The Forge Reference Project


Topic: RPGMall at Origins
Started by: rpghost
Started on: 6/30/2003
Board: Publishing

On 6/30/2003 at 11:03pm, rpghost wrote:
RPGMall at Origins

I was asked how Origins went and I thought I'd copy what I wrote in email here as you people might be interested...

First of all, Origins had record attendence this year. But it's traditionally a wargame crowd. Last year sales were very bad for most publishers. This year was only slightly better...

Anyway, how was Origins for us?

It depends on which hat I put on when I answer this. From the publishers point of view and selling product it was very bad. Most RPGs at the show did aweful. In fact we only sold a dozen or so books there...

If you ask me as RPGMall owner, it went OK. I talked to some retailers and hope to get some support. I got the word out a bit and it was an OK show.

If you ask me as - then the show rocked. I got excellent verbal commitments from many large publishers to join us in selling ebook. I handed out 350 cds and ran out. I plan to pass out 1000 at GenCon!

Personally, it was boring. Not many vendors did much other then eat after the exhibit hall closed. I was hoping to play some board games as I never get the time. That and I was away from my newborn too long..


P.S. If you want a demo on the CD, you just have to ask if you're a RPGMall vendor (but I need it this week).

Message 7024#73361

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