players should not tell anyone what their match will be (including the booker). That match description will then be placed in an envelope that will be sealed until the Pay Per View. Each player should then strive to make sure that the match they have come up with not only occurs but is also the main event.

The next change would come during the Booking Session where the players would take on the roles of, not the wrestlers, but the writers of the show. During this part of the game the players will come up with all the storylines and skits for the show. Additionally, each player will be allowed to set up (book) one match for the show. After the matches are set up the Booker will then desides who the winner of each match will be. Remember, the players won't know what each other's PPV match is. I envision a lot of intrigue and need for strategy. I also think this change will put a lot more power into the hands of the players and create a lot less work on the part of the Booker.

My problem is that I don't want to lose the aspect of the game where the players get to "roleplay" the wrestler's off-air drama. I'm concerned that players may have trouble switching from the role of Writer to Wrestler, but I don't want to lose the political aspect of the game where wrestlers attempt to get their matches changed and interact with each other.

Any suggestions?

,Matt G.

Message 700#5986

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On 9/28/2001 at 6:37pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: I need advice

I think these are all fantastic ideas. Many superstars have a good degree of clout with the writers anyway, so you could easily have a Player as Wrestler roleplay a scene against a Player as Writer.

Maybe to lesson the impact of switching roles, the Player as Writer largely occurs between game sessions. Perhaps the Writers actually write. Have the player write out the scripts they'd like to see and present them to the booker. Have the booker use the ones he likes, mix and match, switch stuff around, and edit away and then set up the play session based on these modified scripts. That way alot of the prep work is done for you by the players, but yet none of the players really know whats up even if a scene starts to look similar.

Message 700#5989

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On 9/28/2001 at 6:49pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: I need advice

Give each player a "vs. session" where they get to go head-to-head against another player's character. This could be wrestler vs. wrestler (in or out of the ring), writer vs. writer, writer vs. wrestler, manager vs...well, you get the idea.

One thing that few RPG's espouse is the concept of game sessions being fundementally different than one another. The exception usually being the "first session, make a character" rule where people try and write up characters that will work together.

But aside from that, it seems that people just go along with the ride from there on out. Why not have a game where every Xth session is THIS and alternate sessions are THIS?*

- J

*Troupe style play would be kinda similar, but that's just a change of character rather than a change in what is actually done during the session.

Message 700#5991

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On 9/28/2001 at 6:53pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: I need advice

Valamir Wrote
"Maybe to lesson the impact of switching roles, the Player as Writer largely occurs between game sessions. "

I like that idea, but it doesn't give the players much of a chance to brainstorm. What do you think about having a separate game session to do all of that? That way the players can all interact, but there is still that time inbetween. Or maybe, have a break in the session. I know there are a lot of times when I'm gaming and we take a dinner break at some point. What if you did the Booking Session first then took an hour break to order pizza and whatnot, then switch gears?

"Perhaps the Writers actually write. Have the player write out the scripts they'd like to see and present them to the booker."

I like the idea of writing out ideas, but I want to avoid actually scripting out promos especially if the wrestlers involved were not created by the player who came up with the idea.

"Have the booker use the ones he likes, mix and match, switch stuff around, and edit away and then set up the play session based on these modified scripts."

I really like that idea. It would ensure that the players are actually interested in the direction of the game yet still allow the Booker to introduce conflict and drama into the game.

Thanks a lot Valamir.


Message 700#5992

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On 9/28/2001 at 6:58pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: I need advice

I agree with you Jared. the only problem I see is the fact that most gamers I know that are nt the Game Master don't want to take a whole game session to plan out the next one. I'm not sure many gamers even try having a character creation session, though I prefer it that way.


Message 700#5993

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On 9/28/2001 at 7:09pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: I need advice

I like the idea of writing out ideas, but I want to avoid actually scripting out promos especially if the wrestlers involved were not created by the player who came up with the idea.

But that seems like vintage material there. Imagine the Rock's reaction the first time he gets told he's supposed to lose to that Maeven guy from the Tough Enough contest.

Imagine all of the threats and intrigue and promises that would just come out of trying to get your character out of an undesired script. And it wouldn't be completely open to player hosing as the Booker would decide what gets used and what gets thrown out. Write something too nasty and the Booker may just like it enough to substitute your character for your intended victim.

I could see the Rock's player agreeing to the loss if it came as a result of HHH's cheating...thereby setting up the Rock - HHH rivalry hopefully leading to the big match at PPV.

An option I just thought of for one of those transitional sessions where ther are no big story lines to pursue. "Real Wrestling Raffle". Watch a bunch of wrestling that week and take notes. Than randomly select an actual wrestling situation / scenario from one of the shows and randomly assign characters to each of the roles thereby creating the script for the sessiona and setting up future story lines.

Message 700#5994

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On 9/28/2001 at 7:50pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: I need advice

You're absolutely right there. I don't know why I didn't see it before. That fits in perfect and pretty much solves my problem.

I think what I might do is give a few different options of play.

1 - Players come up with storyline ideas, matches and promos on their own and give their ideas to the Booker a day or so before the game. the Booker then sorts it all out and mixes it all togetehr as he sees fit.

2 - The players take an entire game session to collaborate and come up with ideas. Then the Booker takes it all home...

3 - Players take an hour or so to come up with ideas either as a group or individually, give them to the Booker and then take a break while the Booker sorts everything out.

I think that's done the trick. Now, instead of 2 parts of the game there will be three:
-The Booking Committe
-Backstage Politics

Thanks again Valamir.
I think my problems solve, but I'd still appreciate any additional input anyone wants to send my way.

,Matt G

Message 700#5997

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